Threats on line


Nov 30, 2000
How serious do law enforcement take threats online? What happend is this guy email me and started cussing at me and offended me. So I email him back and I started cussing him out, and I made a few threat to him. Anyway he email me back and he said his going to give this to law enforcement for the threat. Anyway what do you guy think?

I wouldn't worry too much. It costs time and money for law enforcement to investigate this type of thing. In order for them to press charges on you they'd need to go as far as contacting your ISP and matching the time stamped IP address with the email that was sent out. Even then, e-mail can easily be spoofed (faked). On the other hand, If you threaten the wrong person they might just go to the trouble of tracking you down.
s0nic said:
I wouldn't worry too much. It costs time and money for law enforcement to investigate this type of thing. In order for them to press charges on you they'd need to go as far as contacting your ISP and matching the time stamped IP address with the email that was sent out. Even then, e-mail can easily be spoofed (faked). On the other hand, If you threaten the wrong person they might just go to the trouble of tracking you down.

No I'm not worry, the email was send from the forum, and the Ip number is not mine either, it was from public computer. I was just wondering.
Well, I dont know what else people could say. Maybe a cop will answer your question with some details. That'd be funny.