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    The Americas
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Tips for spotting an unmarked cop car on North American roads

back in the day...

They've been fucking everywhere recently in lower Manhattan. Like bloody cockroaches.

Reminds me of the "Operation Pressure Point" days in late 1980s. They would have a lookout posted incognito on a rooftop eyeballing customers leaving the spot and use their radio to provide a description of the unsuspecting customer to the unmarked car(s) or vans sitting two or three blocks away. Just when you thought you were home free, a late model domestic unmarked vehicle would come to a screeching halt along side you, all four doors would spring open and then IT'S ON. I'd be running like a motherfucker trying to either swallow or toss the bags before the fastest one would tackle me and body slam my ass to the pavement. If they thought you were trying to swallow the bags, they would "yolk" you, choking the shit out of you trying to prevent you from swallowing. Also, while you were on the ground, they'd be sure to get a few kicks in, cursing you out for trying to run away. Nonetheless, I ran every time. Finally, they would yank you up to your feet, cuff you, and high five each other for a job well done. Once I was smart enough to slip my bags into a Marlboro box while still at the spot, while running I reached into my pants, grabbed the pack and threw it under a car as I ran. They caught up to me and when they couldn't find any dope, they beat my ass and sent me on my way. Someone must have seen me toss the dope because the shit wasn't there later that day when I went back.

I'm glad those days are over. Just for today.