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The UFO & Aliens Megathread

its the pledeians they are coming to earth. The galatic fed of light is on standby with millions of spacecraft to liberate earth soon once they receive a mass signal from awakened consciouness beings that they now wanted to bypass the non-interference policy. The global cabal of elites and their repetlian overloards will be arrested and the sercert space program releaved
its the pledeians they are coming to earth.
It's much more likely that:
1. What we see are humans from the future AND/OR this is human technology that has remained clandestine (unlikely IMO), if it is human clandestine that means the 1947 roswel crash was REAL
2. What we see is a race from different dimension, maybe humans from a different dimension!?
3. What we see as UFOs is actually God...

those are my 3 main theories

However, recently science actually created a warp drive. A real one. Tiny, a few atoms wide... but they actually made one.

Maybe aliens really are coming from other galaxies..........
It's much more likely that:
1. What we see are humans from the future AND/OR this is human technology that has remained clandestine (unlikely IMO), if it is human clandestine that means the 1947 roswel crash was REAL
2. What we see is a race from different dimension, maybe humans from a different dimension!?
3. What we see as UFOs is actually God...

those are my 3 main theories

However, recently science actually created a warp drive. A real one. Tiny, a few atoms wide... but they actually made one.

Maybe aliens really are coming from other galaxies..........
our entire galaxy is filled with life, Many civilizations that have ascended to immortal eternal life one with the cosmic consciousness but free will is real and there is a galatic war in the milky way. every galaxy has shit loads of life. Humanity is about to ascend to our rightful place in the stars
our entire galaxy is filled with life, Many civilizations that have ascended to immortal eternal life one with the cosmic consciousness but free will is real and there is a galatic war in the milky way. every galaxy has shit loads of life. Humanity is about to ascend to our rightful place in the stars
I'm partial to this view

do you think aliens care about Covid?
Covid is aliens now?

I am certain that the universe is full of life, it's so statistically ridiculous for our planet to be the only one out of a number so staggering it's beyond imagining that the idea that we are alone in the universe is more ridiculous than Santa Claus. As for whether we've been visited, I think that depends entirely on whether faster than light travel is possible. If not, the amount to time required to go anywhere would make interstellar travel impractical, and intergalactic travel completely impossible.

I hope we're not all just islands in the universe without any way of getting anywhere else, because the most fascinating thing I can imagine is finding life elsewhere in the universe. And I hope we get to see that. I hope I get to see it, but if not in my lifetime, then at least one day.

there has been several great UFO documentaries that have come out since 2018 and the release of the pentagon UFO footage

UFOs exist.... there is no denying them anymore people.... the US government, as well as other major countries have already admitted it. They have released footage. The pentagon admitted they don't know what they are... and released footage.

You literally can't deny their existance anymore. It's a fact....

yet... WHAT ARE THEY? that's the real question...

aliens? probably not.... but what? or ..... ?

they exist... deal with it, stop denying it, because you can't anymore!!!

WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D
Covid is aliens now?

I am certain that the universe is full of life, it's so statistically ridiculous for our planet to be the only one out of a number so staggering it's beyond imagining that the idea that we are alone in the universe is more ridiculous than Santa Claus. As for whether we've been visited, I think that depends entirely on whether faster than light travel is possible. If not, the amount to time required to go anywhere would make interstellar travel impractical, and intergalactic travel completely impossible.

I hope we're not all just islands in the universe without any way of getting anywhere else, because the most fascinating thing I can imagine is finding life elsewhere in the universe. And I hope we get to see that. I hope I get to see it, but if not in my lifetime, then at least one day.
they travel through the stargates they implanted in our solar system the aliens were here before us we are a science experiment
I am certain that the universe is full of life, it's so statistically ridiculous for our planet to be the only one out of a number so staggering it's beyond imagining that the idea that we are alone in the universe is more ridiculous than Santa Claus. As for whether we've been visited, I think that depends entirely on whether faster than light travel is possible. If not, the amount to time required to go anywhere would make interstellar travel impractical, and intergalactic travel completely impossible.
thing is, even if faster than light travel is possible that still does not make intergalactic travel very plausible (in the frame of OUR technology). Light still takes hundreds or thousands of years to travel between galaxies.

this is why I doubt UFOs are traditional "aliens from another galaxy", if they were, it's likely they can travel FASTER than the speed of light, or... come from a different dimension

I think, instead of traditional aliens, it may be just as likely that UFOs are somehow extradimensional entities, or HUMANS from the future, or some force of nature we are unaware of. The possibilities are endless. Yet, no matter how enthusiastic I am about UFOs, there is so much crap fake evidence and anecdotal evidence out there. I do not believe people who report alien abductions were actually abducted by aliens. There is so much crap crap crap out there.

