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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

Hi all.
I tried Lyreca in my friends house one night and it was a great feeling. I am a recovering alcoholic and would pick 600mg of these over any bottle.
How do I go about getting them from my doctor or online ? I currently take mitrazapene on prescription @ 45 mg and I wonder if I should just say to my doctor that Lyreca or pregabalin help with my depression. I just came off 225mg of venlafaxine also.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Lyrica's expensive, if you're based in the UK your GP would most likely try other meds first. I was prescribed Lyrica for neuropathic pain, but not before I'd been through 6 months of daily gabapentin, co-codamol, codeine and naproxen. I'm not sure whether Lyrica would be presribed for depression over the likes of cheaper anti-depressants.
I've never been offered Lyrica for anxiety, although I've been back and to my doctors for 5 years complaining of GAD. I mean, I even got a pack of valium thrown at me once...no mention of pregabalin. Very strange.

I'd stay away from Lyrica anyhows...unless you wanna feel like you're getting dementia :)
Hi all,

I've used this site via Google for years but just signed up for an account today. I'm 40+ y/o and safe to say I have tried most everything out there, generally multiple times... not too familiar with the newer "designer" stuff tho. Opiates have always been my weakness, and have been on benzo's since I was 14. Currently prescribed 5mg of alprazolam and 30 mg of diazepam daily. Also have plenty of Ambien IR, flexaril, seroquel, neurontin, and adderall around. I was in a car accident 7 ears ago and was left with a couple pf squashed discs and sporadic, horrible sciatica. Most recently developed carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, scheduled to see a neurologist in a couple of weeks. Was given Lyrica initially after my car accident and found no relief at all. No anything. When the carpal tunnel stuff started I was given neurontin and worked my way up to 600 mg 3x per day. It went from not helping at all to aggravating the problem to the point I couldn't hold a cup or tie my shoes. Nothing pleasant at all. Tapered off with minimal w/d.

So, here's the question I have today. I saw a commercial for lyrica earlier and where I had tuned them out in the past, today I heard the disclaimer that it had potential for abuse in patients with such a history, and recalled I had a bunch of 50's and 100's stored away. After reading the first 10 pages of this thread I decided to take 800 mg. Opened the capsules and parachuted them. That was about 45 minutes ago and no effect so far. Any suggestions on potentiators, I'm thinking of taking a couple of benadryl, but with my other supplies, wondered if any thing else may do better. I am at a time of the anniversary of the passing of my fiance, and just want to feel something other than the deep depression I've been going through the last week or so. I have about 400 mg of oxycodone, which I am saving for a particular day coming up soon. I have a huge tolerance to most everything I've tried, including op8's. I spent a couple of years IV'ing the junk, and now won't go near a needle. Just HOPING the 400mg will be enough for a nod, it will be questionable. been taking 10 mg daily of the oxy, prescribed 40mg per day, but saved up some for the special occasion.

Ok, I'm rambling. So.......Knowing the similarities to neurontin that Lyrica has. If Neurontin never did anything but hurt my joints at 1800 mg per day, do I have a chance of Lyrica producing anything pleasurable? I used to really enjoy the alprazolam feeling before tolerance went so high, now I feel nothing from it, just physically addicted. Thinking of taking a half dozen 10mg flexaril...they are sitting here in front of me...also thinking of taking maybe 100 mg of oxy, have enough I can do that without getting into my 400mg stash....though 100mg on it's own doesn't touch me. Too depressed to want to leave the house, but may be willing to go get some beer if that would make a noticeable difference. I know alcohol accentuates many other substances. I'd just love to get that old xanax feeling I used to get. Stumbling around and blacking out sounds fine to me right now. ;)

NOT, looking to overdose, don't want to hurt myself, but want to get into a different headspace. Thoughts?

EDIT: got up to go to the bathroom after posting and did feel a little wobbly, but no euphoria or other mental change. Might be time to just take a few hundred mgs of Seroquel and hit the sack for 15 hours...
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^ You should bear in mind that 1,800mg of gabapentin (Neurontin) is probably not over the threshold for recreational effects. A lot of people, myself included, would probably take 2.5-3g with little to no tolerance to get the desired effects which tend to include energy, euphoria and thoughts and actions bordering on mania. There are some issues with gabapentin that many users are unaware of as well. The bioavailability fluctuates wildly with this drug, example: I have taken 3g on a completely empty stomach (in the evening, hadn't eaten anything all day) with no tolerance and experienced zero noticeable effects. On separate attempts, 3g would have me walking down the street, singing and dancing in generally high spirits. Consuming gabapentin after a meal high in lipids, or with say, a few tablespoons of peanut butter, will leave you with a much higher bioavailability, so you see how it can be hard to judge.

