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The MDxx Discussion Thread Number 2

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"The MDMA Discussion Thread v2.0: Omg man you're like the nicest person I know"

The title should have some sort of MDMA induced rambling.
Not too sure, but Seroquel helps kill an MDxx roll, don't know if its safe though.

Personally when I have taken too much, I generally just sit back and wait it out, when you try and fight the roll it just smacks you harder. Last weekend I went over the top with taking pills (Quadruple dunked the Pink Playboys, not recommended it, but I had a few drinks and was dared, not real good HR at all) and it felt like I was smacked in the face with a fry pan, blanked memory, jaw rattling away off its nut, seeing and hearing things, lucky we were just at a mates house during the day, so I just listened to the tunes they were mixing up while staring at the clouds for a good 3 hours. Clouds were morphing and changing shapes like a mofo.

this sit back and wait method gives me goose bumps thinking about it, i once took a very big dose of a lsd, and it was that bad that i had to go lay down on my bed for a few hours to try beat it, WOW it was a battle....

although mdma isnt as intense as this i wouldnt want to be in that situation.
this sit back and wait method gives me goose bumps thinking about it, i once took a very big dose of a lsd, and it was that bad that i had to go lay down on my bed for a few hours to try beat it, WOW it was a battle....

although mdma isnt as intense as this i wouldnt want to be in that situation.

I'm sure it's nothing like LSD, but you think you're gonna be munted for days, and it feels like you've been rolling for hours, only when you come down you realise it's only been 4-5 hours.
I'm sure it's nothing like LSD, but you think you're gonna be munted for days, and it feels like you've been rolling for hours, only when you come down you realise it's only been 4-5 hours.

Have any memory fuck-up moments?
To you guys with Molly, how do you measure your dosage? mg scales?

Got some molly for the first time the other day and consumed last night. Only thing was, I don't have scales.

What I did was divide “X”mg of powder that I bought by 100mg giving “Y” amount of dosages. Then I divided the amount X in to Y number of even piles by eye.

Assumptions: that the amount X which I purchased was accurate, and that the purity is 100%.

I figured this would be a reasonable way to control dosage as it's unlikely that I would have been sold an amount greater than X, or that it would actually be 100% pure.

First dosage felt like what I would describe as a medium strength pill. Had another dose (I had put them in to gel caps) a bit after the first one started having effect, it then felt like a very strong clean pill. (I have 10 years of pill consumption experience now, fark getting old!)

My other question is to Perth people, where do you all go to take MDMA these days?
Last few times I have felt like the odd one out at a club or festival with everyone looking at me gurning with either envy or disgust or both. 90% of people are not getting any MDMA by the looks of the crowd and it’s just not the same vibe / atmosphere that it used to be.
Small gatherings at a house is optimal, everyone on the same wavelength, your music of choice, comfort ect ect

You should buy scales if dealing with powder/crystal as you may be experienced, but what if you dose someone else way too much, it is very easy to fuck up eyeballed doses.
You can use normal scales 0.1g ones if thats the one u have. You could always just divide it into 2 piles or 4 and can roughly eyeball the dosage if you dont have a mg scale. MDMA isnt really as potent per dose like some other substances where a mg scales is a must.
To you guys with Molly, how do you measure your dosage? mg scales?

Got some molly for the first time the other day and consumed last night. Only thing was, I don't have scales.

What I did was divide “X”mg of powder that I bought by 100mg giving “Y” amount of dosages. Then I divided the amount X in to Y number of even piles by eye.

Assumptions: that the amount X which I purchased was accurate, and that the purity is 100%.

I figured this would be a reasonable way to control dosage as it's unlikely that I would have been sold an amount greater than X, or that it would actually be 100% pure.

First dosage felt like what I would describe as a medium strength pill. Had another dose (I had put them in to gel caps) a bit after the first one started having effect, it then felt like a very strong clean pill. (I have 10 years of pill consumption experience now, fark getting old!)

My other question is to Perth people, where do you all go to take MDMA these days?
Last few times I have felt like the odd one out at a club or festival with everyone looking at me gurning with either envy or disgust or both. 90% of people are not getting any MDMA by the looks of the crowd and it’s just not the same vibe / atmosphere that it used to be.

Like everyone else said dividing say a gram into 10 piles so you know each pile conains aprox 100mg n just go from there.But yeah your best bet is to you good mg scales when your dealing with crystals n powder.I like to take MDMA at music festivals then chill out with a small group in a hotel room snortin K or at a small house party so everyone is on the same level :)
run ebay for some scales, can get jewlers scales 0.000g's for 20bucks, might not be the best or anything but close enough
Well i got bored on sataday in the early hours of the moring n decided i would give plugging a go.The first one i didnt do so well n was more like a ennema,I put 100mg in a bit too much water n squirted up me bum.layed on my bed for 10 mins or so n was amazed at the time of onset and the strength of the rush!As soon as the effects began i couldnt handle being by my self so i talked my mate into comming over over MSN.
Well my mate rocked up n he racked some lines in the kitchen while i went to my room n did my thing with 120mg this time and was very VERYYYY enjoyable.About another 1.5 hours passed and i plugged another 120mg waited 5 mins let my mate back in the room then ended up on webcam to another BL'er n have neveerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr been so off guts from MDMA that rush was just to dieeeee for :D
Absoloutly love the memory fuck up moments. Nothing funnier then breaking something, going to get the broom to clean it up, getting the laundry and being "the fuck am i doing in the laundry, oh good tunes in the lounge room" and head out without ever grabing a broom, only to see the mess again, and head back on your broom mission.

Not that that's happened ;) Makes for good laughs.
A big group of mates went to Shore Thing once and had a big group shelf (I'm talking 20+ guys and girls in a group in the middle of the festival) while wearing shirts & singlets that said "SHELVING IS A SHORE THING"
Heard stories about a couple of the lads in our area who abuse the fuck out of MDMA. One guy had 10 in one hit, apparently he was rolling around the floor talking in a different language, it was jibberish, and then started smacking his head on the wall. Shits messed up.
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