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⭐️ Social ⭐️ The Stimulant Social Parlor. A place to talk about nearly anything. If you don't break forum and site rules, I'll allow it! Potential triggers inside!

Me and my buddy just both did a fairly large shot each. High again.

How's everyone doing today?
I used to post in the middle of the night in this here Blue Light (is that's what it's called there?) and there was at least 1-2 other people who could be expected in a thread. Normally it was some Atelier fellow who was some uni guy working on his 72nd masters or something who would ask me for advice on the subject of crystal meth before he went and became the official site aficionado. Then I was too. I always take the credit for other peoples work. I can assure you I got my 73rd masters now.
I mentioned this to a few people who also agreed with me that meth was so much better a few years ago. Up for 3 days straight, don't eat and you just never want to stop talking.
Now I can eat and sleep with no problem, I'm cool with sitting alone in the quiet.
This started about 2 or closer to 3 years ago.

Does anyone feel like this at all?
I mentioned this to a few people who also agreed with me that meth was so much better a few years ago. Up for 3 days straight, don't eat and you just never want to stop talking.
Now I can eat and sleep with no problem, I'm cool with sitting alone in the quiet.
This started about 2 or closer to 3 years ago.

Does anyone feel like this at all?
It is the topic that never dies.
This started about 2 or closer to 3 years ago.

This actually started closer to 15-20 years ago. Meth has been becoming progressively worse. One of the main issues is that the new methods people use to cook produce a lot of L-methamphetamine, which doesn't get you high and produces various other side effects. It's not high quality D-meth anymore.

I was so overamped a few months ago I ended up, first, taking myself under the bed with my gear, equipment and laptop because I was convinced the porn I was watching was sending light through the curtains so strongly it was keeping the neighbours awake and they could see the porn as it was projecting through the curtains into their bedroom and I was convinced they had figured out what was happening and were constantly talking about it.

By dawn I was so frantic about this I booked myself into a hotel across town. It turned out the room wasn't soundproofed but I wasn't making too much noise, harldy any at all. However, I was sure the people in the upstairs room were listening to everything and, the next morning (day 3) when they checked out I was sure I heard them tell reception that I was on drugs, and then reception called the police. No uniformed police ever came but I am 100% convinced to this day that 3 plain clothes officers (or agents of some kind) arrived and were observing me and talking to each other on walkie talkies from the peephole in the room that connected to the adjoining room. I am certain about this because I was sitting on the bed with the hotel door open waiting for the police to arrive, and I saw all three of them go back and forth as they rotated shifts. I also heard, when they arrived, the male agent telling all other guests to stay in their rooms with the doors closed, and several guests complaining including teenagers crying that they wanted to use the pool but couldn't etc. Outside the door I saw a tarpulin erected and the sewerage being drained (I'd flushed the last of my gear and the complaining hotel guest and management were outside the room listening and one said "he's gotten rid of the evidence by the sounds of it"). Other curious things happened that can't be denied - the guy I bought it off deleted his profiles on all platforms sometime after I bought from him and I have never seen him on any platform ever again; the hotel was booked out but nobody was allowed out of their rooms for many hours and I was sitting in my room with my door wide open and was not told to stay in my room and so on. And the experience went on for hours and I swear blind that the three agents were there, that they were talking to each other on walkie talkies, at various volumes - quite audible, barely audible, almost silent whispers and I pretended I couldn't hear them as I thought it was best to sit still and not interfere. But I did hear things like "acting like a person who knows they're on camera" and "strange he chooses to sit innocently right in front of where we can see him" and so on. I SWEAR I saw and heard them.

However, nothing has ever came of the experience (this occurred in a South East Asian country with severe drug laws, the plain clothes agents were not locals, they were white) and my friend who I called and told the truth and who came to pick me up and waited in the foyer for 4 hours (he kept telling me that the hotel staff said I was able to come to the foyer but I said I thought I should wait for the police rather than 'flee the scene') said he saw not one police car, police officer or anything out of the ordinary out the front or in the foyer the entire time. On the other hand, when I finally did come out, the hotel was COMPLETELY abandoned - no staff, no guests in the swimming pools etc. He took me home, I waited a very long nervous week, six months have gone by now and nothing has happened, I've even flown in and out of the country several times and it's all been perfectly normal.

The lack of police or any kind of repercussions - especially in that country - suggests it was all in my head. Also, the neighbours have never said anything and neither has the landlord, who we share and would probably have contacted? But then some of the things that there is physical evidence for - disappearing dealer, empty hotel etc - make me wonder. Also, as high as I was - and it was choppy gear, trippy around the edges and I took 1 gram, I SWEAR it was all real, or at least parts of it were real. I can remember it all as clear as day and in vivid detail and nothing unrealistic/psychdelic/paranormal was part of the hallucinations. No swirling colours, no shadowy figures, no voices in my head, nothing of any of that. I didn't see or hear anything that wouldn't have looked and sounded the same way in a normal state.

So I guess I'm asking the forum if it's possible to have such an elaborate and realistic hallucinations/paranoia/delusions or was there some sort of wider sting going on and I was just let go as a little fish, or something in between, or something else? I'm not haunted by it and only think about it occasionally now so I don't think I had/am psychosis/psychotic but I am stuck midway between my conviction that it all actually happened and the fact that nothing came of it and maybe it was just all in my head (and I have no one to ask and no way of ever finding out). Thoughts?
When you're taking so much to the point where you can't even enjoy the experience anymore, then give yourself a much needed extended break.

