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Tolerance or Crappy Meth?

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Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I got a 8 ball 12 days ago and initially was fine.

Then my bag was getting moist so I poured contents to container and added 3 blue silica caps you get in vitamin bottles.

All of a sudden instead of using 30 - 60mg daily I used 250 mg today with still an ineffective high.

Am I maybe using the shit stuff or maybe half bag was msm? Or did the silica gel have an effect?
Were you sleeping or taking breaks in those 12 days? Sounds like your dopamine was depleted. At the beginning of a lengthy binge a little goes a long way. After awhile you're running on empty and no longer get the "high", you're just staying awake. I can get rocked for 2 days off a half, after that I can go through a G a day easy and not get that euphoric high.
I find my tolerance builds very rapidly as well.

Later that first night all I get from a shot is a warm rush, while my initial dose was rather euphoric.

If you get the jitters or nausea, i'd go with bunk meth. But if it's just merely not as euphoric as before, then tolerance.
We can't know your tolerance and we can't know the quality of your drugs. It's probably a combination of both, but i'm going to close this.
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