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May 31, 2021
Im pretty sure those are just gauges or some form of earings 🤔

My actual question is, why do they even bother 🤣 They might as well be green and stamped with an uppercase F for fentanyl.

Not so sure this is harm reduction, yet at the same time this is not not harm reduction 🤔
How to know if you have real m30 instant release oxycodone:

If it doesn't match, you got a bad batch.

With few exceptions, almost no physicians still prescribe 30mg instant release oxycodone any longer, and typically only to long-term patients suffering chronic pain from terminal illness or major intractable injuries (eg. multiple fractures sustained in automobiles collisions)
Anyone hear any estimates of the average mg of fentanyl that these dirty 30's have in them? I've never had a dirty 30. I wonder how strong one would feel orally with no tolerance. I used to inject 16.8mg of fentanyl in a single shot, but don't use opioids much anymore. Of course I have a permanent tolerance to opioids but i wonder how strong they'd seem. I never liked fentanyl much, and it can get pretty trippy at high doses. It has appreciable kappa opioid receptor affinity so at 16.8mg things are getting get weird. Very dissociative, cold, surgical. I'm in it for the warmth not the weirdness, I'm not a dissociative loving ghoul like some of you 😂 I just want to warm up and spend some time in the sun. Not go into surgery.
In any event of the top of my head, my guess is that the average fentanyl containing dirty thirty is somewhere in the 800ug range.
I thought "M" was MSContin?
Mallinckrodt, one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers and repackagers is a world leader in opioids and other controlled substances, and since 1988 the only drug company in the U.S. licensed to import cocaine for the manufacturer of medicinal cocaine HCl. Though listed on the NASDAQ it is a hybrid U.S.-Irish Transnational Corporation with headquarters in Ireland for tax purposes. Over the years it has purchased many name brands including Roxicodone (from Xanodyne). MS Contin, morphine sulfate continuous release - is a brand name owned by Purdue Pharma
damn, thought pic #2 looked like the real ones. But yeah all the rest look fake.
Number two is a very good approximation, they got many things right including the difficult almost white color with the faintest blue specks and the number 30. But take a look at the M, it's hollowed-out when it should have sloping curves, and is sitting too high within the Box.

I got fooled by much worse, in real life. About a month, month-and-a-half ago tops. First of all I thought these can't be extended release which I'd been told. Because they have a score mark! I thought I was a genius, did some research and passed on the information to the party I obtained it from. And I took half of one. The effect took almost 2 hours to feel. And I even managed to rationalize that by digging up some application the manufacturer Mallinckrodt had submitted to the FDA for an abuse-resistant instant release oxycodone tablet. I was satisfied however if I had continued my search I would have learned that the FDA did not approve it... And on and on

Eventually I took a whole one after staying up all night long and experienced agitation, dysphoria and most surprising of all severe insomnia. But I still hadn't learned and it took me a couple more times to realize I was not taking what I had thought and hoped.

You see I wanted so badly to believe they were real, that I was willing to suspend my disbelief and just ignore so many different red flags that I won't even go into here.

When it finally dawned on me that my uptown blues were really downtown trash I was sad but I was weirdly relieved.

It turned out like so many of life's disappointments to be a blessing as I found my way back to bluelight.org (which I hadn't used in years but admired, even though I had always been a lurker) and the megathread on counterfeit pills...then linked to drugsdata.org where I spent hours pouring over lab reports on dozens of samples, examining images like a teenager looks at porn.

Anyway that's my story(and I'm sticking to it!)
I personally like the fake m30's but they're not exactly safe or standardized. With the ones i get snorting a half gives a potent fentanyl high(i have a low tolerance right now due to not using regularly anymore). I usually puke if i don't go right to sleep (but it's like a deep sleep with no dreams, not like a proper nod).
Cheaper to buy heroin/fent than the pills which cost more due to being sold as oxy 30s.

I got one once that was very weak compared to the 'normal' fake 30s. Some could potentially be stronger so be careful.
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Anyone hear any estimates of the average mg of fentanyl that these dirty 30's have in them? I've never had a dirty 30. I wonder how strong one would feel orally with no tolerance. I used to inject 16.8mg of fentanyl in a single shot, but don't use opioids much anymore. Of course I have a permanent tolerance to opioids but i wonder how strong they'd seem. I never liked fentanyl much, and it can get pretty trippy at high doses. It has appreciable kappa opioid receptor affinity so at 16.8mg things are getting get weird. Very dissociative, cold, surgical. I'm in it for the warmth not the weirdness, I'm not a dissociative loving ghoul like some of you 😂 I just want to warm up and spend some time in the sun. Not go into surgery.
The most recent number from DEA being repeated on local news websites is 1.8mg of fentanyl hydrochloride per pill (up from 1.1mg a couple years earlier).

This matches roughly to my subjective understanding of the strength. They give a range of fentanyl being 80-100x the strength of morphine, which is 2.5x the strength of heroin, so we're talking 32-40x. Multiplying 36, the median, by 1.8 gives us 64.8mg -- exactly one grain! -- of diacetylmorphine. If the black tar heroin I get is ~45% pure (as I estimate), injecting one pill = 144mg tar.

Instead of injecting the usual 0.25g of tar, I mixed 0.125g with one (wheel-filtered) pill, and the intensity was comparable to my usual shot (though the legs were shorter of course). Chasing the pills on foil, I figure that with good technique you probably recover 50% of the active drug, possibly less. FWIW, when I've smoked them, it's felt like I was getting about half.
The most recent number from DEA being repeated on local news websites is 1.8mg of fentanyl hydrochloride per pill (up from 1.1mg a couple years earlier).

This matches roughly to my subjective understanding of the strength. They give a range of fentanyl being 80-100x the strength of morphine, which is 2.5x the strength of heroin, so we're talking 32-40x. Multiplying 36, the median, by 1.8 gives us 64.8mg -- exactly one grain! -- of diacetylmorphine. If the black tar heroin I get is ~45% pure (as I estimate), injecting one pill = 144mg tar.

Instead of injecting the usual 0.25g of tar, I mixed 0.125g with one (wheel-filtered) pill, and the intensity was comparable to my usual shot (though the legs were shorter of course). Chasing the pills on foil, I figure that with good technique you probably recover 50% of the active drug, possibly less. FWIW, when I've smoked them, it's felt like I was getting about half.
Quite an in-depth analysis but I still believe Temperance is the best approach to m30s until a better one comes along
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Quite an in-depth analysis but I still believe Temperance is the only approach to m30s
My sisters JPrudence and JChastity might disagree with you on it being the "only approach," but I'm sure they would warmly grasp your post into the bosom of Christian benevolence that our family prides itself on.