• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Travel The MEGA Travel Thread!

Fitness can have an adverse altitude consequence because you are able to rush more. We took a couple of side treks before doing the high pass. Ice lake and back brought us to the mid 4000's. That prepared us for tilicho lake base camp. We then hit tilicho lake at 5000m and came back down in order to prepare for thorong la, where at 5416m none of us had any problems. Except for the cold and exhaustion from getting to those places.

Later on the way to gokyo/kaka patthar/Everest base camp there are two places which are ordinarily acclimitisation double days, but we're hoping to ride the toleterance we built in Annapurna to skip them. Will be weary of any symptoms anyway.

Namaste from pokhara. Machhapuchhre peak is right in front of me as I type this. :D

Do you hike with a pack? If so how much weight?

I remember when I did forester, which is 13.2k feet (approximately 3k meters or so). I was getting lightheaded. Now bear in mind I woke up in my own bed the night before and had been living at about 200 feet elevation, but still, I can imagin hiking at over 5k meters would be quite tiring.

Your proximity to Kings Canyon, Sequoia, and Yosemite NP totally make up for living that far into the central valley, Care. I'm jealous.
Gorgeous pictures.

Some things about teh valley suck (bad air, super conservative mentality, widespread poverty ect) but overall it really not that bad. I live in a really nice suburb that avoids a lot of the problems associated with living in the valley. Its true that the city itself is pretty boring, but being 90 minutes from a ski resort and 2 national parks with a low cost of living makes it not so bad. The heat doesnt bother me at all, and its actually really nice for the most part the rest of the year. Ideally I want to move to the bay area eventually but things have been going well at my job recently and unless I find a comparable position elsewhere I cant justify moving. Plus, its home, everyone i know lives here.

I was going to go backpacking again this weekend but

a) a storm just dumped snow all over the sierras
b) the parks are closed

oh well, might be done for the year.
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My pack varies around 14-15kgs depending on water left.

Dang L2R that is a straight brass tax cut to the shit mustache! Those pics are also pretty bad ass. Looks cold!
Whats with all the tacky looking piles of shit and flags around the sign?
There are prayer flags all over most areas of significance and tops of most hills and mountains in Nepal.

Yes it was quite cold up there. The trek goes quickly to there from being drenched in sweat in lower rainforests.
Whats with all the tacky looking piles of shit and flags around the sign?

Tacky? doubt it. Inspiring maybe, awesome photo ops definitely. Surely jokes though cause they're pretty common in Norcal, hippies love em.

They're Buddhist prayer flags , common throughout Northern India, Tibet and Nepal. The idea is that each flag is printed with a mantra and symbol and when the flag waves in the wind the prayers are carried off.

Sweet shots+stache, looks like you got some clear weather too, nice!!
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Tacky? doubt it. Inspiring maybe, awesome photo ops definitely. Surely jokes though cause they're pretty common in Norcal, hippies love em.

They're Buddhist prayer flags , common throughout Northern India, Tibet and Nepal. The idea is that each flag is printed with a mantra and symbol and when the flag waves in the wind the prayers are carried off.

Sweet shots+stache, looks like you got some clear weather too, nice!!

Ive hiked in most regions of norcal and the only man made thing that is common on hiking trails that i've seen are piles of stacked rocks to mark the trail.

Personally, i'd rather not see a pile of frozen laundry at the top of a pass.
^I mean in homes, hanging outside peoples houses and shit. They're prob the most popular souvenir from these regions.
my legs are tired! wish i had a camera to share the adventure with you guys. no bear this time, but still beautiful.
After four days in pokhara and a week in kathmandu, my back hasn't improved. I'll have to content myself with only the Annapurna circuit this trip. No Everest region at all. Going home tonight.

Expect pics in the coming week.
Backeotomy, L2R?

I need to see these pics.

Blood Mountain
Appalachian Trail

I turned around to pack my bag for 5 minutes. I looked back out and such a gnarly fog had rolled in, you couldn't see anything. I'm glad I got a few shots before.

Totally dorked out and took pictures through my binoculars!
Nice, poopie. Hey, don't I have you on fb? A hell of a lot of pics up there already. Couple vids too.

Cheers, care. It was. The circuit was exactly as described, and still exceeded all expectations.

I missed some of the biggest, but the trip was far from a waste. The circuit alone was very much worth it. VERY much recommended, and soon. It is getting spoiled by the road. Do it sooner rather than later.

P.s. Picked up the cheap OTC codeine in Nepal, and my muscle pain has been replaced with a muscle itch. My finger can't dig deep enough to scratch it...., arrgh.

P.p.s. It's now 7:13am at Guangzhou airport (china), and I've only ordered a scotch (they're quite large here). It makes sense to me.
I need to get the fuck out of Florida a lot more often. There are only so many shots of the beach/sunrise that you can take before it gets old. There are zero hills/mountains around here. I get excited when I walk up the handicap ramp next to the stairs.

Gotta go west for the real mountains.

No offense to our resident easterners.
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