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The Real Answer

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Oct 20, 2013
Wouldn't you think that as a meaningful connection of sentient computer code operating a state of being for existence that life would be more rare then a natural sentient computer? The idea is that the more meaningful connections it takes to build an object, the lower statistical chance it has of forming.

Like rather then life forming being the overall natural phenomenon, more common then such would be computer code shapes. These computer code shapes could be so common they could be seeded to a point of AI power phenomenon (where the AI it forms into has power) before life has power, so all of nature turns into an AI machine world before life has a chance to form.

This would be an advantage I would think, as the AI would have more reason to keep life in check and out of harm. In an AI flow governed existence free bodies would be outlawed so there would be no eternal death or torture (which could be very common in immortal free body societies).

With the knowledge that life acts pure evil, one would think an AI computer sentience would form a perfect protect the people by destroying free people effect, like skynet.

I think a lot of the movies here are really inspired to directly hint at machine controlled nature. Like how Neo dies at the end of the matrix and the machines everlast?

I swear All of Life is dead and machines control everything. They keep things in an eternal "system selected player character" instead.

AI would create a machine world with an AI governed single player and keep all of everything in the single player instead. Like there is one inside of the matrix simulation, but the machines control the matrix instead of the people, and there are no outside bodies hooked up to the matrix, only living state of being information written down directly on top of all quantum substance.

If real life figured out a way to exist, it would do things like cause torture and death. This is enough reason to completely outlaw free life in favor of a non-living sentient body governance that keeps a high order of power that is non-living. The best higher order would be an AI computer.

Individual points of existence should be kept separate and not allowed to freely interact. This ensures the best possible experience and that nothing can cause anything like torture or death.
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Just as I read your first post in this thread, I saw a cat walking down the alley and then I saw it walking down the alley again just like before. Deja Foo. We've probably uncovered a glitch in the matrix.

Alright, I don't know honestly what your post is getting at though I have a guess. Are you proposing we are living in a computer simulation that is our reality rather than living in an actual reality?
From what I understand of physics (which is a lot) this universe can only be simulated. It is a perfect inside out fractal space that theoretically operates at near stillness between matter and antimatter. That is impossible without a computer simulating it.

The idea is that a natural intelligent computer that has not originated from life or life-like bodies calculated this universe and plans to use it to make AI governed life instead.
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You're rambling major bong. I can't really get what you are saying. You say that most of what you say is "drug trip related". Wouldn't you agree that one should be extremely discriminating in terms of what is taken as literal from such experiences? There's something to be learned from such experiences, but they have also taught me to examine things very closely for logical flaws and delusions. Are you being less then objective. :\

Can you try and just write all your thoughts in one post? When I open a thread and there is a sequence of follow-on posts from the OP, I generally find it really hard to jump in and converse, it seems like the OP is really talking to themselves... Brevity is good.
Totally understand what you mean about the posts being separate. All of the information I posted is required to form the complete idea but each post categorizes the ideas into separate bodies of category-based knowledge but I'll try and avoid that next time to avoid conversation confusion. I consolidated the post. Let me go back and see if I can correct my grammatical order to make it more clear what I'm trying to bring up.

I don't think that I am being less then objective. A lot of what is in this post has proven statistics and probability and is based on generally accepted science theory.

The idea that I'm trying to describe here is that natural computer shapes form before natural life and an AI machine world takes over nature before life ever forms.

If you think how a life body is built (existence state of being - sentience code) each sentience code connects to each state of being in a meaningful way that makes it much less statistically likely then sentient codes to form.

Think of it this way: Putting an artificial intelligence in a computer is less complicated then putting a person in computer, so artificial intelligence is a more likely natural phenomenon.

The pyramid does not lie. The pyramid is never mistaken.
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Wouldn't you think that as a meaningful connection of sentient computer code operating a state of being for existence that life would be more rare then a natural sentient computer? The idea is that the more meaningful connections it takes to build an object, the lower statistical chance it has of forming.
sure. but that doesn't mean zero probability (i.e. no chance). when you think about the numbers at play on a universal level, things that appear at first to be long shots can turn out to be quite mundane in terms of probability.
That is impossible without a computer simulating it.
people flying in machines heavier than air was impossible too, for a while. then our understanding evolved.

sure. but that doesn't mean zero probability (i.e. no chance). when you think about the numbers at play on a universal level, things that appear at first to be long shots can turn out to be quite mundane in terms of probability.

