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Thoughts on psychedelic entity exsperiences


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Related to dimension: 4th Dimension

(dĭ-mĕn′shən, dī-)
1. A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.
2. often dimensions Extent or magnitude; scope: a problem of alarming dimensions.
3. Aspect; element: "He's a good newsman, and he has that extra dimension" (William S. Paley).
4. Mathematics
a. The least number of independent coordinates required to specify uniquely the points in a space.
b. The range of such a coordinate.
5. Physics A physical property, such as mass, distance, time, or a combination thereof, regarded as a fundamental measure of a physical quantity: Velocity has the dimension of distance divided by time.
6. A realm of existence, as in a work of fiction, that is physically separate from another such realm: "Although it tells a grounded, political story free from aliens and alternate dimensions, the film remains packed to the brim with iconic ... characters." (Conner Schwerdtfeger).
tr.v. di·men·sioned, di·men·sion·ing, di·men·sions
To cut or shape to specified dimensions.
2. To mark with specified dimensions.

If you mean six it is definitely possible. Notice that it says FICTTION. I don't agree with three personally, in my opinion it shouldn't be there.

There are three space dimensions and one time dimension. Everything else doesn't make sense.
In almost certain there's a collective unconscious. Lots of people including myself see Aztec/Mayan/Egyptian symbolism during their trips.

offcourse, everything in existance is made of intelligence. It is Intelligence that created matter. with drugs like we use you can see as you hallucinate that everything isn't as solid as some may think or like with ketamine when you melt your soul along with the universe and come back with a feeling that you are everybody else too for example.
Six to ten makes sense to me, 11 is strangeness. Where it gets weird is past that - not for mortals.
Relativists say 4, stringers say 10-11.
Ask again when PD’d: anything is possible.