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Time Dilation


Oct 16, 2015
I just had a thought. I currently possess a chemical that slows down my relative perception of time. Has anyone truly thought about the implications of this?

I once read a short story by Robert Heinlein that categorized ones age into their relative thought-time. Basically he proposed that the length of one's life is measured by the amount of thoughts one is able to have during their life. If this is to be considered as true, wouldn't time dilation be one of the most profound tools the human race has access to?

I have been intrigued by dissociative chemicals for many years now, and this curiosity has led to incredibly intense periods of the phenomenon known as time dilation. I recall suffering for what felt like an eternity when in reality I was lying in bed for a day. So this is the question I propose to you, the people of Bluelight; is time dilation a good thing, and can it be used advantageously in one's personal life? Whenever I find myself in a stretched out minute I usually end up feeling a profound sense of distress and panic, is there any way around this?

Just food for thought.
i think this is probably more suited to Philosophy and Spirituality, although if you want to discuss how disassociatives distort perception of time then it might be moved to Psychedelic Drugs Discussion.

TDS -> P&S
Not sure I really see any advantages to this.. it's not like time is actually shifting, just your perception of it. You still only get done what you would otherwise get done in that period of time anyway.. the real world goes on regardless of how you relate to its time. Incidentally I noticed sometimes that when I go running and listen to music that the beat sometimes appears to slow down.. same track.. but the time between beats lengthens. Still doesn't really impact the running in a positive sense.. I feel all drifty.. but I still got to run that last kilometer!

Also if one's life is measured by the amount of thoughts one is able to have during their life.. then all the oldest people should be the most brain dead dimwits ever. But some of them seem pretty fucking sharp to me!
I've noticed this happening when you're speeded up or slowed down.

When you're on stimulants/in benzo withdrawal your metabolism is speeded up, and your brainwaves are more per second, so everything around you appears to be going slower. It's like you have 3 times as much time to respond to a situation. You catch more "frames" of this reality, as it were.

On downers the opposite happens. You slow down and vibrate more slowly. Things seem to be going very fast for you, your brainwaves are so slow, you don't catch so much of what's going in around you.
The last time I did DXM-polistirex (coincidentally the last time I got high), things got very weird for me the next three days after. I worked my way up the dosage curve two days prior with Delsym but on the third day instead of sticking to the dosage curve I had planned I got a whim to hit it really hard a chug a 4th plateau dose. The idea was to quit smoking and drive the cigarette smoking spirits the fuck away but also do it with an interesting experience to tell my kids one day. I got more than I expected.

I had pretty solid trip during the active phase of the experience except for a period of extreme existential distress during the peak. Pretty much spent it lying down in a bed the whole day. Though I somehow managed to make a strange post on bluelight prior to the peak experience before going back in (took me about 20 minutes to robot-walk to the next room and type a couple sentences). Later I came down and felt like the trip was over (I was far from baseline, but not actively tripping) but didn't sleep that night. Then the strangeness started really happening as I left my house and went into the world. You can call it what you want. Lets start with sleep deprived psychotic excuse for a human being in the throws of magical thinking so we can get that out of the way and work our way up from there. Ok, fine... but still. My tone of voice was even, my sentences coherent, my intentions good and nobody else seemed much to notice except when they engaged me for an extended conversation. Then they admittedly got that glow of recognition that said, "oh, this guy isn't mentally in our reality." it was funny how people behaved after that. It wasn't a scary kind of realization for them, just they knew they couldn't be of any real assistance. Seems like they became very perceptive as well. People would pick up on stories that had happened in my trip the day prior, or somehow know that I had just quit smoking. Their pupils became saucers as they talked to me, an interesting observation that I filed away for later till Vortech addressed it in his book. Anyways, my skeptical scientific mind had to shut the fuck up for a bit because I was living it now, not just dreaming up about it later, I had to navigate this weirdness now while keeping my inner distress from showing. Again, in my mind I am beyond debating whether or not I flipped a switch to another dimension, or partially lifted the veil as people sometimes say. Been struggling with that in my own mind enough and y'all aren't exactly helpful when I straight out say it (though of course there's ego involved, I'm aware of that). I certainly haven't attributed it to coincidence control extraterrestrials like others have. If such entities exist, they're power grabbing weirdos in my line of thinking. How convenient they show up to take credit for the content of extraperceptual experiences with a mysterious contract in hand. Does that not make anybody else suspicious? I've investigated enough and got my answer. My sovereignty is sacred to me thank you very much.

Anywho, so time-distortions was one of the most prominent features of this experience. At first it was like being caught in tempestuous seas. I was helpless to the seemingly random whims of non-linear time. My iPhone battery had run out, so I felt stranded at sea. Every time I asked someone for the time they give me ridiculous answers. Was I really to conclude time had just gone backwards? Damn, shouldn't have drank all that syrup. Later when things were calmer and linearish again (but still some waves at sea), I though I might experiment a bit. While standing (in a crowded building) with my hand on my heart, I'd close my eyes and clear my thoughts. The inner luminosity would increase, I'd feel a light breeze and then I'd know to open my eyes again. A half-hour passed but it only felt like a couple minutes. If that's indeed what just happened, I hadn't used it in an advantageous way but had given myself a little demonstration. So, what do you do with that information? If you're like me, nothing at all. In fact, of all the thoughts that were distressing to me, the idea that I'd use this to my advantage was the most distressing of all, whether for perceived good or bad. That was a road of clear madness in my eyes. Of magical thinking and tinkering. Definitely not my style. One I knew in my very being to stay away from. Why do you think I pray to God so much. Still, there's a tear in veil and I can't help but peak through. Seems a lot are peeking through it as well these days, while doing ordinary shit the rest of the time. I pity the fool who thinks they figured out the truth from an eyeball full.
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