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Is there ANYTHING that can help me? I'm tolerant to ALL the comfort meds =|
I have a 20mg clonzepam tolerance. Also a clonidine tolerance, promethazine tolerance, and Tramadol tolerance (I take them daily)

But I normally take 400-500mg Tramadol + 40 oxy daily, or 20mg Opana, or 60mg Morphine but I ran out cold turkey.

I have taken 12 or 13 of the 50mg Tramadols so far today, and only been awake for like 12 hours. I'm about to take 2-3 more Tramadols, as they held the WD's off all day but now I'm getting the coughing and wanting to vomit + chills, etc.

I took 18mg of Clonzepam just now to try and prevent a seziure, I know it's not a guarantee but I would believe it would make it much less likely? Especially a whooping 18mg+ of Clonzepam? If I take enough Tramadol it will make most (if not all) of it go away.
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Unfortunately sometimes you will not be able to cold turkey and get through it pain free. You are taking way to much tramadol. Take it easy and just do the best you can. Loperamide and kratom could help you a lot.
I have been taking 10-17 50 mg of Tramadol a day and now the one prescription I was able to get can no longer be filled so I only have 14 left. I do want to get off of these. I have suboxone to help as well but I can't do a long taper from the tramadol. Will the suboxone and 2 50 mg of tramadol a night help me get through
I have been taking 10-17 50 mg of Tramadol a day and now the one prescription I was able to get can no longer be filled so I only have 14 left. I do want to get off of these. I have suboxone to help as well but I can't do a long taper from the tramadol. Will the suboxone and 2 50 mg of tramadol a night help me get through

Your well into seizure territory with that much Tramadol but it sounds like that's going to change. Tram having a dual effect profile also has two components to the withdrawal, the Suboxone will help with the opioid aspect but the w/d from antidepressant effect might be a little rough for awhile. I would definitely keep as many remaining Trams as you can to ease the latter part of the w/d. Take a look at this thread to get an idea of what another BL'er went through:

So I'm trying to kick again. 72 hrs completely opiate/opioid free for the first time in over five years. 96 hrs off oxy and 72 off tramadol. I usually take tramadol to bridge any gaps but I stopped this time with a few left and have made it this far. It will be 2 days before I can get anything. Wasn't ready to quit but I wonder if I should having made it this far. It's sucked but I had lyrica to help me. Just don't know what to do.
So I'm trying to kick again. 72 hrs completely opiate/opioid free for the first time in over five years. 96 hrs off oxy and 72 off tramadol. I usually take tramadol to bridge any gaps but I stopped this time with a few left and have made it this far. It will be 2 days before I can get anything. Wasn't ready to quit but I wonder if I should having made it this far. It's sucked but I had lyrica to help me. Just don't know what to do.

If you want to quit. If you see your life would be better without the drugs. I say quit. Save yourself. It's not a matter of if you can do it. It's a matter of will you do it.

Why do you take the drugs, other than to get high, what else do they provide for you? For me they provide a lot of misery and a drain on my money. I'm almost certain that everyday I take them they bring me closer and closer to an untimely death. I have so much to live for so why do I keep taking them.

Don't know what to do? Grab ahold of life and walk away. Finally walk outside on a beautiful morning and remember what fresh morning air smells and feels like. Remember what it is to feel again. Everyday you are off of them you will feel yourself getting stronger, faster, sharper and you will feel that inner energy again. Stay strong and come out of the other side even stronger.
Hi. I have been searching through the posts for awhile. Lots of good information here. Finally I have decided to post. This is my first attempt to kick this horrible habit and I am quite scared. Its all started with hydrocodone, and then oxycodone. I have a job that I can not be seen nowhere near the pain management clinic. So I have been buying of oxys from my friend. Well its a very expensive habit even from my job. So my binges were consisting of 5/30 roxys a day for 3 to 5 days, then 3 to 5 days on tramadol (I have a script for that with my physician), when there is no blues I would have a week of 3 oxy 60s a day, then again some time on tramadol till I can get the next batch. And all that has lasted for about 2 years. So my question is am I addicted to all of that or if switching between those meds made it easier to quit? I have 2 strips of suboxone, full bottle of tramadol, about 600/300mg gabapenthin, about 5 lunestas and a week off work. Please help me to use this smart and painless. I am very paranoid about picking up another addiction since everything I have might have withdrawals. All I have is a week and then my work starts again and its 12 hour shift 7 days a week for awhile. Please help...
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Yes most definitely had a different kind of smell to my toxins being released. Only time I smell this is when I'm out of heroin
I'm coming off a H habit of about .5g to 1.5g daily snorted mostly and sometimes smoked. I tried to go cold turkey a couple of weeks back but couldn't handle it, mainly because I had people around the house all the time. So I got some methadone and took it for 5 days and then stopped (it is now my second day without methadone and I took anywhere from 50mg-100mg daily for 5 days). Today is 7th day after doing H last and two days since last methadone dose. I don't feel "sick" but I feel...not great? I'm sneezing and yawning once in a while and sometimes feel hot but other than that (a bit of GI discomfort but nothing bad) - do you think I will face WD from the methadone after another day or so or do you think I'm over the worst of it? I still have some methadone left if needed to taper further (about 160mg left still) but I don't want to stay on this stuff.