Pregabalin (Lyrica) is in a lot of ways, just a more potent, efficient and thus more predictable form of gabapentin. The similarities in effects are easy to notice in my personal experience. Pregablin produces the same energy and general euphoria of gabapentin, but has a quicker onset and seems to be rather uneffected by stomach contents. According to wikipedia the bioavailability of pregabalin is listed at greater equal to 90% while gabapentin is between 40% - 90%. That's a pretty sizeable difference.

Just for reference sake, I take about 700mg of pregabalin as a recreational dose and that generally gets me where I want to be. One must be careful though, as tolerance builds remarkably fast with this drug, in much the same way gabapentin does. Breaks in between recreational doses should be observed, otherwise, diminished effects are going to be noted. Redosing in the same 24 hour period is to be discouraged as well...
Thanks Keif', feeling some more physical symptoms as time passes, a kind of lightness in my body is the best way I can think to describe it. I haven't taken anything else yet. Also, I haven't eaten a thing today except one bottle of 350 calorie ensure about 9 hours ago. I'll get a few spoon fulls of peanut butter and see if that changes things any. I do appreciate your reply.
4 tablespoons of peanut butter and one of raw honey (just for fun) and it's turned into something like a lightweight acid trip. Definitely an interesting feeling. Not quite what I was expecting, but I understand it treats everyone differently. I will certainly wait a week before trying it again, however I may get a couple more hundred mgs in me and see where that goes. spellchecker is a wonderful thing. :)

Edit: Things have become much more interesting, music is giving me visions...very much like a good healthy dose of acid, yet I can control my thoughts and actions if neeeded, like when my mother showed up unexpectedly just now. She didn't seem to notice anything going on. Short visit fortunately.
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I love lyrica the first time me and my girl both took 12- 75 mg pills a piece we both swore afterwards that we were speaking telepathically awsome buzz. Also has anyone tried shooting ambien I've done it a few times and also enjoyed this immensely
4 tablespoons of peanut butter and one of raw honey (just for fun) and it's turned into something like a lightweight acid trip. Definitely an interesting feeling. Not quite what I was expecting, but I understand it treats everyone differently. I will certainly wait a week before trying it again, however I may get a couple more hundred mgs in me and see where that goes. spellchecker is a wonderful thing. :)

Edit: Things have become much more interesting, music is giving me visions...very much like a good healthy dose of acid, yet I can control my thoughts and actions if neeeded, like when my mother showed up unexpectedly just now. She didn't seem to notice anything going on. Short visit fortunately.

Glad that worked for you brother, I never consume gabapentin without some high-fat meal some minutes prior. The difference in effect is quite remarkable, unlike any substance I've ever had. I don't really take gabapentin anymore though, as I've been on pregabalin for a couple of months now and the cross-tolerance is what I would call "complete" between the two. The thing that I find hard to understand, is that with either of these drugs, I would never be able to abuse them long enough for any kind of "dependence" to set in; the effects wane too quickly which act as a natural deterrent against abuse. Just my own experience.
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IT was quite an experience. There are still lingering effects today. Just feel a bit off kilter. But my balance is back, and I'm not having any more hallucinations. Finally took 50 mg of seroquel about 3am this morning and just woke up in my chair 11 hours later. It was certainly an interesting experience, and I imagine I'll try it again someday, but don't see it as anything I'll be doing with any regularity. It was definitely a hallucinogenic type thing, and I was walking like a drunk, knocked over a few things, but overall no damage done. I quit taking hallucinogens years ago, as I tend to end up in dark places in my mind, but this wasn't like that fortunately. All the same, I foresee it being a something I'll reserve for times when I have nothing to do for at least 24 hours, and am not expecting any interaction with anyone else. The peanut butter made a world of difference, and a bit later I ended up eating a burrito, which is something I would never do on other hallucinogens, eating, that is. I was taking both alprazolam and diazepam, throughout the evening, not out of necessity, but just thought it couldn't hurt. Thanks again Keif' for the suggestion on the peanut butter, that was definitely the key to setting things in motion.
I just took 2 Fioricet this morning, and yesterday took 600mg staggered, 300 at a time. I want to know if I should take the other six 100mg Lyrica I have...I also have suboxone, which I heard goes well with Lyrica, and klonopin. I've just heard that people takeLyrica one day and get high and then the next day they take it and feel nothing...is this just something thats different for everyone? Would the suboxone and fioricet (it has phenobarbital and caffiene) help at all? I also have gabapentin, but I heard that might block the absorbtion of Lyrica, idk, just reading comments...I just wanna know if I will feel good taking 600mg (only my 2nd time taking Lyrica) a day after taking the same dose...but like I said I also have suboxone and benzos to potentiat or synergize the Lyrica. So what should I do to get the best high? I really want to work on my music today, I was up all night working on it and promoting and working on my website thanks to the Lyrica and Fioricet, and a little suboxone. I want to repeat that experience today if possible.
Cheers for that. Gonna see if any racetams can help in the meantime.
I feel you man. I'm in 600 mg a day and I'm not acting right with my girlfriend and I'm feeling detached from emotions and sometimes saying stupid things. I have a Neurontin rx too. if I drop the lyrica, will the Neurontin hold me?
^Yep. Maybe increase the Gabapentin dose for a few days, iirc it's about a third of the strength of Lyrica. Anyone cmiiw?

