• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Art The Modern Art Thread

here are some pieces of 'modern' art i've enjoyed seeing at burning man events:


^^^ those are awesome. and for some reason ive always REALLY liked things like the cubicle. ive always wanted to take my tv and a couch and other living room furniture out to the cornfield behind my house and get a photo of a cornfield living room, but im too lazy.
love the turnstyle, alisdair. An object that only has meaning when its next to another one. How po-mo ;)
Ok, in the vein of those awesome statistical flags: cool globes. I'm a fucking sucker for this sort of thing. Makes me want to take a class on cartography or something.


Landlocked Nations

Life Expectancy

Topography of Debt

Satellite Blind Spots

Arable Land

Nuclear explosions

peaceful countries in the 1980s

national vs. corporate GDP

internet users

US naval Range
one could almost say... I've even better that the artists, because of my aggregation skillz ;)

I myself am more in awe of CC's art finding abilities.

Jonas Bendiksen - no doubt, one of my favourite contemporary photographers.

Btw, I'm all up for a Photography-that-is-not-yours thread.
Sn2.ru said:
Steve Roden: Surface Shifts



Dude, that shit is the weakest, most gimmicky-ass shit I think i ever seen in my life. I used to do that EXACT SAME SHIT as a fucking kindergartener. When my mom asked what it was "Its a picture of the drive home."

Gimme a fuckin break, as a artist i can understand that everyone expresses themself different, but it aint no fuckin art there, that is what i would call a fun experiment or exercise, and i hope no one buys that shit.

What next, hes gonna lay a uncapped marker on a piece of paper and let his cat play with it, and the markings that get on the paper are his next installation of this series? 8(

Sorry to be a hater but that shit just makes me laugh son. if he draws with the bumps of the road hes a artist. his pictures that came out of that would prolly get some money if he sold them. No one would buy the exact same shit made by a 5 year old. it jus goes to show you how much people listen when they are told that something is worth something, even if they dont understand that worth on their own

Anyways, thats all the hatin i got to do in here,

I love those pics with the guy using household shit to make himself into a animal! Hahaha i laughed so hard in my mind lookin at them. not bad i gotta say. some of the shit in here is pretty cool
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There's a "sculpture" in Paris of the tire tracks left by a car as it drove in a circle until all the gas had been used up. So, its like a black circle in a plaza. What do you think of that, Lacey ;)?
It obviously demonstrates, with flair and elegance, the symbolic struggle of living in this modern world. the car never went anywhere. it was just going in circles over the same path, making its mark without meanin anything, and then when the gas ran out, it died just like every other miserable human on this sad earth. Just goin in circles over and over til death, the life cycle of every human clone slave. Such a deep statement. Id pay 600000000000000 dollars for it.

lacey k said:
It obviously demonstrates, with flair and elegance, the symbolic struggle of living in this modern world. the car never went anywhere. it was just going in circles over the same path, making its mark without meanin anything, and then when the gas ran out, it died just like every other miserable human on this sad earth. Just goin in circles over and over til death, the life cycle of every human clone slave. Such a deep statement. Id pay 600000000000000 dollars for it.


no, just the physical trace of velocity. Never reach too far when bullshitting. ;)
I aint bullshittin im mockin . recognize.:D

Good looks purp

We should have a graff thread fuck modern art why not a BL writers bench
lacey k said:
Sorry to be a hater

You ought to be. 99.9% of artists who do the kind of art you hate on spend their whole lives living hand to mouth. Its not as if all you have to do is shit on paper, trot it downtown to a gallery, and they give you your check. For lots of artists, life is dumpster diving, house painting, teaching, et cetera. Gallery Owners are the ones who fuck artists out of their work, and sell it to rich white people who need to feel cultured. The unfortunate part is that in that 99.9 percent, are the people who 100 years from now are going to be considered geniuses, the most important people of their age.:p
Well at least we were able to make 10 pgs before the first "my five-year-old could do that" comment. :\
not sure if this falls into the category of "modern art" but....


....keith haring ftw!