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Game This or That?

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No to whatever that was.

Detaching a bear trap from your leg to live or pulling out a bow and arrow the other way
In the wilderness
Depends if I want to/there's a chance of a longer relationship, but if it was a one time thing def cum in less than a minute.

Ice coffee in the winter or hot coffee in the summer?
Lolll fair enough. Definitely Ice coffee all day any day.

flu or food poisoning?
Food poisoning (it's over faster) and then a nice duggle!

Pumpkin or banana bread?
Where did cheese come from?? Lol
and it depends how it’s made, but fish

living with no sight or no limbs ?
Ray charles

Standing outside as a liberty tax person or dressed scantily clad holding up a sign for a car wash with other people
Car wash...yeah I'd do it

get your bells jingled or nibble on Santa's cookies?
Shoplifting, I guess

Keep good track of things or lose your keys, etc. all the time?
Astronaut {as long as i didn't have to wipe out those who may be "in the way"}

Thai crispy-duck or bacon?
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