Any ideas or advice or what to expect and should I continue to taper with methadone until I get to 5mg or 2mg?

EDIT: I took about 20-25mg earlier and feel much better. I want to stop it here but I'm not sure if the methadone I have taken up to this point will cause WD's?
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Hi, I'm new here but not to addiction. I had serious drinking and a slight drug curiosity at a young age and was tossed in rehab 30 day's by age of 12. Played around off n on til I hit 20 and had my two kids and decided to quit everything. Lost two husband's to Alcohol, and losing​ the current one now as well, and although I blame myself for may parts, it has little to do with my using but everything to do with me wanting to get clean. The plan is to get clean and make a run for it (whole other story, prolly need another forum lol) I need a level head. I have a pain disorder that has landed me on pain meds for the last five years. I have tried my hardest to take them as directed by my doctor. Current is 10mg oxycontin twice day and 5mg hydrocodone twice. There's a ton of other meds I've been prescribed over the last five years for pain but most did nothing leaving me with the oxy and hydrocodone. Anyhow the problems started when family members wanted my meds and started trying to borrow against theirs ( I'll give you two of my oxycodone for one of yours, when I fill it. It really started screwing up my system, and two 5mgs is not the same as a 10mg of oxycontin and I would just end up short and in pain. Or I'd want more of the instant oxycodone and would trade my hydrocodone, which to me is the lesser of the two. Regardless of me repeatedly telling everyone this it continued and I just majorly struggled to get back to my normal dosing this week, but I am still short 5 of my 10mg so I'll skip the bedtime ones which doesn't give me any noticeable signs/symptoms.
So my questions are, what can I expect? I've been reading on here,lurking for over a month, and most use much more than me, so I find it hard to really get an idea what to expect. I know I'm on really low dose but I've been on them five years, is that going to make wd worse than if I had taken higher does for say a few months? Also I bought 4oz of Kratom powder, and was hoping to use this a few days to get through wd but have no clue how much to use. Seem most use a fairly decent amount, but I don't know if I need as much since my habit is low?. I have no support at home, can't tell anyone my plan either, so I have no down time. My biggest fear in wd is vomiting, if I can avoid that at all costs I think I can get through it. Ive read mixed things about this and how bad it really is. Is there going to be major vomiting and can it be avoided? I have severe insomnia now and have for last for years. I sleep two or three hours a night, nothing works, my doctor is always trying to give me something different to try so I'm not worrying about that. Anyhow, it took me a month to work up the nerve to post, hopefully it's in the right spot.
The smells are just horrible!! Hate when you try to smoke a cigarette and can't because it taste and smells terrible.. Only when coming off of opiates does this happen to me....
I am no expert but I am on oxocodone and I find it is whatever the strongest opiate you take is more often what you crave I don't take more than one to one fifty mg of ox a day but when I have none no other opiate fills the gap
^^ no offense but 150mg of oxy does NOT = 15 bags of heroin, which is about 1.5grams! Not even close! 150mg of oxy is much less in equivalent and is really not that much oxy in perspective for many people who are opiate-tolerant. I could make .5grams of heroin last me the night whereas 150mg of oxy would probably not do anything to me at all (and I'm talking if I took all 150mg all at once). In fact, 150mg of oxy might not even be enough to stave off withdrawals for someone who has a 1.5gram ("15 bags")/day habit of H!

I'm also confused my your post. You say: "DO NOT replace one opiate with another. Methadone or Suboxone withdrawal is a living hell."

But then you go on to suggest suboxone dosing...you do realize that suboxone is an opioid? Granted, it is synthetic and also has antagonistic properties; howeever it IS an opioid.

Don't get me wrong, suboxone can work great but suboxone is opioid replacement, plain and simple.

I also feel that the taper you suggest could be greatly reduced and still be as effective (if not more effective/less risky).

When I was taking 240-320mg of oxy per day (all in one dose), I took suboxone for about a week or 1.5 weeks and tapered aggressively and it worked great, the only real issues I had were sleep problems and sweating (as the oxy left my system).

I waited until I was sick in withdrawal (I think it was about 36-48hrs after my last dose of oxy) and took 2mg of suboxone. After an hour I felt much better but not fully better so I took another 1.5mg or so and I felt perfect an hour after that.