I'm going on 48hrs of zero sleep here..

Then gradually lower the dose if you're trying to avoid any wd symptoms, or stabilise if it's for pain.

For once I just couldn't be fucked reading more than two posts. Lol.

So this is my first time reporting my Gabapentin experience. I've experimented with different dosages, staggering my doses, etc...

I had the most intense and enjoyable, and energetic, and productive experience yesterday.

I took 600 mg pills, broke them in half, drank them with an energy drink (Monster Iced Tea Rehab, black and red can) and had a cookie after each dose. It was a rather big, cheap store brand peanut butter/oatmeal cookie. I did this 4 times over the course of about 2 hours, and about 2-3 hours later I was feeling intense energy surge and uplift of mood. I ran home from my friends house without stopping for a breath, which is almost a mile (I can usually do this if I'm not taking other shit like when I used to take DXM all the time, or heroin, which I foolishly fucked around with for several months on and off) and came home still with a ton of energy and ended up doing around 200 pushups, about 20-30 per set. And in between I would sprint back and forth in the hallway, or just walk around the house like a caged tiger (Mike Tyson in the ring before the fight starts comes to mind) and then do more pushups, just to use this incredible surge of energy I had.
Then I sat down, after taking a couple Klonopin and a shower, and worked on music for a play I'm supposed to do the soundtrack for (and am very intimidated by, but while on this Gaba I was like "Let's do it!") and got a shitload accomplished. Then I found myself nodding off out of nowhere, realizing it was midnight, around 6 hours after having started to feel the real powerful effects of this rush. I went to bed around 12:30, when I started feeling the stronger effects around 5:30-6:30.

I slept the entire night, about a full 8 hours (which is very abnormal for me, I usually wake up 2-3 times a night and then lay in bed for 2 hours feeling like shit about my life before I get up) and I still feel that surge of energy and motivation, which is probably (most definitely) why I am writing this post.

So for all you guys who say "Gabapentin/Neurontin has NO recreational value/potential," I am here to say I've had numerous recreational experience on it, if not just overall mental, physical and cognitive improvement from rather average doses of 1800-2400mg staggered over a couple of hours, 600mg at a time.

Hope this is insightful.
I'm amazed at the sheer volume of lyrica people can take.

I'm an absolute zombie for 12-18 hours from one 25mg tablet.

Being well aware of how it affects me, I took a capsule about an hour ago to knock me out on the tail end of taking meth, feeling nicely relaxed, I think I'll be able to go have a quick ciggie and I'll be asleep in no time!
I'm amazed at the sheer volume of lyrica people can take.

I'm an absolute zombie for 12-18 hours from one 25mg tablet.

Same with gabapentin for me. People taking multiple gram doses while 100-300mg make me sedated and stupid as a rock, but somewhat happy.
Never tried Lyrica though and don't know if I even want to...
Gabapentin, I'd just sit on my couch watching hours tick by... Pregabalin gives me a little energy on doses 450-600mg, above that is blackout time.

Same with gabapentin for me. People taking multiple gram doses while 100-300mg make me sedated and stupid as a rock, but somewhat happy.
Never tried Lyrica though and don't know if I even want to...

25mg ended up pretty much taking me back to baseline and I got a 4 hour nap in, might leave it at that, as I got a mild allergic reaction after a few days last time.

My doc won't put me on Gabapentin as she thinks I'll have a reaction to it as well
A relative of mine is on Lyrica for pain. She does not realize how happy she becomes when she´s 'high'. I guess she has no idea this is used as a drug, not medicine.
This is a 65 year old person who never in her life took drugs. In other words 100% naive. Zero tolerance.
As bad as it may sound, I love calling her when she´s medicated. She´s social and fun. I think the doctor should advise her.
^really? so lyrica is worth taking eh? Maybe when i finally get my butrans approved i will try this?
Ended up taking another 50mg at 2 am, happy to report that I woke up at 7 so a decent chunk of sleep.

Taken my morning dose of targin and back to feeling pretty good