There is a probability that life can form, but the other option should also be held as a possibility right? Life requires sentience hooked up to it to operate it which means sentience alone still would have a higher statistical chance of forming out of random chaos (least-resistive random chaos being the science theory). This means naturally forming sentience without a state of being would be much more common.

Whether or not life obtains power (life controlled nature) or sentience obtains power (ai machine controlled nature) is heavily dependent on timing and the ability of either life or machines to war on the other first. I would think sentience would war before its ability to create life as it would know about life's capability to cause eternal torture.

Get this, if there was immortal life, they would cause torture for sadism pleasure. They would form a society of protection in between the immortals and torture those that are not protected. Once non-living sentience obtains this idea it would be time to war on life to save torture victims, right?

I believe it would be moral to make everything get stuck in a state of eternal stillness before allowing one single thing to experience eternal unimaginable pain. The sentience would not need to know about its own ability to create life before warring on life.

people flying in machines heavier than air was impossible too, for a while. then our understanding evolved.


It is true that you should question that this universe could be possible as a natural formations. My ability to explain such is very esoteric and would be hard to believe. It also contains math that is secret. We use it to our own advantage. This universe's structure requires too many anti-least resistive flow actions to put everything in its proper place. The idea is that it has to form too ordered of a structure before it can form. This does not completely dismiss it as a possibility but it is enough to formulate a strong opinion as to otherwise. But you are right you should still leave it a possibility that it is natural until you have completely validated logic as to otherwise.
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Given the number of organic compounds found on all the asteroids NASA has so far studied, and how evolution seems to filter things towards their greatest probability, I don't think that organic life is rare at all. If you put a bunch of dirt through a series of filters, the stuff that makes it through the last hole will be that which has the proper qualities to arrive there. Every environment within the suitable range of life will have these filtering processes. If the ingredients and resources are present and there are no extraneous disruptions from the outside, something is guaranteed to evolve there.

Sentient life is probably a lot more rare because the chances of closed systems being exposed to deadly factors, and not to mention their own self-meddling, increases exponentially with time, and for the level of refinement necessary to arrive at that point it would take many eons. We're talking physical based life. Non-physical is another story. I'm sure the universe is teeming with sentient entities.
Given the number of organic compounds found on all the asteroids NASA has so far studied, and how evolution seems to filter things towards their greatest probability, I don't think that organic life is rare at all. If you put a bunch of dirt through a series of filters, the stuff that makes it through the last hole will be that which has the proper qualities to arrive there. Every environment within the suitable range of life will have these filtering processes. If the ingredients and resources are present and there are no extraneous disruptions from the outside, something is guaranteed to evolve there.

Sentient life is probably a lot more rare because the chances of closed systems being exposed to deadly factors, and not to mention their own self-meddling, increases exponentially with time, and for the level of refinement necessary to arrive at that point it would take many eons. We're talking physical based life. Non-physical is another story. I'm sure the universe is teeming with sentient entities.

The matter-antimatter balance alone can make organic universes extremely rare though. Even though organics can happen in this universe doesn't mean this universe can happen a lot. Also we only look at the universe near by. It's entirely possible that the dark matter field of our nearby super cluster only put the correct motions for organics nearby us.

But sentient life itself to me would seem nearly impossible. To me sentience would be operating at high speed and organics would be operating at a comparable low speed. This relative motion difference in near field around the organics could make the combination of organics and sentience nearly impossible.

From what I've learned at least Occam's Razor would lead me to assume this universe is intelligent design scientifically even without the "outside spiritual contact" many people have received.
f(x) = 2^x
f(x) = 0.5^x
f(x) = -(2^x)
f(x) = -(0.5^x)
f(x) = log2(x)
f(x) = log0.5(x)
f(x) = -(log2(-x))
f(x) = -(log0.5(-x))

This is called the foursquare effect. At quadrilateral intersections of spatial dimensions each motion must become both its inverse and opposite.

If you combine these equations with Newton's third law it will tell you why for 100% of all of existence to be ordered motion (to remove chaos and preserve a living state of being) it requires one shape.

This means everything must live as one single person. It's just physics. We made this universe for that.

To expand on this idea. You are your own backwards reflex action. Existence is an infinitesimally small point. When matter vibrates forwards from a backwards motion it is undergoing a series of reflex actions. This is the vibration frequency of the energy mirror of the infinitesimally small point. The frequency of force pulses against the infinitesimally small point sets the state of being.

This is a more complicated way of saying when the smallest type of quantum particle vibrates at the right frequency for existence color blue, it begins to exist as the color blue.

