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Game This or That?

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Gourmet. I'll eat anything, but if good food is an option that's what I'll take.

honey or maple syrup?
Hmm.. I guess The Hobbit, just because it has better replay value.

Blondes or brunettes? (Don't get it twisted)
Brunettes (I'm a blonde lol, just prefer dark hair, but everyone wants what they don't have, right?)

Comfy LTR or brief hot fling??
Correct answer. And brief hot fling. It's electric. And one should never get too comfortable.

Remember the past or erase it?
Remember, lest one repeat the same mistakes for eternity. Wait, some people still do that lol. Damn good question though. Erasing could allow for new perceptions and, possibly, an escaping of that which doesn't serve us.

Slightly related, live in a previous era (your choice) or some time in the future? Before y'all answer just remember black mirror ��
I messed up the flow guys, sorry, lol. Telepathy, every time!
Haha no worries! It was a good question :)
ill answer yours, haven’t seen much of black mirror maybe one ep. but hmm I’d live in a previous era don’t need to ruin what I don’t know yet :p

invent something that would make you rich or save the world population from hunger?
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