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The UFO & Aliens Megathread

Pentagon is going to release more info in the next 4 months. I bet you $100 and all my drugs.

bob lazar is a liar who is thick as shit.

Yeah, I think he's lying.
also i believe this entire univerise was made for humans as a sandbox no aliens exist
A bit selfish, no? Why are we not at the center of the known universe? Why so much wasted space and energy for things humans will never see?
There are aliens everywhere. We are just not enlightened enough to see them or hear them. They give us knowledge and wisdom and teach us lessons about love and compassion. Some of them even tell us to do bad things. They are very clever and have developed whole systems of control and dehumanization. That is what the Bible calls spiritual strongholds. There are many invisible civilizations surrounding us with all kinds of different motives and they give us messages and special abilities if we prove ourselves worthy. Whether it is good or bad alien.

But we are aliens as well. From their perspective we are the ones from another planet/dimension. And we also have lived lives on other planets as well. Where do you think all of these so called crazy ideas come from?? The air? They are downloaded into our consciousness by past life memories and external entities that know the workings of the mind and the importance of creation and imagination and thought. They recognize these as more tangible things than we do which is why we cannot relate to them and do not match their intelligence enough to interact with them. Technology and materializm will turn against us and become our enemy. That is the goal of some of these beings and they know how to use technology better than we do.

And who do you think the schizophrenia people are talking to?? This world has much to learn about inter dimensional communications. But that’s if they even want to learn or if they even believe that this is something that can be learned and not something that should just be dismissed as nonsense and delusion.

If there is past civilizations who have barbarically sacrificed their masses to a so called “god” and there’s people today who have produced entire networks of pedophilia rings and human trafficking who say they are being possessed by the devil then there is more going on then simple mundane human caveman brain fuckery. These are highly intelligent entities who know how to systematically manipulate and confuse massive amounts of people at once and create scenarios of chaos that they know you will react badly to and develop large networks that perpetually bring the human consciousness to lower and lower levels. They want mass extermination. They love it actually. They love the idea of seeing millions and trillions of people descend into the abyss and create a world of constant bloodshed and sacrifice. It is like sex to them. It’s really weird how they think.

How do you know so much about aliens?
We are one with the aliens and the aliens are one with us. So that way all you have to do is have the desire to know and have enough faith and belief that you are able to know and you will naturally be led to the answers that you are seeking. The aliens are like a mirror reflecting ourselves back to us and vice versa. So the more we try to understand the aliens the more we end up being able to understand more about ourselves and recognize ourself as an alien just as much as they are.

Not to mention that they are able to communicate through subliminal transference and give us messages in our subconscious or through our moments of inspiration and creativity or even in our sleep when we are off in the dream world. To us it just feels like a thought that we have or a feeling but there is many higher beings guiding us and watching over us and helping us evolve and grow and to give love and compassion and they can lift the vibration to make you feel inspired or have moments of clarity and super intelligence and super alertness and focus. They are what the Bible people call angels.

But like i said there are others who use their intelligence for twisted reasons and they pretend to be gods and have religions and cults made out of them and sacrifices to them that feel like sex. And they encourage excessive use of psychedelic drugs so that you can shift between dimensions and so they can influence you more directly. That is why there is experiences where people on acid or something talk about how they saw aliens who told them you’re not supposed to be seeing or experiencing these things. And everyone’s heard of the dmt aliens and the bizarre places that you end up on that particular drug which has been used ever since drugs were discovered. And that’s why people have experiences where entities tell them that you’re dead and that you’re family is dead and that you’re never going to see them again or something like that.

But of course we go in denial to protect our ego. Science and clinical psychology are constructs that are built on this denial and create rationalization tools to convince ourselves that these beings do not exist. Which is of course being perpetuated by those very same beings to maintain control and unconscious living and determinism and avoidance.
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Do you think it's possible that sometimes when people on acid see aliens they are not really seeing aliens?
The aliens I met on acid appeared as some book on the wall that opened up and had sort of laser hyroglyphics coming out of it and probing/purifying every cell of my being, filling me with wisdom

Do you think it's possible that sometimes when people on acid see aliens they are not really seeing aliens?
I used to think so until I realized how consistent the stories are in individual cases as well as historical culminations and how often people share hallucinations and communicate with beings en masse.

There are religions and sophisticated cults and organized societies that base themselves off of these psychedelic encounters and they have broken in it down to a science and have mapped out the terrain of the unseen. They have group hallucinations of these beings and they follow the traditions of the ancients who used these drugs before them in similar ceremonial rituals and come into contact with the same beings supposedly. They have studied the history more thoroughly than average society and have scientific knowledge beyond your imagination. Beyond what the mainstream traditional scientists are aware of.

They also know psychology better than psychologists do and have developed bizarre and painful methods of mind control by creating trauma and taking trauma away. All knowledge passed down by the aliens. They tell us how to make the atom bomb and to use technology to hypnotize people and make them useless zombies and to create serial killers and rapists and pedophiles and school shooters. These groups and organizations are more in control than the faces that are put up in tv and newspapers. The aliens work hard to infiltrate the top organizations and to corrupt the appointed leaders of the civilization. They have done this many times throughout history and have caused many problems in society that we are not fully aware of yet.

They have even influenced many of the people who are known on a famous level such as Richard Ramirez Charles Manson and Hitler. People who have proven themselves worthy of extraordinary mind power and charisma and used psychedelic drugs regularly and used them as gateways to knowledge and other dimensions. They already had talents and abilities before being born but they become corrupt and twisted by trauma and inter dimensional interference.

But the more important realization is that people live in fear and denial and they will do anything to reject what is right in front of them if it contradicts the reality that they live in. It will go through a filter that is specific to their perceptions and their solidified thoughts and beliefs so much so that these metaphysical beings will literally be invisible to them. And the concepts and wisdom that they are trying to impart in your mind will completely go unnoticed and will be passed off as a crazy thought or a delusion. It is interesting to see the cognitive dissonance on such a large level when people are faced with something that can potentially break down their whole reality whether it is good or bad. They operate under the mentality that everything has to be reduced to nothing instead of acknowledging that life is ever expanding and knowledge and reality and psychology are more complex than their egos are willing to admit and that there is things out there that are worse than any nightmare you have ever had. The mainstream scientists and the officials are the most stubborn because their behavior and beliefs has been rewarded with ceremonial degrees. So their belief structure about physical reality is locked in even more so than the average person. They pride themselves on knowing and embracing the mechanics of the 3 dimensional physical reality but when it comes to the hyperspace they are merely at kindergarten level. So there is a dichotomy that they need to acknowledge otherwise scientific advancement will hit a ceiling and we will not be able to discover anymore unless we unlock the abilities of the mind and interact with these other beings.
I think it'd be arrogant to believe that we're alone in the universe. There is definitely enough weird shit that happens to suspect that alien life is possible.

Yeah. It'd be weird (and super scary and depressing) if there was no other life in the universe... I guess I like to think that the universe will live on if we succeed at destroying this planet.
When I was about 8 I saw something fly by my window which was wide open, at the time I could only phantom it as Baba Yaga (I had a Russian relative who used to tell me all kinds of folk tales) I still only think of it as a dream but when I think back to it it feels so surreal and strange. Could've been moldy bread too idk.
The problem is it's impossible to know if the government is covering something up or some crackpot on the internet has produced fake footage / photos.

Even if aliens did come to our planet, nobody would believe it.
SnafuInTheVoid said:
the majority of humans on earth believe they exist

Sure, but do you believe the majority of humans think aliens have visited this planet during human civilization?
I am praying for the day, and I hope its soon. Even of theh are bad aliens, it would be better than this shit