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The Most Safe Psychedelic

I am stunned by the fact that most people are so easy to go on and propose any psychedelic to a person that obviously has the propensity to mental issues. Sorry to be a dick in my 2nd post here, but someone has to be like that, in my book.

You will argue that this guy seems pretty determined to go on and take some of the so called classic psychedelics, so 'harm reduction' huh? Also, one can see the mentality is not really serious, not responsible. But hey, what the f##k is safe? physical harm only? what about 'mental toxicity' [my own term :p]?

I don't really get the question anyway? Peoples reactions to the classic psychedelics are more diverse than the actual substances themselves. This guys fears could manifest with ANY of the proposed classic psychedelics - they're not so differnet from oneanother in that point of view, are they?

they're not anesthetic-like, like dissociatives, they're quite the opposite. And, sure, some might argue pot also causes anxiety and paranoia etc - but noone said that the anxiety and paranoia cause by lsd or any psychedelic would be immensly more intense than that of pot - and that it could last waaaaaay longer !

Noone asked about this guy's age. Why were you bored with all the other drugs, my lad? Didn't anyone tell you, since you have access to all this drugs that with psychedelics you should know yourself and DECIDE for yourself too?

I say know yourself. The classic psychedelics can manifest your inner thing. There are ways to reduce the possibility of a bad trip etc etc. But heck, you're asking only to be reassured that everything's gonna be fine? YOU are to tell.

but yeah, if you have to take something like that, start with something you can determine the potency, start with low dose to check you reaction first, and plan your trip well. set + setting [bla-bla-bla]

a short dose of a short acting smokable tryptamine doesn't sound like a bad idea to check your reactions and how the molecule feels to you..

Good luck, and take care kid.... respect your brain, know yourself... THEN choose and go on your path...
If you mean physically.. i would say try anything natural(except datura)

Yohimbine & ibogaine are natural psychedelics, yet they are not what I'd call safe by a long stretch.

For the umpteenth time natural does not mean safe. Ricin & botulinum toxin are natural products and they're some of the most toxic compounds known to man
I am stunned by the fact that most people are so easy to go on and propose any psychedelic to a person that obviously has the propensity to mental issues. Sorry to be a dick in my 2nd post here, but someone has to be like that, in my book.

People are simply trying to give an answer to a question - harly anyone is suggesting the OP go ahead and use said drug, but are speaking from their own experience & research papers. God forbid the day you have to undergo psychiatric eveluation to ask a question
there is no god - besides the psychiatric evaluations are given from the guy himself:

but well i'm worried that some of my psychological problems could re-appear i had obsessive-compulsive behavior when i was a kid, suffered from extreme anxiety , and social anxiety for years,mild panic attacks, and had (and still have) a mild case of insomnia...and i always get really scared of havng bad trips, i just can't control them.i mean is it true that LSD and such can make re-appear psychological problems that i had in the past? or can it make my anxiety worse?

whatever the case, I hope god allows for a stricter approach , well, stricter compared to , 'hey man, LSD is the safest shit you will every find. it changed my life'.

I didn't say one shouldn't be able to ask whatever he wants nor than anyone should be able to answer it. I just wonder about people of the 'community' thats all.
ok sweetheart let's talk :)

I am stunned by the fact that most people are so easy to go on and propose any psychedelic to a person that obviously has the propensity to mental issues. Sorry to be a dick in my 2nd post here, but someone has to be like that, in my book.

1st place : 'mental issues' differ in form and intensity...one thing's anxiety and insomnia (that are by the way common) and other thing is schitzophrenia & co... if i had a seroius mental problem do you thin ki'd still be posting this?

I don't really get the question anyway? Peoples reactions to the classic psychedelics are more diverse than the actual substances themselves. This guys fears could manifest with ANY of the proposed classic psychedelics - they're not so differnet from oneanother in that point of view, are they?

I'm not a guy sweetheart,and if u don't get the question than don't try to answer it.
And ok i will give you this peoples reactions to psychedelics are more diverse than the subst itself and...

they're not anesthetic-like, like dissociatives, they're quite the opposite. And, sure, some might argue pot also causes anxiety and paranoia etc - but noone said that the anxiety and paranoia cause by lsd or any psychedelic would be immensly more intense than that of pot - and that it could last waaaaaay longer !

