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Game This or That?

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Plain Jane if I have a choice. But I am girly, admittedly.

like the avatar or different avatar?
Skype blows, so I'll pick FB.

Facebook or Instagram or stay dark (no social media)?
Dark. Do have a FB account but very rarely visit (usually family oriented). No instgrm, twit, msgr, fb or any other social on phone... FB only on laptop.

Changing jobs: Excited or bummed?
Man... kinda hard to say: It all gets twisted around and ends up (optimally) where both are "feeling" it.
But doggy-style. Love the sight of a womans back... shapely, sensuous and there is nothing like it... period. But there is the advantage of any aspect of a womans body and all good, IMO.

Lose a finger or your main source of transportation?
Main source of transportation... there's a great central transportation system in my chromatically proper world : )

Eat too much or a bit hungry?
A bit hungry... being full makes me lazy with no intention of "hunting/gathering". Hunger keeps a MF sharp.

Win the Lotto or find true love?
Money: Attractive may bring a doomed sense of being "somebody" or being worshiped.

beach or dessert (the arid kind) not sure of spelling?
Beach. Deserts kind of freak me out because no water!

Caffeine intake (mainly): coffee, tea, soda, or other?
It's definitely a commitment. Like everything, cool is about how it's carried.

Sleep a little or stay up if only a short time until work?
Just enough cream or milk to cool it down a little

Strawberry kiwi or lemon lime
Lemon lime if I had to choose. Both good tho.

Japanese or Chinese food if you could only eat one?
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