• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand


So I must say I'm astounded at how amazing pure Tiletamine is....
It's very similar to o-pce but more clear headed and has a more outward energy like ketamine ....o-pce is more inward and personal and Tiletamine is more psychedelic and social.....I was was able to walk rather pretty normally unlike with mxe or o-pce where I do the robot shuffle for hours.
It also didn't impair my speech which was amazing!!!!!
I usually feel pretty retarded coming down from dissos but not this one....
Music sounded incredible wrapped up in my blanket in my bed and the visuals were both open eye abstractions of stuff in the room and really vivid closed eye mental imagery...
I don't know why this doesn't get more love....imho it's wayyyyyy better than most other dissos out there! YMMV though!