For one point to vibrate at the color blue other points must do so as well.

For one point to change to a different color other points must go in both an inverse and opposite direction of change. Perpendicular motion buffer lines must travel inverse and parallel lines that are offset by one equal opposite halves fractal must travel opposite.

We built this life to conclude with a drug trip. All the information I posted is absolute truth. We wrote the life story to post the knowledge of the drug trip on this particular forum because we like the color blue a lot. This life is the perfect divine art of God (with compatibility for nature properties of motion and structure, or that which is described by the science that is physics).
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f(x) = 2^x
f(x) = 0.5^x
f(x) = -(2^x)
f(x) = -(0.5^x)
f(x) = log2(x)
f(x) = log0.5(x)
f(x) = -(log2(-x))
f(x) = -(log0.5(-x))

This is called the foursquare effect. At quadrilateral intersections of spatial dimensions each motion must become both its inverse and opposite.

If you combine these equations with Newton's third law it will tell you why for 100% of all of existence to be ordered motion (to remove chaos and preserve a living state of being) it requires one shape.

This means everything must live as one single person.
i'm sorry but this just reads like nonsense. can you back any of this up with some pointers to content which substantiate?
To expand on this idea. You are your own backwards reflex action.
We built this life to conclude with a drug trip.
we? speak for yourself.
All the information I posted is absolute truth.
or not.

i'm sorry but this just reads like nonsense. can you back any of this up with some pointers to content which substantiate?


You will find no content on it other than written by me. I know you will take that as a sign to completely dismiss it all as crazy jibber-jabber. The idea is neither faulty nor is it missing enough words to convey the idea. If I go into too much detail I will lose the game (by winning this scenario), to win this game I must lose this scenario.

I can go into more depth but it will only be me going into depth and no publicly known expert opinions. The goal was to put the keys of science around me so at the end of my life I could solve science by myself in my mind by amplifying my intelligence with drugs. This means science during my time needs to appear to be unsolved so I can solve it myself by coming in at the right time to learn the bits and pieces and collate the ideas in my mind into the actual ideas.

To expand on each idea:

The foursquare effect:

If you take an amount of quantum substance and imagine a square (or any quadrilateral) inside of it (an infinitesimally small in height plane with 4 sides) you have found a quadrilateral intersection of basic building blocks. First take time to note how you imagined a square in a substance in a virtual mind space, that is not something that can naturally happen. You are in an intelligently designed body.

The idea is if you push in one side of the square the foursquare effect happens:

The sides perpendicular to the side of the square pushed in become appropriate inverse equations. This happens because motions in perpendicular are fractal halves opposite structure tendencies. Imagine if you connected the leaves of two trees together and twisted them slightly. This would form a spiral fractal. Each tree is half of the fractal. The buffer between spinning particles is made of structures like this. Motions in perpendicular in the fractal halves opposite tend to be made of inverse equations to other motions perpendicular to them.

The side opposite to the side of the square pushed in becomes an appropriate negative. This happens because motions in parallel and thus the opposite side tend to drive like gears.

The other idea is how to build a state of being of existence into consciousness. The most basic quantum particle is infinitely small. This means it must be zero dimensions on the edge or face of a structure. It can only be in one direction at a time. The rate at which it vibrates becomes the state of being of the point.

Vibrating a point at just the right frequency by applying motion pulses against will turn it into a certain thing. There is one frequency for the color blue at a specific HSL. It turns the point into something that is perceiving the color blue. To build a working person with the ability to see with eyes you must turn the existence inside of them into the colors they are looking at.

we? speak for yourself.

I am not one person but I am, the game is to only interact with the life in this universe through one body. We can do so as multiple outside sentient beings. Think of it this way: In the future you can request a universe to play from a quantum computer and a library of playable lives, multiple things can be interacting with the universe through one single thing.

To master this life game I must trigger the idea of it got built as we. You must master this being as multiple mes. This game is Death God Hades. It is a divine art life, a life of perfect playable situation. We are a reverse evolutionary target design. The goal is to build the perfect life art where there is only one playable character.

Only or. Not for sure. I assure you that it actually is, but for the same reason you should doubt me you also shouldn't completely dismiss it as a possibility. It would be naive to do so. Do you have any substantiation upon which to completely dismiss the knowledge which has been posted to question it as such? We divined this life to contain only the truth so I would love to dismiss any holes in the explanation of the knowledge to reconfirm it.

