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The taste of your lover's cum - My wife wants to know


Mar 5, 2009
This is for the ladies, indirectly asking for my wife. She's curious, but too shy to ask anyone. I tell her to talk to her friends about it, but she says she just can't bring herself to talk about it. She's an extremely shy little woman with a lot of love in her, so freaking cute. She wants to please me so badly.

In short, my question is: How do you feel about the taste of your lover's cum? I'm not saying just anyone's cum, or even a boyfriend of a couple years. I mean like, your husband, the father of your children, the man who holds the key to your heart, do you feel a certain desire or draw to the taste of it? Or is it universally just a "get it over with" kind of favor you do for him out of love?

This has been a struggle for her for over a decade. She really, really wants to swallow my cum, and honestly gets frustrated with herself when the moment arrives, and she aborts at the very last second, literally apologizing to me as I'm shooting my load down her arm. :p She doesn't know what's stopping her, but she says she gears up for it, thinks she's ready, and then last second gets scared, but says she doesn't know why. Last time, after I came and she got upset with herself, I told her to put my cum-covered penis back in her mouth and taste it, get acquainted with it, and it won't be so mysterious. She did and it was obviously no big deal, and she even let out a "Mmm" sound. I explain to her how I'm insanely attracted to the taste of hers, and when I make her cum she squirts a lot, and I absolutely die for the taste. It's such a combo of love, reward, confidence and satisfaction that my brain associates with the taste, it means so many different good things when I'm tasting that taste. I tell her that she deserves to feel that too, and she agrees.

My wife thanks you for your advice. And I thank you for saying anything that leads to...well....you know. :)
Put chocolate on your cock and she won't know any better.

On another note it's definitely psychological. Some people still believe purity exists. Maybe we're programmed to think this way as being with someone is a big sacrifice.
It's primarily a mental thing that I know as my wife is a nurse and due to the medical training, she feels that licking or tasting anything related to the sex organs is dirty, full of germs and 'not natural' to the order of men.

I've been trying to change this for the last 40yrs to no avail except that she will now allow me to lick her and eat her creampie's. Good luck.........
Oh man that sucks about the nurse thing. Personally the germ obsession thing would drive me batty. Granted, I do wish my wife was a bit more sanitary-conscious, however I have one friend that is nearly on the brink of losing his mind due to his wife's unhealthy obsession with germs and disinfection. She won't even let him kiss or touch her when he arrives home from work until he has brushed his teeth and disinfected his hands. That'd be a deal breaker for me.

Anyway, I do understand it's 99% mental, and I think she does too. That's why she can't understand what comes over her at the last second, it's probably because she's worked it up so much in her own head for so long that now it has manifested as reflex. I was going to try with her last night, but the sex we were having was sooo good I just couldn't finish any other way but inside her. :D