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To roll or not to roll?


Dec 21, 2014
I intended for this to be short and sweet but it ended up being lengthy, but felt the information was necessary to give you a better insight into my situation.

Please only answer this if you've got a fair amount of experience with MDMA (I'm not after some rehashed story you've read, im looking for personal experience and inisight).

Basically all my mates are big into MDMA, as in taking it fortnightly or even weekly in some cases - which I think is not only a waste of money but a risky as hell (Some of them have to take over 300mg just to feel anything now).
While I've always been abit hesitant to try them myself, I'm so sick of watching them have an amazing pinging time while I stumble around in a drunken haze and have a mediocre time at best, and an absolutely shit time at worst.

Anyway the turning point was when my best mate - who is the most anti drugs person in the world - had his drink spiked with what we believe was E or MDMA crystal and went on to have the most enjoyable experience of his life (in his own words).

Now there are a couple of big music festivals coming up and im seriously considering pinging for them, but there are a few strings attached in my case;
I've been taking prozac for almost a year (for my ADD not depression since dexamphetamines arent really a long term option and i was getting pretty irritable on them) and by the time the festival rolls around i will have been off them for about 5 or 6 weeks. I went off them because of some side effects i started experiencing, but does that seem like sufficient time to allow me to feel the full effect of MDMA? I understand that SSRI's and MDMA are generally a safe combination but renders the MDMA useless as you cannot roll the way a normal person would, so i dont want to bother if theres a good chance i wont experience any of the positive effects.

The other thing is that roughly 4 years ago i smoked some weed (which we all swear was laced with something else, angel dust possibly? because all of us that smoked it had the most intense high, i was having full blown hallucinations etc) and had a panick attack which has resulted in me living the last 4 years of my life with depersonalization. This was pretty tough to deal with at first, especially the fact that i couldnt quite describe how i was feeling to my family or friends, but its gotten better over time to the point where I no longer notice it).
I've heard some say that MDMA will definately trigger a panick attack, while others claim that while rolling you are probably the least anxious you will ever be, but i realize theres no definitive answer to this as it can vary that greatly from person to person.

So at the end of the day its risk vs reward i guess. I want to get some of your opinions on this guys. Putting yourself in my shoes and knowing only what I've just told you, would you chance it and try to roll for the upcoming festival, wait a few more weeks/months, or abstain completely from ever touching the stuff - and do you regret using it yourself?
It can vary to each individual, I've read that 4-6 weeks is enough for some people and for others the wait time is around 3 months. I'm sure if you try to roll at the festival you'll be able to roll but I'm not sure if it'll be the full experience. If you really want to go then go who knows you might roll fully and have the time of your life, but if you can wait i'd try and wait another 2 months before going to a festival. But if you do go and you aren't able to roll, then you know to wait another 2 months and try again.

About the panic attacks i haven't really heart much about people having panic attacks from it, but when I first started, the first few times I got REALLY bad anxiety coming up, one time so bad I had to get out of the car and start walking which didn't really helpl, but after the come up most of the time you're anxiety free and just feel amazing, rarely once a while i'll get random waves of anxiety while rolling, but they last only for a couple seconds and go away.

Honestly for me, i'm glad I started rolling, It changed my life, making me more into an extrovert I love going out and having fun now(all I think about tho ), I've had the best nights of my life on it, i'm more outgoing, learned to appreciate more things, had fun experiences and memories and have many more to come. But with the good there's always the bad, I basically have shit memory, it's very hard to recall what I've done even today, or the past days or weeks. 2 weeks go by and feels like it's only been 2 days and feels like i've been living a dream barely even remembering what I did. My focus is way down the drain, had periods of depression, felt distant from the world one time, failed 2 classes this quarter from rolling making me not give a fk about school, get sidetracked very easily and countless other things I can't even remember or recall right now. But all this i'm used to by now so none of my bad memory or negative side effects really bothers me, and I learned all the depression is in your mind from the rolling so that doesn't bother me as well. I'm sure your side effects wont turn out nearly as bad as mine if you use responsibly every 1-3 months. But honestly since your friends are using weekly sometimes, which my friends and I do a lot, you might fall in love with it and want to do it with them every time they do, or even more often(my case) but that's what you DO NOT want to do. Using weekly will be fun at first but it gets rid of the magic quick, you'll feel like shit fast after a while, it'll get boring, you'll get side effects I get to my extent after a while, tolerance builds fast(.3 g initial dose is decent for me) and you'll get to the point where you trip out sometimes and have bad rolls(negative thoughts while i'm rolling).

So if you think you can use responsibly using every 1-3 months, which is easier said than done, then I recommend you to roll cause it's a great drug and can change your life is used responsibly.
Or if you don't think you can use responsibly and would probably end up doing it with your friends all the time, and you don't mind having the side effects I listed above then go ahead and roll, it's not a healthy life but it's really not that bad as long as you have your priorities straight.
Hope I helped you make your choice!
Cheers man for taking the time to read my post and give me a well thought out reply.

I know excatly what you mean when you talk about how days, weeks and months all blend together and everything feels dreamlike, that's basically depersonalization in a nutshell and ive had to put up with that for the last 4 and a half years, however their is one positive i've found and that is that it forces you to live in the moment, because everything in the past is kind of one big blur and may as well not even exist. So now i'm thinking if i'm already stuck with this, then i don't have to worry about MDMA triggering it haha?

I'm still up in the air about whether to do it at this festival or not, it will probably be a spur of the moment thing to be honest but I wouldn't mind waiting the extra month or two to ensure that i will have a good time on it. I really dont want to risk getting serotonin syndrome if i can help it, even though that usually doesnt occur wit SSRI's theres still a chance ive been told.
Yeah taking it weekly is just asking for trouble but i can't talk them out of it, they'll just have to find out the hard way i guess.