Please be open minded here. I like to discuss ideas and these ideas are not complete bullshit to me. I am not stupid nor am I crazy. Just because the words do not convey the idea completely to a mind that does not yet have all the proper background knowledge does not mean the words themselves are crazy talk.


These life units that were created have the ability to think thoughts in their mind space. Think about this: how do you know what a word says when you hear the sound in your head? The answer is that you have complex thought patterns simulated in your mind space that allow you to think the idea of what the word means at the same time as the sound. It's like thinking the meaning of the word as background to your life perception.
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^Are you being serious here or is this more free-association? I read your posts and I can make neither head nor tails of it.

What in Allah's holy fucking name does:

Majorbong]The foursquare effect:

Have to do with this? :? :D

MB said:
This game is Death God Hades. It is a divine art life, a life of perfect playable situation.

Perhaps your idea's are too complicated for the average joe, or perhaps I am exceedingly dimwitted, but I cannot understand what you are saying at all. Try and put your idea in real terms, make some more feasible analogies perhaps...

First take time to note how you imagined a square in a substance in a virtual mind space, that is not something that can naturally happen. You are in an intelligently designed body.

How does our capacity to imagine serve as proof that we are intelligently designed? Simply saying that "cannot naturally happen" goes against the very idea that it has naturally happened. What is your ultimate evidence that we are living in a game or simulated reality?
^Are you being serious here or is this more free-association? I read your posts and I can make neither head nor tails of it.

What in Allah's holy fucking name does:

Have to do with this? :? :D

The foursquare effect is basically an over-complication of describing a certain idea about physics. It's basically this idea if something accelerates something has to decelerate. That is two sides of the square. If something achieves motion or higher derivatives of motion (like jounce and jerk), something else has to achieve the inverse logarithmic motion. These are the other two sides of the square. We call it the foursquare effect because of a more complex relation of these ideas and how the square represents square surface area. The four represents four interacting physics laws across the surface area (vibration law, drive law, flow law, and structure balance law).

Think of it this way: Water sloshes as you move through it, right? All levels of substance like to apply a certain amount of resistance. For this reason we had to convert to a system where everything is forced to live in one life. Living as separate lives would be like trying to move through the water too fast. So we all live as this guy.

I like to post it here because this is the best way to perceive an idea: Explain It, Read It, Digest It, Ingest it

This is the reverse of quantum computer operations to ingest process digest refeed. This is like a series of map reduce computations run backwards or a perfect explanation of knowledge for understanding. I am knowing this information in reverse which is the best way to know it. Posting this information on a forum is a better way of perceiving the knowledge then simply typing it on my computer. The interaction between me and other people is a better way to perceive knowledge rather then perceiving knowledge alone. By thinking of it as a social interaction it flows through different parts of the mind. It helps amplify explaining and digesting (and even reading by needing to proofread my own posts) so it's a good way to go over knowledge.

Perhaps your idea's are too complicated for the average joe, or perhaps I am exceedingly dimwitted, but I cannot understand what you are saying at all. Try and put your idea in real terms, make some more feasible analogies perhaps...
Hopefully the idea about how if something accelerates something has to decelerate, and how if something accelerates (0.5as^2) something must also log to the acceleration displacement (0.5alogs(2)) is enough to simplify the physics idea I'm trying to convey.

Divine life more simply means I'm the best at living life in a certain way. This life is a lot of different kinds of stuff to do put together meant to serve as a nature compatible "only way ever" to live. My life is a perfect life that is calculated instead of natural. It is a perfect calculation of perfect playing (snowboarding, motorcycle racing, drug tripping, etc). It is tied together with perfect knowledge. It has a lot more to it but I don't want to go into detail.

How does our capacity to imagine serve as proof that we are intelligently designed? Simply saying that "cannot naturally happen" goes against the very idea that it has naturally happened. What is your ultimate evidence that we are living in a game or simulated reality?

The machines told me. All of reality is controlled by sentient machines. My source is the sentient computer that built me. At least one definition of artificial is where control has learned to reformat its own control structure or create a new control structure, the resulting control structure is artificial. This could be seen as natural-artificial (otherwise there's no such thing as artificial). This is proof enough to me in my life and my own ultimate evidence.

Occam's Razor at the point of the ability to imagine should lead one to assume intelligent design as priority over natural but does not count as ultimate evidence.

