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Benzos (thienodiazepine) Etizolam Megathread V2

Im new here not familiar with all rules yet I have had greet exp withc it my self at low doses but has to ne sure its pure I've heard of being cut speciality the
Tincture or wht they call em I have seve re depression and anxiety and it h as made me a normal person in right doses
Are we allow to post email addresses incase anyone
Wanted to chat about etizolam off page or Is that against rules like im new dnt wanna get the boot
Im new here not familiar with all rules yet I have had greet exp withc it my self at low doses but has to ne sure its pure I've heard of being cut speciality the
Tincture or wht they call em I have seve re depression and anxiety and it h as made me a normal person in right doses

Are we allow to post email addresses incase anyone
Wanted to chat about etizolam off page or Is that against rules like im new dnt wanna get the boot

No.. but you could private message (PM) the person you want to talk to and give them your email address and if they want to email you it's up to them.

And off topic: WTF is up with your typing? Are you really high on something right now? lol. I dont mean disrespect, but it's either you're doing it on purpose or you are new with keyboards haha. sorry.

And off topic: WTF is up with your typing? Are you really high on something right now? lol. I dont mean disrespect, but it's either you're doing it on purpose or you are new with keyboards haha. sorry.

Haha you gave me a good chuckle HOOD.

I remember when the BlackBerry was "the shit" (look up this sorry excuse for a phone if you don't know what I'm talking about), I'd press like 5 buttons at once constantly on that little ass keyboard lol, that piece of shit gave me minor carpel tunnel as well.
Quite an interesting link on etizzy if I do say: http://animalnewyork.com/2014/backdoor-pharmacist-one-night-stand-etizolam/

well just fucked up again found 18 1.5mg blotters in my room necked 3mg all ready know that this wont stop till i black out again hope ive got some smoke here in the morning

Good god man, you are just powerless over this thing or what? you know this wont stop till a black out??? Oh dear, I do hope you stay safe 8(

lol.. i personally ducking hate auto-correct.

LOL, I can't figure out how to shut that shit off my S3, just did a factory reset and the auto-correct is killing me!
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how would you guys rate etizolam vs klonopin?i recently took 1 mg of klonopin and i found it to be extremely sedating without making me tired...it definitely destroyed my anxiety...id compare it to about 4 mgs of etizolam in terms of sedation but with 4 mgs of etiz id be asleep...with the klonopin i didnt feel sleepy at all and anti-anxiety was stronger..interesting how these benzos differ..so far, id go in terms of personal preference

for those of you kicking a benzo habit, why not pick up some gabapentin for the withdrawals?it would be a great help
^ I obtained 90x 300mg gabapentin caps about two weeks ago and honestly, they aren't doing much. They kinda made things a little smoother for a couple days but I find that unlike when using gabapentin for kratom withdrawal, once the tolerance to the "recreational" effects go up, which is like 2 days of use for me, the amount of relief I get tumbles as well so I only use them 2 day on 3 days off now.

Gabapentin doesn't seem to touch the anxiety, restlessness, and HR/BP issues which are the worst... Honestly though, it's the heart issues that scare me, my heart seems to fluctuate from low bp to really high bp pretty much all day. I'm debating whether or not to get on a beta-blocker, but I'm afraid that if I do my BP will get dangerously low during one of these fluctuations. After doing some reading though It sounds like it help quite a number of people so I'll give it a shot at low doses.
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I just stumbled upon the world of RC Benzos / diazapines recently.
Last year was the only time I used legit benzos .. a worthless one-time lorazepam script, some of which was mixed with Xanax and alcohol (stupid fun...) And also both were used to (unsuccessfully) recover from post-dirty-X days.

The first vendor I found sold only 1-5g minimums of the various options for rather hefty totals .. luckily I found a legit one selling the Etilaam 1mg tabs so I ordered some of those.

So far I'm.underwhelmed.. the first two days I took 2mgs. I'd had 2-3 beers 2-3 hours prior, obviously not long enough a break, as the only effect was passing out at some point.
Day 3 I took.2mg sober, then had a couple.brews; no positive or negative effects.
Last two days it's been 3mgs, 3beers. Feel pretty relaxed, slightly inebriated, not drowsy or cloudy at all tho.

Ordered a few.more to buy the supplier out (sorry guys :D ) but thinking I.should consider getting some of the Diclazepam / flubromazepam / phenazepam to test those out, if I can decide it's worth the $$ )or locate a different vendor)

I have had anxiety but tis mostly controlled with my mood stabalizer + antipsychotic RX .. so really just seeking something to help me chill out (had to.quit smoking herb this year due to health issues & increasing negative effects), and something that would help.me cut back on drinking (Doctor's order) would be handy as well.
Etizolam is now permanently out of stock from one of the two largest US-based suppliers for brand name Etizolam. Thankfully I prefer the company that is now the largest supplier.
I recently got some etizest in and .5mg or less takes away the anxiety. Why are so many people trying to get a "high" off it? If anything it decreases the high of other drugs the more you take with the exception of chasing a nod on hard opiates. I think it's best to take just enough to kill anxiety and anything more is a total waste.
^ exactly what i use it for.
Relief of anxiety is kind of a "high" for me since i suffer from it 24/7 lol.

I agree people should use responsibly.. i have a benzo addiction and can't find any way out.

Etizolam is now permanently out of stock from one of the two largest US-based suppliers for brand name Etizolam. Thankfully I prefer the company that is now the largest supplier.

We should keep talk about who's left on the DL cuz we don't want them all (or the one i think you're referring to) disappearing :(

^Don't get me wrong it felt good but only to the point of relieving anxiety. I just see so many posts of people going till they black out and don't quite understand why? Once my anxiety was gone I wanted to use more weed/kratom to get some of the high that I lost from the etiz back. It was very clear headed.
yeah people keep on somehow thinking they will buy etizolam and get high off of it..there is NO HIGH from etizolam, there is anxiety relief...at the best, u might receive a tiny mood boost but it doesnt resemble a high...stop trying to get high off of it as the only thing you will get is tired..in fact, like others have said, the more benzos u take the less fun a time u will have..u just become blank and void basically..

so whats the deal, etizolam is slowly to be discontinued in the united states??wtf??
Lesson I learned from this website in my time here:
The more a legal substance gets attention, the faster we lose our privilege of it being legal.
Kratom is on its way to be fully banned and with all us praising etiz is actually hurting us in return due to its attention.
Even if we use it responsibly and try to get others to also, "they" are still out there reading everything we type up and doing all they can to take our substance away from us even if it takes some time.
You can count on it.
The shitty double edged sword on this is, most of us find these substances by them being posted about.
So there's not much we can do.
Lets try to keep glorification of all legal substances as low as possible. Not just etiz but everything that's not controlled or regulated.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by HdoubleODeezy.
Thank you lol.

I feel as though it's much more important to TALK about a legal substance so that information on its safety and dangers can be found. If you look at how most drugs end up getting banned you'll find it's generally when some kid dies with it in their system. I guarantee these benzo RC's will be banned as soon as some idiot turns up blue in the ER with a mix of etizolam and alcohol in their system. I doubt 'they' are reading BL because if they were there would be a lot more RC bans lol.