


I am pretty certain i have pinworms, I've never let it get checked but I've had them once before, I know they're not life-threatening but they are a pain in the ass (pun intented)
I am too scared to tell my mothers and too young to buy a cure at the store, I can't go to the doctors because I can't get there without car.
Last time they went away without treatment (I think)
But still I'd like to ask if anyone has tips or anything
Yuck! Personally despite the embarrassment I'd ask to go see a doctor. If you're dead set on a home remedy my dad who was a doctor said eating large amounts of high fiber veggies like raw carrots or cabbage will force them out of your system. It has to be done over an extended period of time though. Good luck
They have OTC treatments in America, Pin-X or Reeses Pinworm. Every pharmacy will have or can order.