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the official 2010-11 college football thread! ver. Auburn VS Oregon?

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Let's see... Miss St put 52 up on Michigan. Wow. What an accomplishment. They did what virtually everyone has done this entire seasonagainst michigan , lol.

Florida beat a PSU team who was using their 3rd string qb. And just barely. Throw in the fact it was a home game for Florida and it's kinda sad they barley escaped against penn state.

Bama had an impressive win, but really if you are the defending nc's with your best offensive weapons back, that should be expected.

Look for Wisconsin to beat TCU, and the Buckeyes will finish it off with a nice win against Arkansas.

Man I love the Big 10! Go Wisconsin and Go Buckeyes on Tuesday!
Look for Wisconsin to beat TCU, and the Buckeyes will finish it off with a nice win against Arkansas.

With the badgers shanking field goals and punting the ball away, you might have to look for a couple more years before you see them beat TCU.
good job purple panted frogs, even though they aren't SEC, they beat the big 10, so it sits well with me.

actually, big 10ers -- has a conference ever gone 0-5 in bowl games in a single day before?
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total fuckin silence.
Orange bowl should be immense.

I fully expect Luck to smoke VT's vaunted secondary and solidify his rep as the highest rated QB to come to the Pro's since Peyton.

According to various reports....Harbaugh is currently wanted by Denver,Miami,SF and Michigan, not to mention Stanford want him back next year.

Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I don't know if it has been addressed yet love bandit, but the Rose Bowl CANT take Stanford. If a team from the Big 10 or Pac 10 is playing in the NC, and there isn't another conference champion from one of those conferences, the Rose Bowl is not allowed to take another team from the Big 10 or Pac 10.

So even if the Rose Bowl wanted to take Stanford, they can't because Oregon is going to the NC

Thanks...after posting, I started thinking there was some wrinkles like that in the rules :\

Let's see... Miss St put 52 up on Michigan. Wow. What an accomplishment. They did what virtually everyone has done this entire seasonagainst michigan , lol.

Florida beat a PSU team who was using their 3rd string qb. And just barely. Throw in the fact it was a home game for Florida and it's kinda sad they barley escaped against penn state.

Bama had an impressive win, but really if you are the defending nc's with your best offensive weapons back, that should be expected.

Look for Wisconsin to beat TCU, and the Buckeyes will finish it off with a nice win against Arkansas.

Man I love the Big 10! Go Wisconsin and Go Buckeyes on Tuesday!

Um, MICH averaged 34 ppg....seemed a bit short once they met an SEC defense, and averaged 34 pts against per game...seemed they didn't hold that either once they met the ominous 5th ranked team from the SEC west :\

Flordia tried hard to lose that game, but the PSU QB did an even better job handing it back to us. Aside from the recorded interceptions, there were at least 3-4 more that hit the FLA defenders in the numbers and weren't caught :\ Still, I'm pleasantly surprised at our kicking game, and our punter forced into kicking ought to have been MVP for the team, IMO. I'm still ill at our first play from scrimmage being an interception, and our first drive to the goal line ending in a touchback - so don't cry to me about a 3rd string QB (announcers said he was 2nd, but was starting the last half of the season when they started winning games). I've got no sympathy for a pathetic PSU team's woes when I know how bad we suck...and watched PSU lose - not so much a FLA win (and I was sick for those last 4 min when PSU was driving), but much more a PSU loss to a pathetic FLA team.

Bama, with the strengths you pointed out, ought not be in the bowl game they were in, should they? No, but all that talent still only got you 4th place in the SEC West, so they weren't as good as the 'returning talent' would lead you to think. Still, 4th place in the SEC West, against a co-chumpion of the Legends, or is it Leaders, or is it Losers...yeah, good showing on that one as well, Little10+2.

WISC-TCU, now there was a game that met expectations - close scoring, hard efforts, either team could win. I have to admit grinning as TCU won.

Now, that leaves you tOSU-ARK, and tbh, I'm starting to drink the SEC Kool-Aid once again, thinking the suckeyes will be 0-10 in bowl games against the SEC. I'm just feeling it after what's happened thus far. And while AUB isn't playing a Little10+2 team, I am steadfast in my confidence of their winning the conference's fifth or sixth straight NC (really, there's coming so often now I'm losing count :p ).

actually, big 10ers -- has a conference ever gone 0-5 in bowl games in a single day before?

I think not - if you get that many teams into bowls, one of them has to win somewhere, somehow. I'll bet there for sure hasn't been a conference go 0-6 (/knocks wood).

Orange bowl should be immense.

I'm in the MIA area for the holidays, and the headlines here are "Orange Bowl Excitement" and it reads like a want ad for a coffee table at a garage sale..."Someone, please show some interest and come by...pretty, please?" Likewise, I got a laugh at the headline over the MIA game "Catholics vs Cupcakes". I might could go to the Orange Bowl, but why? Just no interest I'm afraid.
sorry bout your boys from VPI, melange. I was, i am ashamed to say, pulling for luck and the cardinals.
a report today indicates that Michigan has fired Rich Rod. Maybe tressel should watch his back. ;)

Also, Harbaugh has expressed that he is not interested in coaching for them, but I guess we will see.
ok I'm back from my football vacation in Cleveland

hot damn, the Big Ten got raped. thankfully tOSU > Big Ten, and once again we are the only Big Ten team that matters

if tOSU losses to Arky, I will slit my wrists. thankfully I see TP and his Bobby Brown haircut running all over that SEC defense
so according to kenickie, you think the SEC doesn't have defense. What kind of fantasy world are you living in today, Jim? We are known for out fast, aggressive D, before all else, just like the Big XII is/was known for its vertical airborn offense, and the Big 10 is known for shitting the bed in big game situations.
you really think such an esteemed football mind as my own would say the entire SEC lacks defense?

I said that Arky's defense is unimpressive. I would say that Arkansas is known, this year, for having an NFL-ready QB who shits the bed in big game situations, and who also has a good RB and WR at his disposal

comparing the Razorback defense to the Buckeye defense, I would say tOSU comes out looking better
Ryan Mallet is nothing but a bro, a bro that will not do the raeping, but will get the raeping
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