Noone asked about this guy's age. Why were you bored with all the other drugs, my lad? Didn't anyone tell you, since you have access to all this drugs that with psychedelics you should know yourself and DECIDE for yourself too?

I say know yourself. The classic psychedelics can manifest your inner thing. There are ways to reduce the possibility of a bad trip etc etc. But heck, you're asking only to be reassured that everything's gonna be fine? YOU are to tell.

but yeah, if you have to take something like that, start with something you can determine the potency, start with low dose to check you reaction first, and plan your trip well. set + setting [bla-bla-bla]

a short dose of a short acting smokable tryptamine doesn't sound like a bad idea to check your reactions and how the molecule feels to you..

- 1st of all : Look i wasn't asking ppl what's 100% bad trip free...i DO know how to make a choice for my self sweetheart so sush...
This is what a forum is for...advice,and that is what i wanted - some advice , some points of view different than mine- so again sush.
I don't want anybody to reassure me that this or that is ok or shait...i know the risks i'm taking and fuck at the end of the day i know my self well and i know things will be ok.
I know that psychadelics aren't for everybody, i wasn't asking "uh uh what's the psych for me?" ... i was asking what i was asking to be able to compare some opinions and experiences,what's the most anxious,the most easy-going, etc....and not even in that form.

2-nd : WTF? I'm 8 years old sweetheart...;)

you should know yourself and DECIDE for yourself too

yes and here is where you pissed me off
i do know and decide for my self...i did all theeses years and i still will...
i've been doing drugs for 5 years and i never had any kind of problems , i'm not an irresponsilbe person, i never take huge amounts of anything, i can control myself with anything....ftw...
and you can not come here to state differently...i mean? fuck that...:\
Why were you bored with all the other drugs, my lad?

Why is that your problem lad? Why did i get bored? Because you do get bored and pass on, because some of the things that i initially liked i don't like anymoore...you do get bored of pot,amphets, dxm, pharmies & co...
Now i know that maybe you do know psychedelics well but that doesn't give you the right to arrogance
We are all here to share exp not to brag, this is not a competition...lad...
What you sed at the begining of the post is ok - but then starting with ssshait like "what's the dude's age" "decide for your self" fuk that!!! You seem to know me do you now? Assuming that i am 12 and unaware of the risks and dangers of using a psychedelic....assuming that i don't know drugs too well...and all the ddifferent kinds of suggestions in that post are offensive and arrogant.
I don't need to prove you my age,my exp,the drugs i used,the drugs i love or hate......it would be verry tacky to start listing what i have or haven't done and it's not the point here so why does it matter what drugs i did in my past and with what concequences?

My post was not at all offensive or ignorat...i 'dared' to post this topic because i only wanted to see some points of view of people who have done pshychedelics and know more than me...i do my own reasearch and have my own decisions so what are you talikg about?

I say know yourself. The classic psychedelics can manifest your inner thing. There are ways to reduce the possibility of a bad trip etc etc. But heck, you're asking only to be reassured that everything's gonna be fine? YOU are to tell.

but yeah, if you have to take something like that, start with something you can determine the potency, start with low dose to check you reaction first, and plan your trip well. set + setting [bla-bla-bla]

Look, i do plan on starting small...good setting,with friends, when i feel prepared & co....this was what i was posting everytime i answered a post.
(Actually i have the most peaceful and beautiful place in mind for my first real pshych...)

Good luck, and take care kid.... respect your brain, know yourself... THEN choose and go on your path...

Thanks sweetheart...i wish i could e a kid again actually so i don't mind ;)

ps....imo...just imo

I didn't say one shouldn't be able to ask whatever he wants nor than anyone should be able to answer it. I just wonder about people of the 'community' thats all.

well ,frankly, if you dislike the ppl of this community,or the way things go around here...then, well, nobody's asking you to stick around...
just imo

if you want to cotinue this pm me and we can talk...
but i do hope this ends here...
even if i'm a new member i do love BL so much especially for the fact that here you can ask a question and there will be ppl who will try to help you out respectfully
mutnat said:
whatever the case, I hope god allows for a stricter approach , well, stricter compared to , 'hey man, LSD is the safest shit you will every find. it changed my life'.

