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Game This or That?

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I've cliff jumped, have never parasailed.

Atv or motorcycle/dirt bike?
Depends on the terrain, but in urban area donorcycle

Rollerblades or Roller Derby?
Jeep. I could convert it into a boat.

Would you rather be a butler or a doorman?

ingrown toenail or having a pimple on the inside of your nose?
I don't think I've ever had a pimple on the inside of my nose...just about everywhere else though (I've gotten them inside my ear..terrible) . Good thing about them, they go away relatively quickly. Toenail issues fucking suck tho... so I'll go with pimple.

Corned beef hash or French toast?
French toast, definitely, gotta have powdered sugar on top though, if you're going to have it go all out.

Blue or white collar?

Cduggs, For some I'm sure it is. In general though, I would say no. IME

pepperoni or ham and pineapple (pizza)
I'll take the pineapple, but neither of the others... pork is blech.

Chicken or beef?
Pineapple pizza is really underrated imo.


medium rare, medium, or medium well?
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