I had my own UFO encounter about 8 years ago. I know they exist, for a fact... but the real question boils down to... what are they?

Many UFO nuts just want to perpetuate the alien conspiracy... I want to know the truth, alien or not. It could potentially be clandestine technology
they must think we're so stupid too

i don't blame them for not wanting to talk to us....i mean, think about it....if you were looking at us from their ship, you would be like "look at these monkeys"
i can't wait to see all this...

In a blog published on Medium, self-proclaimed UFO researcher Ryan Sprague announced that UAPx, an organization responsible for researching UFOs, or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena — as the government refers to them), would soon be publicly releasing new data on said UFOs.

"When legally allowed, UAPx will provide, to the world, our reviewed and analyzed data as well as all raw data once we identify and secure storage and servers adequate to the task. It is the opinion of UAPx that the data our team collected, processed, and analyzed, is the most significant collection of scientific data regarding the UFO/UAP phenomena. UAPx adhered to strict scientific methodology in collecting the data, enabling expert analysis, and fostering peer review for potential publication in one or more scientific journals," said a press release for UAPx according to Sprague.

This data includes over 600 hours of infrared video from numerous FLIR® cameras; a combined total of three terabytes of visual imagery through multiple camera platforms. Sprague added the analysis of this data reveals a significant number of anomalous objects and phenomena still undergoing examination before public release. He further claimed that the nature and type of information captured may imply definitive proof of UFO/UAP presence.
Government agencies have been getting serious about UFOs/ UAPs for a while now. In June of 2021, members of the House Intelligence Committee received a classified briefing with FBI and U.S. Navy officials to discuss UFOs/ UAPs which some lawmakers have dubbed a threat to national security. Also, in the same month, the U.S. government released its first UFO/UAP report ever.

In November of 2021, the Department of Defense founded a new task force to locate and identify UFOs/ UAPs flying through restricted airspace. Still, nothing yet has provided definitive proof of alien existence. Could the UAPx data be the proof we have all been waiting for?

they must think we're so stupid too

i don't blame them for not wanting to talk to us....i mean, think about it....if you were looking at us from their ship, you would be like "look at these monkeys"
There's a reason they swarm our nuclear silos. They think we're going to blow up the planet.

Although, if aliens are real they probably have similar rules to scientists.

Scientists who study or photograph animals are generally not allowed to touch, communicate or interact with the animal because doing so can actually hurt the animal.

I think if aliens said hi it would be too much for some people.
i can't wait to see all this...

In a blog published on Medium, self-proclaimed UFO researcher Ryan Sprague announced that UAPx, an organization responsible for researching UFOs, or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena — as the government refers to them), would soon be publicly releasing new data on said UFOs.

"When legally allowed, UAPx will provide, to the world, our reviewed and analyzed data as well as all raw data once we identify and secure storage and servers adequate to the task. It is the opinion of UAPx that the data our team collected, processed, and analyzed, is the most significant collection of scientific data regarding the UFO/UAP phenomena. UAPx adhered to strict scientific methodology in collecting the data, enabling expert analysis, and fostering peer review for potential publication in one or more scientific journals," said a press release for UAPx according to Sprague.

This data includes over 600 hours of infrared video from numerous FLIR® cameras; a combined total of three terabytes of visual imagery through multiple camera platforms. Sprague added the analysis of this data reveals a significant number of anomalous objects and phenomena still undergoing examination before public release. He further claimed that the nature and type of information captured may imply definitive proof of UFO/UAP presence.
Government agencies have been getting serious about UFOs/ UAPs for a while now. In June of 2021, members of the House Intelligence Committee received a classified briefing with FBI and U.S. Navy officials to discuss UFOs/ UAPs which some lawmakers have dubbed a threat to national security. Also, in the same month, the U.S. government released its first UFO/UAP report ever.

In November of 2021, the Department of Defense founded a new task force to locate and identify UFOs/ UAPs flying through restricted airspace. Still, nothing yet has provided definitive proof of alien existence. Could the UAPx data be the proof we have all been waiting for?

I wonder if the source is from DOJ.

They released 3 videos, but it is well known they have hundreds if not thousands more.

This is disclosure! They are doing it in bite sized chunks so people don't panic.

Or this virus...
UFOs is such a cooler conspiracy than, yawn 🥱, covid narrative
UFOs is such a cooler conspiracy than, yawn 🥱, covid narrative
How did you figured that covid was alien biotech? I'm beaten, all i have left is going to the south pole and waiting for the mothership to drag me out of this shit