• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Travel The official 'Im Camping' thread, got mushies?


Bluelight Crew
Apr 26, 2006
Me and my puppy camping by a river in KY

Where u camping?
Couple weeks I’ll be on a beach on Lake Superior, can’t wait.. Gonna do a lot of rockhounding, smoking bud with family, maybe a trip. Not as much camping as I’d like this year but enough.

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This was last October in Afton NY.
Next I’ll be in New York again in September. Yes I have fun mushies.
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Where u camping?
Shit in my head and the only foliage is a small bit of bud someone tossed me last eve.
Bro that is dope as fuck. Envious as a mf, too. Serial. :sneaky:
Little girl "puppy" ( ? ) looks in her element.
It’s festival season. The perfect trip to moan on.
some from when i went camping and hiking in jordan, its more dramatic than england but nowhere near as pretty, that toilet and shower tent arrangement is not an experience i'd like to repeat:

Going to a four day festival next month. Haven't camped at one since 2009.. that might actually have been the last time I camped.

It's right in the middle of winter here, the only time of year the mushrooms don't grow, might have to settle for the digital equivalent.
Now , to beat away the wild animals, when I go to sleep.
Egad, I haven't camped in almost ten years. I need to take the family soon.
Sourcing is against the rules D's. Ban time!

I’m trying to find pictures of my last camping trip, but I can’t. This makes me sad. I only have one picture from my time on the PCT. I took it when I finished. A friend has a roll of film (maybe) that I sent as proof I did it. I should ask about that.
I’ll be camping at a festival again in couple weeks, I’ve done a lot of outdoors this summer compared to last and it feels good but not as much as I’d like.

Went up to the north woods for a week and while I had a blast I also must’ve got into something cuz I had what seemed like eczema all over my body for a month after until I did a one week regimen of medicinal honey and RSO. As well as coconut oil with rosemary and tea tree oil in it. Cleared it right up.

Strange thing is other people I know who went to the same area also got it. I’ll have to see if they still do.

Also feel worth mentioning there’s a lot of mosquito born illnesses going around right now. Two family members and multiple friends caught it. One thing they say is even though they feel better they still have strange lower back pain. Best to avoid the bugs, do like me and stink from eating tons of garlic, onion, and smoke lots of weed.

i'll be camping here for a week in about a week and a half from now :)


Hey there. Thanks for sharing photos, guys. Soon I’m going on my first camping trip, so I’m really nervous. Campers say the worst mistake beginners make is trying to take too many things with them. So I hope I’ll avoid this mistake.
As someone that goes camping often…

-Bring TONS of clothes. At least a lot more than you would going just anywhere. Lots could happen. You could get soaked multiple times having to strip off and get dry stuff on. You could get cold as fuck at night.

-My next point.. Prepare for cold nights. This means (lots of clothes) including hat, gloves, nice socks, hooded comfy sweatshirt. Pick baggy comfortable clothes obviously.

-Can’t have too many flashlights. A quality headlamp is a good purchase.

-Bring defense against predators. Some may say the chances are high, but they are high enough. When say a bear walks up on you and curiosity is trumping his fear instincts, you’ll be glad you have that gun or bear mace. Keep your head on a swivel in big cat country, especially at night when you need to go piss. When my wife needs to go I’ll watch her back by scanning the woods with a headlamp, pistol in hand.

-Lots of food, preferably less sweet. You’ll eat a lot more than normal, at least we do. We think it’s due to all the energy expended.

-If you’re in a buggy area, a mosquito head net is a life saver. Bugs are bad but they are so much worse if they can get at all the holes on your head, primarily my ears I hate bugs flying for them.

-Eat lots of garlic, onion and stinky herbs. Avoid sweet foods and things like bananas. What we eat will effect how tasty we are to bugs.

-Quality boots. This is huge. If you want to go explore rugged areas you’ll need them.

Fenix makes good flashlights that work under water

The PD36R uses a larger battery so it lasts longer and has 5 settings +strobe and is 1,600 lumens max. It has a USB port covered by rubber, so don't charge it if water gets in there until it's dry

The E35 is like the PD36R but no tail button so it's shorter and no USB port, 5 settings +strobe and 3000 lumens max, and the battery has a USB port on it, so it's even better when worried about water. The reflector is more shallow so it makes a wider beam that doesn't go as far

The PD32 is cheaper and uses a smaller battery (18650 instead of 21700), has 3 settings and is 1,200 lumens max, no usb port or front button, only a tail button that is lower quality than other models. I broke mine so I don't remember if it has strobe, but the beam is more focused so it still goes 1,295ft with only 1,200 lumens
When i used to go in mountains got enough clothes,food and blanket.Got no tent,no arms except knife.....cause then we got nothing like equipment.Looking at forecast...so would be eventually to some shelter in cases of rain.Talk about of all day walkin' above 2000m altitude.Alone.. but that's was another time,another place,another person....now there is everything money can by.Comfortably times.....last times.