MDMA and alchohol aside, can you think of anything else worth taking for a festival that wont interfere with the meds i have been on?
Hi. More than a month seems to be sufficient time after prosac. I am not encouraging you to take a drug but here are my opinion:
- everyone should experience MDMA at least once in their lifetime. It's that special. I feel connected to others, in peace with everything, music goes super HD, really easy to move/dance. :)
- panic attacks mostly happen on the come-up (being anxious that something might go wrong or it feels too intense) or few days after the roll, mostly when taking other drugs, like alcohol, weed or overdoing MDMA. To avoid this: test your pill/crystal with a reagent kit (check out our drug testing faq) to make sure it's MDMA. Don't take more than 120-130mg and I wouldn't redose on my first time. If you want to anyway, don't take more than half the initial dose (60-70mg @ T+1,5hrs). If you smoke weed and have no problem with it generally, it goes nicely with the comedown of your roll and even the day after. If you still experience panicky symptoms, avoid smoking it at any cost. Also take long, at least a month long breaks between rolls. Doing it on consecutive days is the top of stupidity.
- I regret nothing. This is the most magical compund I've ever touched - not that I tried a lot :) I'm using it responsibly, once a month tops, always tested with marquis reagent. Never had a comedown or hangover except for one occasion when I took ~300mg in several caps throughout the day as an experiment. I was strung out for a day or two and it wasn't worth it. I just take 120mg then 60mg an hour after it came up.

Safe rollling! ;)
Sometimes I do feel depersonalized.. but that does last shortly like one or two days and happened only once or twice after redosing plenty and using high amounts. For me the dreamlike is more of my memory is just so terrible now I can barely remember everything that happens so everything is just like a blur, it's like being high all the time forgetting things easily, except that i'm sober lol. But since you seem set on rolling eventually I would just try to roll at the festival, it's a good chance you'll roll and if you end up not rolling then there's not much harm done besides the money you spent on the MDMA and 1-2 months later when you try it again i'm sure you'll have a great time then. I wouldn't worry about getting serotonin syndrome since it's a very low chance you'll get it. But if you don't want to roll or drink at that festival, if you're experienced with acid or shrooms some people like to use those, or some ketamine too.
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Yeah depersonalization is a strange beast, it is pretty similar to being high on pot in my opinion, which is unfortunate for me because i've never liked the high you get from cannabis. You learn to live with it though (what other option do you have other then necking yourself which would be a bit of an overreaction to say the least).

I think I'll give it a shot at the upcoming festival, given that the worst case scenario is that it does jack shit and i waste 20 bucks, and best case scenario i have the time of my life.
Any tips on what to take before/during/after to help alleviate any unwanted effects or to help soften the comedown?
Drink lots of water, don´t take to much and try to calm down afterwards, like trying to sleep, even though you won´t be able to. Just let it be..
Drink lots of water, don´t take to much and try to calm down afterwards, like trying to sleep, even though you won´t be able to. Just let it be..
If you're not able to sleep after a roll, it's not (only) MDMA. ;)
stinkypinky94 said:
Any tips on what to take before/during/after to help alleviate any unwanted effects or to help soften the comedown?
There are lots of preload-postload regimens going around, I found them unnecessary though, never had a comedown.
Some rules that make sure you'll have smooth sailing:
- drop on empty stomach - no food 3 hours prior (you'll get fast come up and full effects)
- drink 250-500ml liquid (water, sports drink) every hour depending on your activity and ambient temperaure
- if you need energy, fructose candy is your friend, you won't be able to eat much, you won't desire proper food at all
- eat some salty sticks or pretzels to maintain salt balance (if you drink a lot, it gets washed out of your system)
- take breaks from dancing every hour or so to make sure your body temp won't go too high
- a beer or two won't hurt (has loads of calories for energy) but drinking too much can alter the clean rolling feeling (drinking alcohol like you were drinking only can lead to blackouts)
- if you have tense jaw which is common, get chewing gums to avoid dental damage
- magnesium said to help with tense muscles. I usually pop some effervescent tablets in my waterbottle.
- you can take some antioxidants after, like vitamin C

And lastly, look after the others in your group, bring them water if you see they haven't had a sip for an hour. I really appreciate these kind of gestures from my friends :)
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Why don't you guys take 5htp after? All these side effects are non existent after rolling if you take just 200mg of5htp found in all health food stores
being someone who reliably gets severe derealization for quite some time from a smoking just a little weed, i was very apprehensive about trying any empathogen or psychedelic. but after falsely believing that i had tried a small amount (don't ask, i didn't know much about mdma back then) without feeling any consequences (obviously, i was enjoying the placebo effect ;)), i decided to try pills and it turns out that mdma indeed doesn't cause dr/dp for me at all.
panic attacks are something i got from many different causes, but i couldn't imagine one happening while on mdma. not even on the comeup. but then i have never had an unpleasant comeup while others report some anxiety if they take a too large dose at once.
for some mdma can cause decreased stress resistance in the days following the experience, so to avoid anxiety you shouldn't roll when you have a stressful time at the moment if you're susceptible to such a thing.

you shouldn't worry about serotonin syndrome with ssris at all. especially when they will be out of your body for that amount of time. you risk of getting serotonin syndrome is zero. the only thing to observe is that for some people it takes a while (weeks-months) after stopping the ssri until mdma works properly again.
Sounds to me like you're in a good position to roll OP. Thats enough time off the SSRIs and enough time separated from your bad laced weed experience imo. Just please dont turn into a dumbass like your friends taking mdma weekly
thanks for the input boys but ive decided against rolling for NYE, I'm going to play it safe and wait until around mid march for the next big festival. As they say its Better to be safe then sorry.