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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Mega Thread - for all your questions on dealing with chronic pain

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ok, so my backs been hurting, and i found out there is a fracture in my vertebra, mri and bone scan scheduled next week, my doctor is concerned because apparently the fracture i have tends to come from some sort of trauma, and my pain never came from any trauma, ive done A LOT of research, and my doctor even told me its possible that it may be cancer, i came across among many things, one possibility is ruled out because im negative for tb, but its possible that i may have mestastic disease, i just turned 27 and lower back pain, pain in my cervical, i have extremely dull/burning in my shoulders, arms and a heavy feeling in my legs, i get tired VERY fast and out of breath easily, if anybody knows anything about these symptoms PLEASE let me know
im so tired and weak, every day
^^^ if nothing shows up in the tests, possibly fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome?

i'm diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and have the pain in my lower back and cervical spine, along with the faigue and burning sensations in shoulders. also the heavy feelings in limbs.

just an idea.
If a doctor diagnoses FMS because tests were negative s/he is an idiot and you should find a new doctor. The most universal diagnostic test for fibro (usually done by a rheumatologist) involves a trained specialist analyzing specific diagnostic criteria listed below

* A history of widespread pain lasting more than three months—affecting all four quadrants of the body, i.e., both sides, and above and below the waist.
* Tender points—there are 18 designated possible tender or trigger points (although a person with the disorder may feel pain in other areas as well). During diagnosis, four kilograms-force (39 newtons) of force is exerted at each of the 18 points; the patient must feel pain at 11 or more of these points for fibromyalgia to be considered.[117] Four kilograms of force is about the amount of pressure required to blanch the thumbnail when applying pressure. SOURCE

I have chronic pain that was test-negative but I definitely do not have fibromyalgia because I do not fit the diagnostic criteria. Keep pursuing a diagnosis because that is your best shot at getting adequate treatment.

Good luck, take care and please feel free to ask any question here or via PM.
We're not going to give you advice on how to get the medication you want out of your doctor. The best way to do it is to work out what meds help and which ones don't, as well as exploring other options if necessary.

Merging eles215's thread into the PM Mega Thread.

im not seeking anything ....when i eaT any type of perk vicodin or whatever it fucks my stomach up really bad.....something mscontin oxycontin n the perk 30's do not do....

i dont care if the doctor puts me on oxy 5's..or perk 5's for that matter.....id rather have a hurt stomach then not be able to work....................i was just wondering if i wil have problems gettin prescribed to anything since my prior backround.....

n what they usually give people for just starting out....
beside when i was dosing my self it grew to 3-6 80's aday.....cause i had a unlimited supply........i know a doctor would never prescreibe that....so anything he gives me would not get me high anyway......it would just take a edge off from the pain
....when i eaT any type of perk vicodin or whatever it fucks my stomach up really bad.....something mscontin oxycontin n the perk 30's do not do....

Has acetaminophen (Tylenol) products upset your stomach in the past? If so, it sounds like you might have a sensitivity to acetaminophen if Vicodin and Percocet or other acetaminophen containing compounds mess up your stomach and MSContin, Oxycontin, and Roxicodone don't "fuck up your stomach"

i dont care if the doctor puts me on oxy 5's..or perk 5's for that matter.....id rather have a hurt stomach then not be able to work....................i was just wondering if i wil have problems gettin prescribed to anything since my prior backround.....

n what they usually give people for just starting out....

You might (I would) want to try to use something to help with the nausea before you swear off any acetaminophen containing compounds for good.

On another note, if your seeing the same doctor you did before when you were detoxing off opioids or if it is in your file, then they will most definitely take that into account when prescribing you anything.

Please don't try to play the system(from all of us here at BL, and us here at The Pain Management Mega-Thread specifically) although I'm not necessarily saying this is the case.

I just hope your not talking yourself into opioid therapy for your pain because of your past drug abuse (opioid specific) consciously or subconsciously, the mind works in mysterious ways especially when it comes to addiction, past or present.

There are so many different methods of pain managment you might want to take into account before deciding opioid therapy is your only option or one the options you want to take for your pain management plan.
PM me if you want any suggestions, as I employ many alternative chronic pain therapies for my pain/recovery.

Best of luck,

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Yeah and a lot of people tend to think the slightest amount of pain means they require a vast amount of narcotics at their disposal to relieve "their "pain".

and the others seem to think that managing that pain means they need to be high all day .

these are the two groups you definatly dont want to be in . especially if you have any interests in actually "managing" your pain .. listen to the above poster and seriously think long and hard about other alternative therapies before insisting on narcotics .. especially if abusing them was your thing less than a few years ago .
Well if youve tried the patches and really the only thing stronger is Carfentinyl which is animal grade.... the next step would be to try say 7.5 mgs of oxycodone at a time ontop of the patches which is 1/4 of a 30.... when i was in pain management i found the 50 mcg/hr patch along with 15 mgs of oxycodone every two hours with something for the stomach problems helped... also try taking your normal meds with something like say grapefruit juice or letting them dissolve under your tongue. the BA of the meds is higher when going through the mucous membrane in the mouth and nose IMHO... Talking to your Pain Doc will help you just have to find what works... Oxymorphone is a good med to combine with morphine for pain if the doctor doesnt have problem prescribing it as it very addictive.... Stadol? have you tried it? get back to me here and we can chat i have a pretty good exp with pain docs and opiates :)
Youve got to be joking ... there is no prescription opioid that has a higher BA nasally than orally other than dilaudid .. and i highly doubt actually , i know for a fact that a doctor would not instruct someone to snort their pills unless their off their fucking rocker and are dying to have their liscence stomped into the ground.