No one was trying to bring "god" into this... it's a figure of speech. Also no one said that LSD is the safest thing you will find... no one said that at all. People just said that it's physically the safest psychedelic. In fact, the people who said it's physically the safest specifically said that it's only safe physically.

I didn't say one shouldn't be able to ask whatever he wants nor than anyone should be able to answer it. I just wonder about people of the 'community' thats all.

Someone asked a question, and people are trying to answer it. Of course there's no set answer, and of course people's reactions will vary. That's rule number one. But don't you think it's better harm reduction for someone (the person who asked the question) to gather a collection of opinions on which psychedelics might be safer than others, than for us to just say "none are safe, you better not try any psychedelics"?

Are you just in a bad mood or something? Because it seems like you're trying to invent a problem here. It seems like you just want to argue. Anyway, it looks like the OP replied to you better than I did.
I understand why mutant post comes out as aggresive or arrogant, but I do think that he wrote what he wrote out of concern, if he didn't care he wouldn't have written anything at all.

I am also of the opinion that a talk about 'safest' psychedelic or which is less prone to bad trips is not really valid for the reasons I said in my other post above...

However, mutant, I highly disagree that people with issues such as anxiety or some other psychological/neurological issue that's not too severe like schizophrenia or whatever should not trip. In fact, it's these people that might benefit from psychedelic, when used therapeutic. Of course such people should proceed with more caution and look beyond fun :)

So my friendly advice to cola would be, try to learn about your problems/issues as much as possible, don't be afraid to meet them and overcome them, and trip not only to have some fun but also to become permanently changed for the better (less anxious etc etc ) :]
^ I really agree with you on the therapeutical use of psychedelics...
For example i could say,MDMA in moderate doses helped me in some ways...and as i stated before DXM helped me,changed so many things for me,in a good way...it helped me almost forget about my social anxiety.
So I do belive that a real psych can be very useful for some of my probl, and i would never take a strong psych to go dance or socialize too much & stuff...i know it's not meant for that,at least not for my first time...I never took MDMA to g clubbin fr example,i jus think it's not suitable for me,i rather do it at home with my friends,my music, my bf....
Well... there are several ways for me to explain my nasty tone. I will go for the shorter one.

1. My post does have a point - and it's definately not bragging about my experience with classic psychedelics, which is limited to LSD and LSAs [HBWR] by the way - actually, on the contrary I do take pride on the fact that I haven't used 'drugs' often or in large quantities even if they were available, with the exception of pot and alcohol which I am more than regular.

Having done all the RCs and psychedelics in the world doesn't really make you wise or objective about how it could effect other people. Like I said, again, you never know what will seem nastier to someone, psylocybin, lsd, or dmt. It's strange noone mentioned LSAs though, because they indeed are much milder psychedelics, with less visuals, a built-in sedative character, and propably lots of insight potential [with the negative side effects of nausea]

2. It's not a matter of liking the people or not, the on-line communities I am member so far needn't respect me because I am one of them , one of the 'community' - each individual might respect me or not for what I have to say, the ideas I have to share - arguing is not a bad thing at all, actually it's one of the most misunderstood things in the world.. For my part, I respect the communities [in my own way] and think it's great they exist and help the spreading of so much crucial info on psychoactives...

Like I said, sometimes someone has to be the dick. I like surrealism, dada and situationist movement, and if you are easily offended then you will hate me anyway. I accept the role of the provocative saucy guy voluntarily, as it's always surprising and annoying to me that 'love' and homogeny seems to be the rule - while the personal approach has to go through this I am doing this instant to be at least 'accepted'. Sure, I might have seem somewhat rude. And sure I needed to be.

MasterOfDeception with whom we have personally met and we are both members of the only greek psychonautic community of course understood better what I said.

Well I didn't say people with mental issues should not take drugs, not at all. I say people who take drugs would better take what they take consciously, knowing what they're doing. I actually don't think taking psychedelics because you got bored with other drugs is the best of the reasons to do it, but it could easily turn out to be perfect! It could as well turn out to help with the issues one has, as so many scientific studies show.

