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The N-Acetyl Cysteine can affect the effect of psychedelic ?


Nov 28, 2023
I take one pill of NAC every day to help the brain recover after taking mdma and ketamin.

Did you know if the NAC can affect the effect of drug like lsd and 2cb ?

Can I take psychedelic at the same time tooking NAC ?
It may dampen some of the mental and physical euphoria by modulating dopamine, but it will not kill the trip or hallucinations.

Also, I would advise against taking NAC daily for long periods. It should be cycled.

Yes I took NAC between the trip, from few days to week.

And I didn't take NAC the days I took one product.
it might be better to have few days off before, it has remarkable half-life and if you take something for extended period, reaching zero levels in blood takes more half-lives.

edited into more factually true and practical statement.
Definitely has to be cycled. I took it for a few weeks daily and had light stomach pains.