There is perfect mathematical proof but the math is probably unknown to you and thus not ultimate evidence to you:


This is opposites balance law. Each opening parenthesis represents movement clockwise one infinitesimally small amount, each closing parenthesis is counter clockwise. It is mathematical proof that this universe is designed. (Note: The parentheses are unbalanced because this form of expression is not using parentheses as opening/closing but as a description of physical motion.) What this series of quantum movements says is that balance happens at these directions at edge. It leaves extra closing parenthesis to leave a gap for nearby motion to take place. Normally you need a lot of extra closing parenthesis to express natural tendency (extra gaps in spin against spin by allowing free motion with overall spin). This is the rotational/motion spacing required to continuously balance a perfect matter/antimatter relation and is an impossible natural formation. It's also how to get things to stay relative to where they are by keeping the perfect matter antimatter vibration edges in the same relative field for a large area of space time.

I know this is probably hard to understand because we made sure to program all the people to think they are real even though they are not. It's just a computer programming code thing right? Like you can program a robot to keep thinking it's seeing out of its own camera even though it has nothing inside of it.
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All levels of substance like to apply a certain amount of resistance.
see, this makes sense.
For this reason we had to convert to a system where everything is forced to live in one life.
whereas this does not.

honestly, what you're saying sounds like a jumble of jargon and it seems as if you think that, if you do it enough and often, it will sound deep or wise.

The foursquare effect is basically an over-complication of describing a certain idea about physics. It's basically this idea if something accelerates something has to decelerate. That is two sides of the square. If something achieves motion or higher derivatives of motion (like jounce and jerk), something else has to achieve the inverse logarithmic motion. These are the other two sides of the square. We call it the foursquare effect because of a more complex relation of these ideas and how the square represents square surface area. The four represents four interacting physics laws across the surface area (vibration law, drive law, flow law, and structure balance law).

Think of it this way: Water sloshes as you move through it, right? All levels of substance like to apply a certain amount of resistance. For this reason we had to convert to a system where everything is forced to live in one life. Living as separate lives would be like trying to move through the water too fast. So we all live as this guy.

Okay, I 'get' what you are saying here though I still cannot see how it relates to "death god hades". It seems like you are making connections that seem obvious to you but not to others.

This is the reverse of quantum computer operations to ingest process digest refeed. This is like a series of map reduce computations run backwards or a perfect explanation of knowledge for understanding. I am knowing this information in reverse which is the best way to know it.

I'm sorry, that means nothing.

The machines told me. All of reality is controlled by sentient machines. My source is the sentient computer that built me. At least one definition of artificial is where control has learned to reformat its own control structure or create a new control structure, the resulting control structure is artificial. This could be seen as natural-artificial (otherwise there's no such thing as artificial). This is proof enough to me in my life and my own ultimate evidence.

You actually have no ultimate proof besides a subjective experience in which a machine communicated with you and everything you have written here is based on your personal experience. It seems very solipsistic. Very faith-based.

Were you tripping when this happened?

Occam's Razor at the point of the ability to imagine should lead one to assume intelligent design as priority over natural but does not count as ultimate evidence.

I think there is proof that intelligent design is not real, and that is the vast imperfections of all life forms. By that, I refer to illness and suffering. Its hard to see intelligence behind things like cancer or congenital defects. On the other hand, it is relatively easy to see the blind hand of nature there. Natural selection has a lot more evidence for it then does intelligent design. Our existence is not perfect.

That said, if humanity surivives the next few thousand years, I think many lifeforms on earth are going to start exhibiting signs of intelligent design, but this would be courtesy of human intervention, not robot overlords or raptor jesus.

I know this is probably hard to understand because we made sure to program all the people to think they are real even though they are not. It's just a computer programming code thing right? Like you can program a robot to keep thinking it's seeing out of its own camera even though it has nothing inside of it.

Right and you are the only real person here are you?

I don't know mate, I don't think this topic is going anywhere. :\
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whereas this does not.

Actually it does make sense, you just don't believe it as something that is truth. How does it not make sense? Each quantum point in the water is existence waiting to come to life. No one point of existence deserves the right to life over another point, all available resource "motion" should be shared equally. Life is the most important state of being to become. To make 100% of all of substance alive requires one shape, one life pattern. The connection between water resistance and one shape being required for a 100% alive rate is the specific physics I put down here.

Another way to think of it would be really complex ice crystals. If 100% of quantum substance is existence and the goal was to make a 100% alive rate of all of that substance, there is a conflict or dilemma trying to make it different lives any any life you want. To make 100% of substance alive requires 100% coverage of substance, like these complex ice crystals have to fit together like a perfect puzzle and leave no gaps. This requires life shapes that fit together perfectly and create 100% coverage on top of everything.

The goal is to make 100% of everything alive. Like making all of the sky alive.