So for my suboxone taper:

1st dose: 3.5mg
2nd dose/day of sub use: 3.5mg
3rd: 2.5mg
4th: 2mg
5th: 1.5mg
6th: 1mg
7th: 1mg
8th: .5mg
9th: .25mg

and that was about it. I did not have any issues after that but I also started taking oxy again shortly after this successful taper, which is really the risk that will always be there.

Starting a suboxone taper at 8mg is probably way too high and unneccessary. For a 150mg oxy habit, 2mg would probably be enough though everyone is different. Bupe is pretty powerful stuff.

And yes, taking suboxone too soon after last dose of an opiate/oid agonist will cause severe sickness.

Also, the more you play with trying to use suboxone to come off of opiates/oids the more difficult/less effective it becomes.

Having said all that, I am very curious to test a theory that if one were to take say 24mg or 32mg of suboxone in one dose after waiting until full withdrawal and not taking ANY more suboxone after that again, would this work painlessly? The theory is that the high dose and long 1/2 life of suboxone will hold one off from getting sick for enough time for the short-acting opiate/oid to flush out from the system and the single high-dose stack will slowly remove itself from the system as well. (<<-- NOTE: I'm not suggesting anyone try this but it is just a theory that I have always been curious about).
I would love some advice! First things first, I'm a major asshole and fucked up after months on Suboxone. Got myself down to 2mg, and was enjoying the stability in my life, boyfriend and I were happy, the whole bit.

THEN I decide it's a good idea to use. So I take a small, two/three day's 'vacation', smoke my last tray on Sunday at 3am, and then wake up at 12pm thinking, for some fucking reason, that the last time I used was 11pm the night prior, having forgotten about the 3am occurrence.

Of course I go into precipitated withdrawal (for the first time ever), and freak. Out. And again, because I'm an asshole, I go and pick up a of H to try to alleviate the symptoms.

It either worked, or the PW passed on it's own. I don't know which.

That all happened yesterday around 12pm. I have been using very sparingly, but I have been using. I last smoked a rather large tray at 12:30pm.

My question is this, if I stop using H now, and wait until tomorrow morning at 7am (19 hours, or longer if necessary) will I then be able to take my subs and not get thrown back into PW withdrawal? Or what? Does anyone have any experience with going into PWs, smoking heroin, and then successfully getting back on Suboxone.

Any info or advice is much appreciated. I don't want to do anymore dope, but I'm afraid of PWs and all the while I've work and a home to keep up.

Please tell me if I just need to wait the standard amount of time, in conjunction with COWs, or do I somehow have to wait longer because I used H after going into PW??

Thank you all so much!
worst thing to do when you're in PW is to do more subs; either ride them out or take some heroin.
19 hours, who's really to say? for some that might be enough but everybody is different. i hope you don't have that experience again but as the saying goes, your mileage may vary.

and don't beat yourself up too bad over it, its just human nature. at least next time you have those thoughts you'll be better equipped to deal with them.
and if i may, i would suggest you try taper off the subs as once you've developed a dependency on those it can be a real fucker to get off of them for good; if you are interested try using the search engine for 'rapid suboxone/subutex detox'. its not as scary as it sounds and the best way out.
hope that helps :)

p.s. i have no idea what COWs are so i haven't taken them into account fyi
In precipitated withdrawal you can also just keep taking more buprenorphine (and that is probably preferable to another opioid), but it will be a pretty uncomfortable experience (unless you jump down the k-hole you were saving for an emergency, or something ;)).

First I would recommend coming clean to your loved ones. You will need some support during this time. Your addictions didn't come over night and your withdrawal and drug cravings won't go that easy.

Second step is google suboxone dr near you. Call every single one until you find one that will take you. Listen to the doctor and follow his instructions. You will need to rewire your brain and this is the most difficult part.

I have quit more times then I can count and made it through the withdrawals the biggest problem is the urge to use again.

The suboxone gets rid of the urge to use and seriously minimizes symptoms especially when taken correctly.

You will still have drug cravings when coming off suboxone but now you have your loved ones for that support that you need to stay clean.

I hope this post can at least save one persons life.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any help
hello everyone, have a question about mixing oxycodone and tilidine. Somehow I cant take them together anymore. I took 50mg oxycodon at the morning and an hour later 300mg tilidine and I got a turkey, wtf? i

It's difficult to say if it's the binding affinity of the Tilidene or the naloxone. Oral Naloxone has a supposed 3-8% BA depending on several different factors. Tilidene is CSA schedule 1 in the states so the number of experienced users is fairly small. I can say that Tiliden is relatively weak in comparison to Oxycodone and I would choose it over the Tilidene. You might have better results of splitting them up and only using one at a time or even saving the T in case you run short of oxy.

Since this thread is mainly centered around withdrawal by reduction/ abstinence vs a precipitated one from a drug interaction, you might have better luck by starting a thread in OD- Other Drugs or Basic Drug Discussion- BDD.
Hope it works out..