Venting The Vent/Rant Thread Vs. You Silly KnuckleHeads Can Go Fly a Kite!!

Absolutely Moreaux. Preventive maintenance will save you from having a lot of issues and even diseases. I'm a bit over 45, so most of the things which is appearing now are mainly because the continued use of high doses of opiates 24/7 makes us almost immune from pain. So I felt like nothing was ever wrong with me. I wasn't quite aware that by not feeling it meant that some of the things I had could have been prevented if I wasn't so careless. I was just making it worse.

I can say that most or all my stomach issues and some of the hormones problems too could be dealt with.. Now, regarding dentists I am too very fearful of having gone through some of the procedures. But I have been very honest with him about my fears, and that some parts of my mouth may not be as numbed by their anesthesia. I was very serious about that. And I told that perhaps because of my lifestyle I could maybe feel more pain than usual. Everything went pretty well at the end, and I felt extremely relieved.
Thanks guys.. Yeah, getting old sucks! Not that I'm that old (late thirties), but live fast, die young - you know? Luckily the pain died down again today, God yesterday was a mission! I could think of little else, having to work sucks like that. I've heard about clove oil, wasn't sure if it would work or not. I'll get some in for the next time.. And I remember anbesol from when I was a kid, completely forgot about it though! My tooth damage is directly related to my poppy seed misadventures, I used to guzzle two litres full-fat cola a day at least. Because it's so caustic, it's the best thing for stripping the goodies from the seeds..

Thanks again! :)
I won't argue that getting old sucks (it does in so many ways physically) but I have to tell you that I'm finding the psychological benefits equal if not greater:
when life feels shorter than longer your whole perspective changes. I used to try to not care what others thought--now it just happens without effort. I used to have to be constantly worried when traveling solo around the world--now women talk to me as much as men and I spend my time sharing ideas, laughs and debates instead of fending off unwanted flirtation or harassment. Friendships are deeper and loneliness is actually something I like to seek out rather than running from. I've had many experiences come full circle so I'm not as prone to only seeing them one way in the beginning. I guess the bottom line is that once I started losing family and friends I feel lucky to still be here in the beautiful mess. That makes even a bad day and eight new wrinkles a lot easier to take.:)
I like your outlook Herbs! It's so true, a little wisdom coupled with shaking off the complicated shackles of youth has made life a lot easier, although I'm in a transitional phase from one to the other. Never would have seen myself chilled on the sofa with nothing but a cup of valerian tea of a Saturday night when I was 20! And you're right about not caring so much about what others think. Realising that what others think is actually their problem was an epiphany indeed!
I wish with all my heart that being older brings me some wisdom, enlightenment, and that I and my friends can be psychologically okay.
At the moment I really do believe that the benefits of getting old is only truly given to a few of those who have planted good seeds.
I wish with all my heart that being older brings me some wisdom, enlightenment, and that I and my friends can be psychologically okay.
At the moment I really do believe that the benefits of getting old is only truly given to a few of those who have planted good seeds.
I'm psychologically great, and that's saying something after what I've put my noggin through over the decades.. You'll be fine! :)
I won't argue that getting old sucks (it does in so many ways physically) but I have to tell you that I'm finding the psychological benefits equal if not greater:
when life feels shorter than longer your whole perspective changes. I used to try to not care what others thought--now it just happens without effort. I used to have to be constantly worried when traveling solo around the world--now women talk to me as much as men and I spend my time sharing ideas, laughs and debates instead of fending off unwanted flirtation or harassment. Friendships are deeper and loneliness is actually something I like to seek out rather than running from. I've had many experiences come full circle so I'm not as prone to only seeing them one way in the beginning. I guess the bottom line is that once I started losing family and friends I feel lucky to still be here in the beautiful mess. That makes even a bad day and eight new wrinkles a lot easier to take.:)

I wish with all my heart that being older brings us some wisdom, enlightenment, and that I and my friends and relatives can be psychologically okay. At the moment I really do believe that the benefits of getting old is only truly given to a few of those who have planted good seeds and can retire. Because if you can't and live in a less fortunate state or country - things can be very harsh. In advanced societies young are educated to respect the third age. I don't that happening with young people nowadays.

