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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

The new biggest douche in shobiz

I've thought he was a douche since 2004. I wouldn't really say he is a "new... douche".
he's not a "new douche" he's a "new BIGGEST douche." it's all in the wording, brotha. :)
he's right, haters DO hate.

hell i'm not even 100% sure it's not another staged MTV hoax. i didn't watch the show or anything, but whatev. even if it's not, who gives a shit what he thinks anyways? i've seen plenty of beyonce's videos to know they're really not anything to call home to. i've seen MANY videos in my day that blow every one of hers away artistically. being a fan while being a celebrity doesn't make his word any more substantial. he's clueless. :)
My point was that I could care less, the world still revolves if he's a dick. I get on just fine.

They wanna know who's my role model, It's in a brown bottle... hennessy
I always knew he was a douche. It doesn't concern me in the slightest though. *carries on*
the fact that HE'S a douche doesn't really phase me either... but the fact that he ruined taylor swift's moment does. i don't get down to taylor swift or anything, but the poor girl is just 19 and this fuck up ruined her time in the spotlight. she seemed legitimately distraught about it.

i don't too often side with MTV, but i'm glad they're dishin out the hate on kanye for the whole thing. :)
What are you doing watching the VMA's anyway? I hate those types of shitty-Lady-Ga-Ga-Twilight-Green-Day types of 12-year-old-girl-wet-dream shows.
There is nothing new about his douchebaggery.

Actually, I think he broke new ground in douchebaggery this time. It's one thing to stand off in a corner and declare yourself a genius, voice of your generation, Jesus, etc, etc. Lots of people do that (although maybe not to the extent that Kanye does).
But he crossed a line last night by stepping on other people's toes. Someone like, say, Liam or Noel Gallagher might jeer someone they didn't like from their seats but only Kanye West would actually go onstage, rip the mic out of someone's hands, and start shit-talking. ONLY Kanye West.
And the Gallaghers would at least pick on someone their own size. Not some fucking kid, for Christ's sake.
^ you hit the nail on the head.

and mistajeff... i didn't watch it, i've just seen MANY clips of that incident since it happened. i actually figured it was a hoax at first, but that was before getting all the info. and now i've seen more and more features on it. i hate pink, but i like the fact that she totally called him out on it and i can't stand beyonce, but i thought what she did was VERY classy. :)
I haven't seen the footage and I don't ever plan on viewing it. If everyone goes and watches Kanye on the internet when he does stupid shit like this it will just encourage him.
because partaking in conversation about it online is far less enabling than viewing it online, right?
Dude, I need to make a hit record so I can beat Kanye at an awards show so that I can then pound his fucking face when he tries to get onstage.