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The Mega Merged Drug Busts Thread

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lol, so that's what, $200,000 per kilo to get to half a billion? LO fucking L. And if that's really auc product being grabbed in colombia, damn, I'm sure there'll be some violent fallout :\
I wonder if you can fill a swimmin pool with 15 tons =D . That would be crazy.
No fooling. Cops seize $22 million of cocaine
Sam Wood
Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia police last night seized more than 600 pounds of cocaine during an April Fool's Day raid, authorities said.

A press conference is scheduled for 3 p.m. today to announce the bust which captured 300 kilograms of coke with a street value of over $22 million, police said.

The tv news showed parts of the press conference. They said it was worth $28 million and it was the largest coke seizure ever for Philly. They also found a gun and a few hundred grand.
Police said they believe the four men arrested Thursday ran a pot-growing ring that, with 700 mature plants, could have produced $14 million a year in profits.

On average, each plant produces one pound of street-ready marijuana a month, which sells for about $5,000

Ahahahahaha! Yeah i love those indoor plants that produce a pound each, something tells me this grow ring would be growing clones in a residential housing area, and even if you are a pro and use the best equipment, you are looking at maybe 2 oz per plant, definitely not a freaking pound. I would say 1oz per plant in a decent indoor clone grow would be a realistic average. Aah, you have to love inflated drug prices that make the cops and feds look good! No actually you don't gotta love it, fuck them, lying to the people and using the media to spread their lies! o.k, rant finished.
Man faces prison time for selling 100,000 ecstasy pills

2008 Deseret News Publishing Company
Friday, April 25, 2008 1:11 a.m. MDT

A Murray man convicted of selling more than 100,000 tablets of the club drug ecstasy has been sentenced to serve 13 years in federal prison.

Long Bao Ngo, 32, declined to say anything to the court before a federal judge imposed his sentence on one count of drug distribution.

Ngo was charged with selling the drug MDMA, known on the street as ecstasy, between 2001 and 2006.

In accepting a plea deal last February, Ngo pleaded guilty to the drug possession charge. Federal prosecutors said the plea deal was a compromise in a case which was built on the statements of others and the fact that Ngo faced an even higher sentence if he took it to trial and was convicted by a jury.

U.S. District Judge Ted Stewart also granted Ngo's request for in-prison drug treatment.

AfterGlow said:
2008 Deseret News Publishing Company
Friday, April 25, 2008 1:11 a.m. MDT

A Murray man convicted of selling more than 100,000 tablets of the club drug ecstasy has been sentenced to serve 13 years in federal prison.

Long Bao Ngo, 32, declined to say anything to the court before a federal judge imposed his sentence on one count of drug distribution.

Ngo was charged with selling the drug MDMA, known on the street as ecstasy, between 2001 and 2006.

In accepting a plea deal last February, Ngo pleaded guilty to the drug possession charge. Federal prosecutors said the plea deal was a compromise in a case which was built on the statements of others and the fact that Ngo faced an even higher sentence if he took it to trial and was convicted by a jury.

U.S. District Judge Ted Stewart also granted Ngo's request for in-prison drug treatment.


^^^13 YEARS IN PRISON!!! Thats just disgusting, considering violent criminals, rapists and child molestors get less time in jail.... another life ruined in the name of the good ole "war on drugs"
ya it's pretty fuct that we view getting stoned / supplying others with highs as worse than a plethora of violent, disgusting acts :\
a little old but interesting:

Underground drugs factory found
Sunday, 30 March 2008

A massive underground drugs factory, where hundreds of cannabis plants were nurtured, has been found by police.

Eight shipping container units had been buried to contruct a labyrinth of plant-growing chambers.

The whole complex had then been covered by a layer of earth several feet thick - with just one container and a caravan left above ground in the Sussex field.

Police uncovered the site, which contained 300 plants, after a fire in the caravan at Goddards Green.

Officers are now guarding the site, which was connected to an electric generator.

It is believed the drug gang scrambled down into the underground complex through a hatch cut in the bottom of the container unit which was in a field.

