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  • P&S Moderators: Xorkoth | Madness

The New Age Lie.

I think a more plausible explanation for why child stars go nuts, or hell, why many stars go nuts, is because it is a deeply egotistical experience to be in the limelight like that, and to be revered by fanatical fans. And to be followed around by paparazzi, intruding on your life on a daily basis. So much focus on yourself is not natural. Can you imagine how that would make you feel? Now imagine that happening to a developing child. That's a deeply traumatizing and/or massively ego inflating experience. It's more that it's a miracle any time a child star DOESN'T go off the deep end. I feel bad for them. But I don't think it needs a demonic reason. It's simple psychology.
It is one in the same thing. Why do people feel the need to take pictures outside of peoples houses and idolize people to the point of worship in the first place? It is all satanic bullshit and escapism from god and reality. You can say it’s just psychology but that is only one side of the coin that you’re examining. The scientific observations are merely the surface results of this underlying spiritual phenomena. I don’t think that psychology can fully explain the tendency to become satanic or to subtly stumble into satanism subconsciously. Nor does it provide a sufficient explanation for the various things that schizophrenic people report about their hallucinatory entities. How could a schizophrenic person ever relay a true experience that they had when everything they say becomes disregarded as delusion? It is set up that way on purpose by the schizophrenia demons to suppress the shamanic potentials of our human nature.

And I agree with you that trauma is the source and yes the academic explanation is valid but at the same time I think you are underestimating the potential for satanic rituals and negative energy being spread out through the masses and through the tv’s and the movies. I don’t think it’s too far fetched but I understand that if you are just a full on atheist who doesn’t believe that there is a devil or black magic then obviously it’s gonna sound like a stretch. But if there is a satan hypothetically don’t you think it wouldn’t be that hard for him to set up a system which makes you feel secure about your reality but is really trying to cause you to disregard god and lead you to the conclusion that there is no god? Even from a probabilistic standpoint I don’t think that’s too far fetched.

And not to mention the many different experiences that people report worldwide of poltergeist activity and demonic possessions and oiuja boards and stuff like that. Why would demons make it so easy for you to find evidence for them? They are spiritual beings who can control reality and have probably interacted with many other civilizations and people throughout time. Therefore they have more knowledge and awareness than any scientist can imagine.