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The Vermont Thread aka "The Brown Mountain State"

Keif' Richards

Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Aug 4, 2010
Hey all, I just was trolling NASADD and thought it might be kinda cool to start up a thread for us Vermonters. I'm not a native - from Mass originally - but I've been up here for a couple of years for college then work. I live in Burlington and there's really no other place in the state I could bear to live in. Most of you who are familiar with me on here know that my DOC is opioids with Heroin being my primary means of getting high. It's wicked expensive up here, but at least most of it is imported from NYC/Jersey so the quality is at least "decent" enough for a heavy user like myself to get by on.

If you've read newsmagazines or "Rolling Stone" in the past years or so, you've no doubt heard at least an inkling of the public hysteria concerning the Heroin epidemic here in my neck of the woods, which, frankly, surprised me when I moved here from Mass as I always knew Vermont as being nothing but dairy farms and country living. For those who are just skimming this for kicks, almost all dope up here comes in the form of stamps/branded bags, which is a lot different from my native area where it's sold raw as grams/half grams/fingers/eggs etc. The price on average is about 3 times the price of what you might find in the urban areas farther south like Boston Metro and New York Metro. the trade is controlled locally by white folks who are usually addicts themselves, but I'm definitely starting to see a larger presence of "professional" dealers.

I thought I'd spout off a little about what I know of the state first so, anyone who wants to join in or just introduce themselves, leave a post and we can all discuss the life and times living in the green mountain state. The good... the bad... and the dopey.
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Hey keif I'm a vermont native and also a heroin user myself. I've lived around Burlington most of my life and been using for years now and I'm sure you know that everyone knows everyone around here, especially all us users, so I wouldn't doubt that I've ran into you at some point lol. Well hope your still on here and hope your stay in safe!!! Knod on brotha!!
Just accepted it man. Scored some d 4s last night from my girl and was stupid and did most of them last night leaving myself with one one this morning with a nice looking rinse left for later. Today is gonna be a struggle though for sure, broke and dopeless is the worst feeling in the world, not looking forward to the wds later on but whatever if your gonna play your gonna pay lol. Well hopefully your day goes better than mine man!! Stay safe!!
Lol I moved up to northern New Hampshire from Connecticut a couple years ago and I too was shocked to learn that there's a "heroin epidemic" up there. I was a big heroin user down in CT but cleaned up about a year before I moved so I never got into it up here but yeah I couldn't believe it when I learned dope was all over the place up here in the middle of nowhere too
Not sure but think these guys migrated to port au prince, bru/sis. =D
Uhhh, just in case welcome to bluelight. It's the shit if ya didnt already know.
Some o' these may in fact been around but you know how we are....
Lol I moved up to northern New Hampshire from Connecticut a couple years ago and I too was shocked to learn that there's a "heroin epidemic" up there. I was a big heroin user down in CT but cleaned up about a year before I moved so I never got into it up here but yeah I couldn't believe it when I learned dope was all over the place up here in the middle of nowhere too
What part of northern NH?