I guess it's one of these in-between-generations age thing these days. And perhaps some of the greater things happen because of your descendent family those that are really connected to you.
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On my birthday my dad sent me an email to the effect of 'just sent your mom a child support check, good luck getting your birthday present from her'.

I replied and said "thanks for being an asshole on my birthday"

Hadn't heard from him since.

Few weeks ago I got a google alert and found out my grandmother on dads side died.

Sent my dad a txt and he asked if I was his son then he ignored me again. So I called him, and he said that he wasn't going to bother talking with someone who called him an asshole and disrespected him.

Does this seem like a normal way parents treat their kids?
And yes, that is definitely not how parent should treat children. Whenever I see the word should (or hear it) I have to check myself, but yeah, that doesn't sound cool. Not buy a fucking long shot. Is he really that cantankerous?

I won't argue that getting old sucks (it does in so many ways physically) but I have to tell you that I'm finding the psychological benefits equal if not greater:
when life feels shorter than longer your whole perspective changes. I used to try to not care what others thought--now it just happens without effort. I used to have to be constantly worried when traveling solo around the world--now women talk to me as much as men and I spend my time sharing ideas, laughs and debates instead of fending off unwanted flirtation or harassment. Friendships are deeper and loneliness is actually something I like to seek out rather than running from. I've had many experiences come full circle so I'm not as prone to only seeing them one way in the beginning. I guess the bottom line is that once I started losing family and friends I feel lucky to still be here in the beautiful mess. That makes even a bad day and eight new wrinkles a lot easier to take.:)

This is so in line with probably my most important mentor in life right now has would say about aging - plus there are lots of way to do body work stuff, my favorite being the floor "yoga" stretches I have picked up over the years. Not that I'm anywhere near aging yet, but I'm looking forward to it after not killing myself (or getting myself killed).

What I mean to say is, thank you herby. That was so nice to read first thing on a Monday morning. I need to spend more time here in TDS.
Alright there is a lot going on for a long time so I'll try to sum this up to vent properly - using words here rather than being stuck frustrated and ultimately condemning myself to into some self absorbed depressed and angry mood I don't want to fall into.

I'm in my late twenties, living with my parents, my younger brother moved back home with his girlfriend, and I've been using for many years. I've struggled here and there, clean then not clean - but I (especially when I'm clean, and attempting to do whatever it is I'm doing - still don't exactly know) can never get the momentum going without being battered down by, as of late, my brother for example. For a while it was my dad - I was sober & working full time but needed a ride to work (which wasn't out of his way and my hours lined up with his) - however after time went by it became 'an issue' as if I had any other options because I'd obviously be taking them.

That's when it all starts again - it's like back to either causing issues/problems with me because there aren't any anymore (because I'm not using) and that's exactly what happened tonight with my brother. However he has been an arse lately to everyone, maybe it's his new job I don't know, but he's particularly hard on me and brought things up from my past that he said hurt him out of no where, from a conversation about how he should have walked the dog. It's just too much for me - it's the type of situation where if I don't listen I get shit for it - if I stay and listen I don't want to hear and I am beyond words in an emotional state that I can't handle. I had to verbally tell him that if he keeps up with this I don't think I will be able to keep myself from hitting him. I've never been a violent in my life, at all - but as of the past 2-3 weeks he's been saying and doing this so contradicting to his words & actions it's become what I feel may be my only outlet - so I said it to him that he cannot do this because you're putting me in a awkward position.

I've let him hit me before because I know he needed to vent - but I don't think I want to know what it would be like to hit him - with reason behind the punch. I would only ever defend myself in life, and I really just am very frustrated.