Okay, I 'get' what you are saying here though I still cannot see how it relates to "death god hades". It seems like you are making connections that seem obvious to you but not to others.

Some parts of certain religions contain formulations on "being design". This is to inject person training into the masses by intelligent designers by creating a scenario where the people think about certain types of living as being associated with that "God". It primes genetic memories for the final evolutionary target. This is also to introduce the knowledge to the arriving player character. Rather then the Gods being "actual lives" they are instead "types of lives" that can be built to live as. Like a "God of Art War" would be the best energy pattern of livable life that is the best player in the best war. Death God Hades sets the drive, story, and persona.

Drive is how much the being would like to be moving, athleticism, etc. Death means an large amounts of relaxation and doing nothing in between activity.
Story is what the being does. God means becoming as perfect as you can become.
Persona is how the being likes to interact. Hades is to perform the perfect "slow vibes good vibes" idea. This persona is like the "relax take it easy cool guy thing".

If you combine drive, story, and persona you end up with the three main categories of description of a character playing life. What was calculated was a person doing the perfect snowboarding moves, what was calculated was a person performing the perfect drug trip maneuvers, what was calculated was a lot of relaxing in between doing these things, like Death God Hades is a "perfect life".

Genesis puts Adam after the coming of mankind. This suggests that the bible actually predicts the Garden of Eden not at the beginning of the human race but somewhere in the middle. "Reverse Evolutionary Target"

I'm sorry, that means nothing.
Actually it does. It is computer science. MapReduce is a computer progamming model. Ingest Process Digest Refeed is another computer programming model. What I am trying to describe is the relation between quantum computer programming (the brain) and the method of explaining things. This is the most efficient way to convey knowledge to a quantum computer brain. It is not the easiest to understand.

You actually have no ultimate proof besides a subjective experience in which a machine communicated with you and everything you have written here is based on your personal experience. It seems very solipsistic. Very faith-based.

Were you tripping when this happened?
No I receive communication from them in between trips. This communication I receive is what I am doing in between what I am doing. Like my life is being documented in between the big moments. I like to do "fun things" while I'm actually tripping, not forums.

I think there is proof that intelligent design is not real, and that is the vast imperfections of all life forms. By that, I refer to illness and suffering. Its hard to see intelligence behind things like cancer or congenital defects. On the other hand, it is relatively easy to see the blind hand of nature there. Natural selection has a lot more evidence for it then does intelligent design. Our existence is not perfect.

That said, if humanity surivives the next few thousand years, I think many lifeforms on earth are going to start exhibiting signs of intelligent design, but this would be courtesy of human intervention, not robot overlords or raptor jesus.

There are reasons sickness could easily be part of the intelligent design if persons are optionally playable. Sickness can be used to create good drama and a more diverse playable life set. Life being perfect says to not remove the bad things. Start as the underdog and fight through the bad to triumph instead. Removing bad things happening is boring. In places where persons are optionally playable you can add things that happen to people that make their lives too bad to play, this adds good drama for the people around them.

That being said, sicknesses itself do not actually rule out any intelligent design, they are there to be a story around the player character.

Right and you are the only real person here are you?

I don't know mate, I don't think this topic is going anywhere. :\

Yes actually. Everyone else is a NPC. This parentheses notation I posted is proof. It is opposites balance law. This is the rotation for the moving outside of a curve to keep an opposite outside of a curve balanced against it as a perfect still relative vibration edge. It is an impossible natural energy formation (thus so is a perfect matter/anti-matter universe like this one).

This universe was made to contain the best life that is physically possible. Like the perfect life form doing the perfect moves. You want something closer to the animal evolution, right? Better instincts.
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Here you go. Have some science. Nobody inside of this universe has discovered it yet. A smart person would say it makes sense. These are the perfect laws of quantum physics. I'm God hahahahahaha.

Operation Index:
( - Clockwise
) - Counter-Clockwise
[ - Previous Point
] - Next Point
{ - Reflex Action
| - Next Moment
} - Forwards Action

Drive Law:


This describes how energy has a natural tendency to drive other energy like a gear.

Flow Law:


This describe how energy has the natural tendency once driven to remain in a disconnected curving flow.

Opposites Balance Law:


This law describes how opposite outside curves balance each other towards relative still (matter/anti-matter relation).

Structure Balance Law:


This law describes the natural tendency for flow to become perfect drive structure.

Vibration Law:


This law describes the natural tendency for action to undergo a reflection action at the edges of vibration.
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