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Game This or That?

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YouTube just because I could watch Netflix forever

Boring movie or great movie with obnoxious (i.e., FB-checking, open-mouthed chewing) seat neighbors?
Great movie. I'm pretty good at ignoring dumb people :)

pro-cranberry sauce or anti-cranberry sauce?
Thanksgiving...easy question!! Yes!

Turkey or Honey-glazed ham? Mmmmmmmmm
Festival (although I wonder what kind of both choices)

Roller coaster (crazy one) or carousel?
The carousel is the least amusing thing at the amusement park.

It's surprising they even still exist. It's the same basic mechanism as a Ferris wheel, surely, why not just have that? It's still pretty shit, but not as shit as a carousel..

Answer: I'll go with the rollercoaster probably.

Question: If you could choose between being in a somewhat successful (not famous, but you get enough gigs to live comfortably) psychedelic mariachi band known as the ukulaliens


An underground metal band that refuses to jeopardize their anti-sell out mystique by accepting payment for their music, even though they have a reputation for rocking so hard that it's been rumoured that just hearing one song has the potential to cause literal heavy metal poisoning (it's probably not true though). The band name is FENTANYL LACED DINOSAUR.. but you still have to work your regular job to pay for your bills and stuff.

Which band are you in?
They're both cute. If memory serves me, Lucy is a tad obnoxious? I'd go with Charlie here.

Tooth extraction or Colonoscopy?
I've had both-- colonoscopy was much less painful. Plus, you get to see your insides on TV!

Flood or Wildfire?
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