Advising anyone to take their medication other than directed isnt tolerated in this thread and also shouldnt even be encouraged or recommended. Like ive told many people , if your doctor didnt think the way he is prescribing the medication would work then he wouldnt prescribe it . theres a reason the doctor has a PHD/MD and the patient doesnt. So please refrain from including those bits of information in any other posts in this particular thread.

Also this BA bullshit has nothing to do with how a medication is going to manage your pain , unless your doing more than just "managing" your pain .
^^^ if nothing shows up in the tests, possibly fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome?

i'm diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and have the pain in my lower back and cervical spine, along with the faigue and burning sensations in shoulders. also the heavy feelings in limbs.

just an idea.

thats a possibility, though im not sure fibro would cause a fracture?
and i am unable to look for other doctors because this doc was assigned to me when i was locked up in the mental hospital, so im in the counties system as far as heatlh care goes....i dont have any money to see docs out of pocket, luckily i dont even pay for my meds and 5 bucks a visit
there is no prescription opioid that has a higher BA nasally than orally other than dilaudid

Advising anyone to take their medication other than directed isnt tolerated in this thread and also shouldnt even be encouraged or recommended. Like ive told many people , if your doctor didnt think the way he is prescribing the medication would work then he wouldnt prescribe it . theres a reason the doctor has a PHD/MD and the patient doesnt. So please refrain from including those bits of information in any other posts in this particular thread.

Also this BA bullshit has nothing to do with how a medication is going to manage your pain , unless your doing more than just "managing" your pain .

very very good post LightTrailz:) i completely agree, all this BA talk is bullshit, the only people talking about it are obviously not using their meds as prescribed, or at least thinking about it abusing them which is detrimental to any kind of pain managment program
Youve got to be joking ... there is no prescription opioid that has a higher BA nasally than orally other than dilaudid .. and i highly doubt actually , i know for a fact that a doctor would not instruct someone to snort their pills unless their off their fucking rocker and are dying to have their liscence stomped into the ground.

Advising anyone to take their medication other than directed isnt tolerated in this thread and also shouldnt even be encouraged or recommended. Like ive told many people , if your doctor didnt think the way he is prescribing the medication would work then he wouldnt prescribe it . theres a reason the doctor has a PHD/MD and the patient doesnt. So please refrain from including those bits of information in any other posts in this particular thread.

Also this BA bullshit has nothing to do with how a medication is going to manage your pain , unless your doing more than just "managing" your pain .

I wasnt saying to snort the pills (I was just saying that it can be done, I cant say for her to do this that would be a bad Idea., I was stating that she should hold them under her tounge and let them dissolve if at all possible and with most meds you do absorb most water soluble meds at a high BA when doing so, thanks!
^ LOL, I just searched for this thread and was about to do the same thing. Good man.

To make my post more valuable:

This thread is a good place to ask any questions about dealing with chronic pain.
You guys are sweethearts.

Just a friendly reminder that there are numerous regular bluelight readers/posters like myself that have a lot of experience and knowledge about many aspects and challenges of having chronic pain. Throughout this mega-thread many issues such as dealing with doctors and medications, alternative treatment, condition-specific questions/advise and a lot more are covered.

To all bluelighters dealing with pain, and all other interested bluelighters- Welcome.
thanks cane. I'm a chronic pain patient and often have questions. I'm thinking actually of changing the gabapentin (neurontin) i take for pregablin (lyrica) for my fibromyalgia. Does anyone know if this is a good idea? I've read lots of threads about how to get high off them but not too much from people who use them for pain relief. If i'm missing the place where this info already is then please no shouting! I can currently only use bl on my mobile phone so it's very hard to search, and i have but may have missed something.
it's been a long while since i posted here and there have been many changes in my pain. i saw the pain management spec. about 2 months ago. he immediately started me on methadone 15mgs/day and am now at 20 mgs/day. i had been on tramadol 400mgs/day and it was not helping at all after almost 1 year on it. (i was also taking 1800 mgs gabapentin, 16 mgs zanaflex, 30 mgs temazepam per day)

i have not had much of a signigficant amount of relief with the methadone. i feel incredibly nauseated everyday. i keep thinking that it will go away, but it is still so bad that i must lay down for at least an hour until it resides. i need to up my dose and the doc is willing to do that, but i'm not sure if i can deal with the sicky feeling much longer. would i be better off with a patch of some sort? or maybe the other meds are only making the situation worse? i still take 150mgs of tramadol for breakthru pain.

so, the question for any other pain patients on methadone- when does this nausea reside? i would think by now it would have resolved itself and i could bump up to another 10 mgs/day. i never had this issue with vicodine or percoset....the tramadol did bother me for a few weeks but subsided rather quickly. i do take benadryl as soon as the icky feeling sets in and it helps a bit, but not for long. i also take aloe juice for the nausea and constipation. seems to help the sicky feeling for a few minutes. this whole situation reminds me so much of taking celebrex. the nausea never went away. i withered away down to 90 pounds because i couldn't eat so i stopped taking it.

forgive me if i repeated myself or made to many run on sentences.....i'm at my wits end with the methadone right now......anyone else have personal experiences to share about how long it took to get rid of the nausea and also how long it took to get up to the correct dosage to help their pain?

ps. i am having an epidural cortisone injection on thursday for one of my herniated disc.....anyone else had experience with these injections? i'm am extremely frightened of it. i cancelled my last appt for fear of a needle in my spine......

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