Once down below, the plants were cultivated using artificial lighting and the gang members could move between the container units, which were inter-connected by ladders and hatches.

A spokesman for Sussex Police said the site appeared to have been "deliberately designed" for producing illegal drugs.

He said the operation to move and bury the cargo containers - and to arrange a large generator providing heat and light - would have been a "significant undertaking".

Cabling was found connecting the generator with the underground units at the site on land close to Leigh Water Mill Farm on Cuckfield Road, between Ansty and Hickstead.

A ladder led from the overground unit to an underground container

The spokesman said: "This is clearly the undertaking of more than one person and would have taken a period of time and numerous resources to construct."

Forensic examination of the site is still under way and a "high volume" of specialist fire and police officers have been involved in making the site safe, he added.

He said there have been two suspected arson incidents at the site in the past month, and work is under way to find if they are linked to the factory.

No-one has been arrested, but police are hoping witnesses who may have seen unusual activity will come forward.

Officers also want to speak to professionals who may have been involved in the supply of materials unknowingly


http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/north_east/7367598.stm (crack bust)
45kg of ecstasy powder seized

May 20, 2008 10:53am

POLICE and customs have seized 45kg of powdered ecstasy which investigators say would have made more than 150,000 tablets.

The seizure, from a house in Perth, is the largest of MDMA in Western Australia.

Authorities raided a house yesterday in east suburban Lockridge where an organised crime syndicate was setting up a $4.7 million drug lab to process the powdered ecstasy into tablets, police alleged.

The syndicate would have manufactured and supplied more than 150,000 ecstasy tablets, they said.

"Syndicate members were closely monitored and investigators believe the drug lab was being set up to distribute ecstasy tablets across Australia," police and Australian customs said.

Three men were arrested at the Lockridge house.

A 58-year-old Sydney man and a 31-year-old Melbourne man will appear in Perth Magistrates Court today charged with importing and attempting to possess a commercial quantity of MDMA.

A 39-year-old man from Queensland has been charged with attempting to possess a commercial quantity of MDMA and will also appear today.

The operation involved the Australian Federal Police (AFP), WA Police, the Australian Crime Commission and the customs service.

Houses were also searched in the Perth suburbs of Armadale and Balga, and at Randwick in Sydney and Thomastown in Melbourne.

AFP Perth manager Jamie Strauss said the arrests highlighted the co-operation between state, federal and overseas law enforcement in fighting international drug smuggling.

"This is a very significant seizure, not just for Western Australia but for Australia, saving the community $13 million in associated health and social costs," Mr Strauss said.


:( I live in Perth too

Just noticed it was posted in the Australian Drug Discussion also. Oops
lol at first I thought "Why didn't he post the whole article?"
Please keep articles like the above in this thread. They don't need their own thread, as they most likely won't generate any worthwhile discussion. Thanks.
^^^word. 637 hits for 90,000ish people? Not a bust at at.

$11,000 bucks for 637 hits? 17 dollars a hit?:!
Honduran, US coast guards seize 4.6 tonnes of cocaine

TEGUCIGALPA (AFP) — US and Honduran Coast Guard patrol boats Saturday seized 4.6 tonnes of cocaine stowed aboard a Honduran-flagged vessel in the Caribbean Sea north of Honduras, said the Honduran commander of the maritime raid.

The cocaine shipment apparently originated from Colombia and the seizure dealt "a harsh blow to drug trafficking" operations in the region, said Captain Juan Pablo Rodriguez.

He said six people, including the ship's captain, were arrested during the joint operation.

"The final destination of this drug is always consumer countries north of us. We're just serve as a bridge, or maritime route over which the drugs are carried," Rodriguez said.

The seizure was carried out under a drug fighting cooperation agreement that call for joint US-Honduran patrols of the Caribbean Sea.

Its crazy reading about all these fuckin huge busts, and realizing its not even a drop in the bucket...
to put it in perspective, I believe *total* intercepted drugs are about 1% of what actually goes through, so yeah, it's not even a friggin drop.
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