The paranoia and psychosis are generally down to a lack of sleep or sleep quality. Avoid it for a few weeks. Sleep 16 hours a day if your mind and body are calling for it and if you do finally decide to go at it again, start at a considerably smaller dose than you've been using.

Remember, the whole purpose of getting high is to feel good. You're not going to feel good if you're in a constant state of paranoia or panic. Take a break. Take some supplements while you're at it. Magnesium, Taurine, Theanine, Niacin, Tryptophan... etc. These will all help you to relax and unwind. Give your brain a much needed reset.
When you're taking so much to the point where you can't even enjoy the experience anymore, then give yourself a much needed extended break.

The paranoia and psychosis are generally down to a lack of sleep or sleep quality. Avoid it for a few weeks. Sleep 16 hours a day if your mind and body are calling for it and if you do finally decide to go at it again, start at a considerably smaller dose than you've been using.

Remember, the whole purpose of getting high is to feel good. You're not going to feel good if you're in a constant state of paranoia or panic. Take a break. Take some supplements while you're at it. Magnesium, Taurine, Theanine, Niacin, Tryptophan... etc. These will all help you to relax and unwind. Give your brain a much needed reset.
I only use once or twice a year at the most. But when I do use I do tend to be very greedy with it and will grind on through needing to pee for many hours, knowing I needed a glass of water/gatorade 24 hours ago etc. I always overamp because it's such a novelty and I know I won't be doing it again for a while.
Amphetamine psychosis can be very real. That is the nature of ‘psychosis’ - the person experiencing it is unable to distinguish what they are experiencing in their head from external reality.

Some people are able to recognise the beginnings of amphetamine psychosis and realise it is time to stop and go to sleep. Commonly the warnings signs are auditory hallucinations - things like hearing insects walking around or vague voices or vague sounds like a radio. Personally, I would almost always get to this point after a 72 hour binge. Consequently I made it a rule never to go more than 48 hours without sleep. Not a rule I always followed 100 %.

For others though psychosis just flips on like a switch and they have no idea that they are psychotic. Then the strangest things seem perfectly real. If this is you then you need to be extremely careful with amphetamines - it is generally believed that the threshold for becoming psychotic gets lower and lower each time you experience it. So the time/dose that flipped your switch this time will be lower next time…and then again the time after…and so on.
Amphetamine psychosis can be very real. That is the nature of ‘psychosis’ - the person experiencing it is unable to distinguish what they are experiencing in their head from external reality.

Some people are able to recognise the beginnings of amphetamine psychosis and realise it is time to stop and go to sleep. Commonly the warnings signs are auditory hallucinations - things like hearing insects walking around or vague voices or vague sounds like a radio. Personally, I would almost always get to this point after a 72 hour binge. Consequently I made it a rule never to go more than 48 hours without sleep. Not a rule I always followed 100 %.

For others though psychosis just flips on like a switch and they have no idea that they are psychotic. Then the strangest things seem perfectly real. If this is you then you need to be extremely careful with amphetamines - it is generally believed that the threshold for becoming psychotic gets lower and lower each time you experience it. So the time/dose that flipped your switch this time will be lower next time…and then again the time after…and so on.
You're exactly spot on but the auditory hallucinations which are the beginning of the end kick in quite early for me. I'm having a great time for the first 4 hours or so, then it's - as you say - auditory hallucinations. Neighbours are talking about me. What was that thump on the roof (probably a leaf falling off a tree)? Is that a motorbike I can hear approaching from down the street, and it's probably a police motorbike coming to my house? The fun is over for me from that moment on but I forge ahead and then it only gets worse, as per the story in my OP. I'll take your advice - next time enjoy it while it lasts and the minute it gets weird, hit the xanax and the beer and try to go to sleep.
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I’d skip the beer and just take the Xanax. Personally I used just 50 mg of Seroquel OR 10 mg of valium. Usually at the point psychosis is setting you are so sleep-deprived that it’s actually quite easy to go to sleep with small doses like this. No need to use a hammer.

At 72 hours I’ve been huffing on a pipe non-stop right up until I drop the Seroquel and I’m asleep in 15 minutes for a good six hours.
It's always a scary feeling when you realize the people trapped in the walls having a conversation that you've been listening to for the last several minutes is actually just the sound of water dripping from the faucet in the bathroom.

When the hallucinations turn into delusions, that's the terrifying part. To the beholder, yes it is very real.
It's always a scary feeling when you realize the people trapped in the walls having a conversation that you've been listening to for the last several minutes is actually just the sound of water dripping from the faucet in the bathroom.

When the hallucinations turn into delusions, that's the terrifying part. To the beholder, yes it is very real.
Thank you. It sits in my memory as reality because it was so real. But it couldn't have been. And that's the terrifying part. I swear to you I can remember seeing and hearing everything in minute detail to this day, but the lack of any consequences (police being called to a hotel room in South East Asia where someone is loaded up with meth and nobody came?) means it must have been in my head. It's disturbing.