I don't blame anyone for where I am or what is going on with me I don't sit around and complain, however I am aware of that I do neglect others who care dire for me when I decide to use (at least in their eyes). I'm not trying to kill myself, I'm not depressed, sometimes I just like to get high. In the right circumstances I wouldn't 'use' at all - however I don't see a life where I don't use or have the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst the consideration of using a drug is in the cards. I feel all this and my family knows it, whilst they go on about "how I should be feeling" or "how I should be planning for what I will do to not use" - it's sickening to me because at the end of the day I haven't been using (not lately at all) - and I really could care less.

Point blank people have issues and for a long time I made my mistakes, I now feel more like the patsy in the family then anything else - and me becoming sober for such a reason (to stop this being a possible outlet, would only prevail the misconstrued concept that it was always my fault).

Thanks for reading (or not) either way needed to vent :)

Alright there is a lot going on for a long time so I'll try to sum this up to vent properly - using words here rather than being stuck frustrated and ultimately condemning myself to into some self absorbed depressed and angry mood I don't want to fall into.

I'm in my late twenties, living with my parents, my younger brother moved back home with his girlfriend, and I've been using for many years. I've struggled here and there, clean then not clean - but I (especially when I'm clean, and attempting to do whatever it is I'm doing - still don't exactly know) can never get the momentum going without being battered down by, as of late, my brother for example. For a while it was my dad - I was sober & working full time but needed a ride to work (which wasn't out of his way and my hours lined up with his) - however after time went by it became 'an issue' as if I had any other options because I'd obviously be taking them.

That's when it all starts again - it's like back to either causing issues/problems with me because there aren't any anymore (because I'm not using) and that's exactly what happened tonight with my brother. However he has been an arse lately to everyone, maybe it's his new job I don't know, but he's particularly hard on me and brought things up from my past that he said hurt him out of no where, from a conversation about how he should have walked the dog. It's just too much for me - it's the type of situation where if I don't listen I get shit for it - if I stay and listen I don't want to hear and I am beyond words in an emotional state that I can't handle. I had to verbally tell him that if he keeps up with this I don't think I will be able to keep myself from hitting him. I've never been a violent in my life, at all - but as of the past 2-3 weeks he's been saying and doing this so contradicting to his words & actions it's become what I feel may be my only outlet - so I said it to him that he cannot do this because you're putting me in a awkward position.

I've let him hit me before because I know he needed to vent - but I don't think I want to know what it would be like to hit him - with reason behind the punch. I would only ever defend myself in life, and I really just am very frustrated.

I don't blame anyone for where I am or what is going on with me I don't sit around and complain, however I am aware of that I do neglect others who care dire for me when I decide to use (at least in their eyes). I'm not trying to kill myself, I'm not depressed, sometimes I just like to get high. In the right circumstances I wouldn't 'use' at all - however I don't see a life where I don't use or have the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst the consideration of using a drug is in the cards. I feel all this and my family knows it, whilst they go on about "how I should be feeling" or "how I should be planning for what I will do to not use" - it's sickening to me because at the end of the day I haven't been using (not lately at all) - and I really could care less.

Point blank people have issues and for a long time I made my mistakes, I now feel more like the patsy in the family then anything else - and me becoming sober for such a reason (to stop this being a possible outlet, would only prevail the misconstrued concept that it was always my fault).

Thanks for reading (or not) either way needed to vent :)


I'm sorry you're going through that. Early recovery is difficult, especially with family. It takes time to re-establish a healthy relationship with your family - regaining trust, setting new boundaries.

It took a little over a year to build a comfortable relationship with my family after I got sober. They didn't trust me and we were all walking on egg shells around each other - it was very uncomfortable. What helped my family and I was to talk about everything on a granular level. There were things my parents did that I didn't like, and they weren't mind readers so they kept doing them. The behavior never bothered me when I was in active addiction, primarily because I didn't notice too much, but it drove me nuts when I got sober. Come to find out, I was very sensitive during that time and misinterpreting many of their actions and words. Not certain why, but I was overly defensive.

