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Game This or That?

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They go hand in hand.

Face or body?
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I'd take a beautiful face with an average body before an average face with a beautiful body.

Treble or bass?
Regarding what? Treble if we're talking voice.

Alto or baritone?
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Haha..sorry. I was just talking about music, as in when you are adjusting your stereo. I should have made it more clear since we had been on the attractiveness streak.


ska or jazz?
I like jazz sometimes.

Punk or pop?
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Not a huge fan of either, but reggae can get you jammin' if you're high.

Rock or rap?
Rose, brings back some good memories, and sad ones but it is what it is.

Red or white?
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Drug hugs are the best hugs.

Dark humor or puns?
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Kings. Don't know if I've ever even bought the 100s.

american spirit or no?
Didn't mind them, a little expensive for my taste. So I'd say no.

Parliaments or Newport?
Uhh American Spirit. Nat Sherman's if flush and Winstons if cheap. Luckily I quit.
(All three are all natural btw)

Clouds or breeze

Boobs or butt (or testicle cos ladies love them right? )?
Neither, I hate wine.

Lager or ale?
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