I commented mostly on those who were not even hesitant to give any advice so easily about what is safer [in fact misunderstanding what safe really is]. And Xorkoth, yeah, of course LSD is physically harmless, but Cola talked about psychological issues, so who gives a shit about physical harm? Most psychedelics and dissociatives don't have any significant or substantial physical harm anyway.... Their risks are psychological... And lastly I neither didn't say 'don't do any of them'.

And yeah, OK :)

Cola, sorry , I was a bit offensive, indeed, but I was trying to make a point which involved you being the naive kid, I might be wrong for some part or all, but I hope my point was not lost anyway .... I am still curious about your age though :p

peace and evolution
mutnat said:
I commented mostly on those who were not even hesitant to give any advice so easily about what is safer [in fact misunderstanding what safe really is].

I definitely see your point... advice in threads like this absolutely needs to be taken with the understanding that there is no definitive answer. But of course people didn't hesitate to give opinions... this is a thread asking for opinions. Since the question was phrased in an intelligent, thoughtful way, we thought it would be okay to give opinions, since the OP seemed like she would be able to understand that one person's opinion is not a fact. Had the OP been more like this:

hi wut droogz shud i take plz thx!

Or even

What psychedelic will be the safest for me to take?

The responses would have been much different, I assure you. But the OP explained that she had done research and was just looking for personal opinions.

And Xorkoth, yeah, of course LSD is physically harmless, but Cola talked about psychological issues, so who gives a shit about physical harm?

I realize that... I only said it because you said that people here were trying to say that LSD is the safest thing they've ever taken and causes no problems (paraphrased), and I was just saying that no one here was trying to claim it was harmless, just that it was physically safe, and that in fact numerous posts specified that it was not a safe drug aside from physically. Basically, I just thought you were blowing out of proportion the perceived irresponsibility of the posts.

Anyway, I definitely see where you're coming from. it's just that if you post that kind of nasty-sounding response (which contained insults to both the OP and the PD community), you're going to get a reactionary response. That's just how it works.

No worries though :)
Cola, sorry , I was a bit offensive, indeed, but I was trying to make a point which involved you being the naive kid, I might be wrong for some part or all, but I hope my point was not lost anyway .... I am still curious about your age though :p

Ok man, no probl. I'm 20.
I would have to say the safest psychedelics are (1)Xenon>it's the only drug/dissociative to have no negative side fx,(2)DMT it's such a pure feeling/gentle(yet super intense) trip and being that it's completely natural to the brain/body I'd have to say it's just about as safe as u can get
Sorry for the off-topic

Anyway, I definitely see where you're coming from. it's just that if you post that kind of nasty-sounding response (which contained insults to both the OP and the PD community), you're going to get a reactionary response. That's just how it works.

it's pretty much 100% conscious tactic. Reactionary response, , sure, why not, it's OK, better intense than wooden, no harm here;)
toxide said:
I would have to say the safest psychedelics are (1)Xenon>it's the only drug/dissociative to have no negative side fx

Hmm, xenon? Really?
^It (xenon) is a constituent of our atmosphere yes? Also-At 169 m/s, the speed of sound in xenon gas is slower than that in air. Fascinating, thanks wiki. Almost halfing the speed of sound; now if I can apply this to light photons, I may have discovered time travel.

MasterOfDeception said:
I understand why mutant post comes out as aggresive or arrogant, but I do think that he wrote what he wrote out of concern, if he didn't care he wouldn't have written anything at all.

I am also of the opinion that a talk about 'safest' psychedelic or which is less prone to bad trips is not really valid for the reasons I said in my other post above...

However, mutant, I highly disagree that people with issues such as anxiety or some other psychological/neurological issue that's not too severe like schizophrenia or whatever should not trip. In fact, it's these people that might benefit from psychedelic, when used therapeutic. Of course such people should proceed with more caution and look beyond fun :)

So my friendly advice to cola would be, try to learn about your problems/issues as much as possible, don't be afraid to meet them and overcome them, and trip not only to have some fun but also to become permanently changed for the better (less anxious etc etc ) :]

The classic psychedelics can manifest your inner thing- according to Mutant. Thats all you ever need be concerned with.