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The Stim Comedown Thread

Don't even try and have a wank, it'll only end in tears. Took me a long time to realise this
Best Comedown Methods.
There is a deleted thread that would be of value, if BCF is okay with it being restored I'll do so and link up.

We could actually do with a B&D/MT regarding comedowns so cheers for starting this Evey. :)
Best Comedown Methods.
There is a deleted thread that would be of value, if BCF is okay with it being restored I'll do so and link up.

We could actually do with a B&D/MT regarding comedowns so cheers for starting this Evey. :)

No probs n thanks. I just remember searching for "stim comedown" back when I experienced a week long one after being on 3 for 2+ months continuous, n found lots of i fo scattered all over the place. I assumed that others would be doing similar n wish for similar info. Would be good for helping n showing people who have never experienced stims, that it isn't all fun but comes with comsequences also.

Edit: just checked outbthat thread it's good :)

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Always traditionally killed off my stim comedowns with tons of Rivotril and Heroin. Worked a fucking treat for years. Ended up causing other problems tho.
Same way I ended up on the gear , used it for a Sunday night come down for a few months , next a little leg up for the moody Monday, then a fix up for trashy Tuesday ,next was wanky Wednesday all of a sudden I'm celebrating feel good Thursday/Friday with a bag of heroin 8(
Would almost be funny if wasn't so tragic. lol.
I used to suffer horrendous speed comedowns of the psychological kind, until I realised the trick is to just keep taking more until tolerance prevents it from working anymore. Then sleep for a day or so and stuff your face until you resemble a human being - then start again. Obviously, this is not good HR so I'm not advising anyone to follow my (bad) example. I think the reason it worked for me was because I suffered badly with anxiety, shyness and sheer social ineptitude at the time, which was totally alleviated for a few hours by amphetamine. But when it wore off, the psychological torture from reverting to a sad bastard was crushing and the compulsion to take more was overwhelming - hence multi-day binges. But I found that if I didn't significantly increase my daily dose over the course of a binge, then the rising tolerance meant I was effectively gliding back to Earth instead of crashing and burning, which minimised the headfuck. So that was my crazy comedown coping strategy. Then I found that heroin killed all comedowns stone dead and still gave me that confidence I required. Thus commenced another chapter of my fuckuppery.
I would use vodka or JD to deal with 3 n the later 'cut' shite that was in it that seemed to make things worst.

( I find it interesting how a lot of you say that you used substances that you later became addicted to. Maybe for another thread but I'd be interested if you feel that stims was a factor in starting your addiction - or feel it underlying factors. It's interesting because the media n others often argue that softer drugs or other drugs lead to Heroin use n addiction. A lady in this morning, who's two soms died of Heroin addiction, argues that it's the dealers that get people into harder drugs / Heroin. Like I said, slightly off-topic but if anyone wants me to start a thread/discussion on this - or start or start one yourself?)

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The only factor involved in my own prediliction to addiction was my insecurities. Speed didn't cause my heroin addiction - I think it was a foregone conclusion as soon as the needle registered in my vein that very first time. It's a myth that dealers get people addicted - they don't need to, there's plenty of gullible fools like myself queuing up to buy overpriced, underweight adulterated poison. Of course every parent looks to blame others for their child's failings; but the truth of it is they have no-one to blame but themselves.

Just say "NO", kids ;)
There's a cheap berroca knock off, that and copious amounts of ginger tea and porridge mixed with lemon curd - or don't come down. Wind up in hospital getting puzzled looks from MD's and 30mg oxynorm every 4 hours for a week.
Hydration, food, sleep. easy. & prepare for heart palps, anxiety, irritability and paranoia. Although for some reason i dont seem to get anxious irritable or paranoid after speed anymore
I've noticed I'll drink water / juice like I've never drank it in my life. And carbs, although I try to avoid bad sugary carbs, seem like like a gift from the gods lol. I hate that anxious feeling, mad what we do to ourselves innit but they have you ferling invincible like you could never get any negative affects n could tackle the world, always. Wash. Rinsse. Repeat :)
what helped me alleviate the anxious feeling was subs or alcohol but not practical if it's 6 am n you've work or whatever, ahead. 2mg subs made me relaxed n tranquil again x

Of course stimulants have a tendency towards causing problems with other drugs.
This is why it is bad HR to recommend taking drugs to counter a "comedown".
Of course stimulants have a tendency towards causing problems with other drugs.
This is why it is bad HR to recommend taking drugs to counter a "comedown".

Dually noted Spacejunk. Many would swear by Benzo's or Opiates for a stim comdown however both may be more trouble than they are worth if you are a regular stim user. It can be better in the long run to "nut" out the come down by taking some nurofen zavance for the headache, 4 or 5 glasses of beer at your local pub helps if your the sort of drinker that doesn't go overboard. Drinking lots of orange cordial and water helps replenish your body. A light meal is good as that is probably all you can stomach. Don't be afraid to snack on fruit or bread and cheese, chances are you haven't eaten anything for 16 + hours.

I personally enjoy the comedown from meth but once it gets to 1am or later 30 + hours after you have been awake and buzzing all night and day it's golden once you drift off to sleep.
Of course stimulants have a tendency towards causing problems with other drugs.This is why it is bad HR to recommend taking drugs to counter a "comedown".
Quite right. You'll never, ever beat the 'comedown'; it's an inevitable consequence of taking stimulant drugs, no matter how many old wives' tales you might read or hear. You can only mask a 'comedown', and even then you only delay the inevitable reactions of your body and your psyche. False economy, and a dangerous game to boot.
There's a cheap berroca knock off, that and copious amounts of ginger tea and porridge mixed with lemon curd - or don't come down. Wind up in hospital getting puzzled looks from MD's and 30mg oxynorm every 4 hours for a week.

A week? You know after you ended up in hospital everyone here got mega OTT with me for having a 5g a week habit. I should have kept that quiet. Seriously though, are you better now? We were allwortied about you. Do you have any lasting effects?


No one went "mega OTT", people who cared did their utmost to try to get you to see that daily stimulant usage, and in particular that of releasing agents of Dopamine with acute peak duration, is the absolute worst thing one can do to their body, mind and entire life.

Don't kid yourself that a 3-FPM habit is any better than a Crack habit.
Sprout said:
Don't kid yourself that a 3-FPM habit is any better than a Crack habit
Or a meth habit. The two are really quite similar in a couple of ways.
Frankly, 3-fpm is a bit more brutal IME. Comparable - but not identical - sort of general drawn-out fuckedness.
Messier comedown for me than meth, except seemingly less psychosis-inducing, compared to similar usage of meth from my (distant) memory, and least in my limited experience.
Limited experience with 3-fpm, that is - but i used to do lots of methamphetamine, i just quit a long time ago.
The 5-HT release of Meth is a major contributor to the unrivaled propensity for paranoid psychosis (if considered in terms of acute duration, the PV's are aided massively by their HL...) - visual and auditory distortions are inherently tied to 5-HT (think music on MDMA, or the slight visual patterning) and combined with DA and insomnia become a perfect psychotic storm.

Meth is the pinnacle of neurotoxicity though, it has an effect on the innate autophagocytic ---> apoptotic pathway that very few molecules in existence do.