I got in the habit of mentioning stuff whenever they did something I found offensive so we could discuss why they were doing/saying it and what their meaning and intentions were. It wasn't convenient and we had a lot of discussions, but it help me to relearn their mannerisms and communication styles. I was so used to being on the defensive that I automatically assumed everything they did or said was a criticism of me, and I was wrong. They did the same to me. We had a lot of really awkward moments in the beginning, but it made out relationship so much stronger and really brought us closer - totally worth imo.

Do you feel like you could engage your family in honest discussions as it really helps to clear the air, especially if everyone is on the same page?
I'm sorry you're going through that. Early recovery is difficult, especially with family. It takes time to re-establish a healthy relationship with your family - regaining trust, setting new boundaries.

It took a little over a year to build a comfortable relationship with my family after I got sober. They didn't trust me and we were all walking on egg shells around each other - it was very uncomfortable. What helped my family and I was to talk about everything on a granular level. There were things my parents did that I didn't like, and they weren't mind readers so they kept doing them. The behavior never bothered me when I was in active addiction, primarily because I didn't notice too much, but it drove me nuts when I got sober. Come to find out, I was very sensitive during that time and misinterpreting many of their actions and words. Not certain why, but I was overly defensive.

I got in the habit of mentioning stuff whenever they did something I found offensive so we could discuss why they were doing/saying it and what their meaning and intentions were. It wasn't convenient and we had a lot of discussions, but it help me to relearn their mannerisms and communication styles. I was so used to being on the defensive that I automatically assumed everything they did or said was a criticism of me, and I was wrong. They did the same to me. We had a lot of really awkward moments in the beginning, but it made out relationship so much stronger and really brought us closer - totally worth imo.

Do you feel like you could engage your family in honest discussions as it really helps to clear the air, especially if everyone is on the same page?

I definitely can have open conversations with them but I never will it leads anywhere and seems to just take me deeper. Right now I'm at the point where my actions because I didn't speak for them for so long don't allow me to truly engage in a conversation with anyone because they don't take my advice or hear my opinion as if it matters to them right now.
I guess that's the hardest part I mean when I do notice I need to say something cuz I feel like it'll be taken with a grain of salt and that's no good because I have a lot of emotions Stewart behind and how I feel.

Thanks for the response right now I'm having to use voice to text so when I have a chance I will get to the computer and try and give you a better response myself.

Conversations sometimes turn to discussions and they can be so tiring. I mean really tiring.
The sort of talk that makes you wonder if you want to keep trying, to do your share and not be affected.
Family can be quite tough at times, unfortunately.
puppy got a fishing hook in her paws.

wanna fucking punch fisherman face.

hearing a dog cry is the most horrible sound.
That is fucking horrible. I can relate. Awful, awful sound indeed.

How is she doing?
puppy got a fishing hook in her paws.

wanna fucking punch fisherman face.

hearing a dog cry is the most horrible sound.

OMG - that's horrible! How is she? Did you have to take her to the vet? I agree, hearing an animal in pain goes right through me. If something similar happened to one of my babies I don't know if I could keep my composure, particularly if I saw the person responsible. I live at the beach and we have some jerks that fish in the ocean right next to kids/pets playing in the water. I'm surprised there aren't more injuries. Hope you girl is doing better.
That is fucking horrible. I can relate. Awful, awful sound indeed.

How is she doing?

OMG - that's horrible! How is she? Did you have to take her to the vet? I agree, hearing an animal in pain goes right through me. If something similar happened to one of my babies I don't know if I could keep my composure, particularly if I saw the person responsible. I live at the beach and we have some jerks that fish in the ocean right next to kids/pets playing in the water. I'm surprised there aren't more injuries. Hope you girl is doing better.

She is doing much better, still limping around a bit, but not crying anymore.

We were at a popular small waterfall swimming hole, which some assholes love to fish at apparently. My mom held her and I broke a few land speed records getting it to the vet, who knocked her out (no k for me, grrr) and fixed her up real quick while I cried in the car.

I'll give her a big hug from y'all, thanks for the love and concern.
Nice! I'm glad you have insurance AND are getting a workout AND she is feeling a tad better :)