• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

The Infamous Opiate Taper and Introduction

Hey thanks for getting this moved again :)

I have a GP, but I don't want to tell her what is going on because she prescribes my morphine for my back pain and I don't want her to stop prescribing any and all pain meds to me because I really do have legitimate pain on a very regular basis. I had the option of getting into a pain clinic where they would have prescribed me loads and load more of pain meds but I turned that down because that would have taken me further down the rabbit hole.

I do have benzos at my disposal but I am afraid of that addiction, which can be terrible from what I hear. When the time comes for me to take the benzos, I'm gonna really keep them to the night time. I might have some friends who can get the other stuff on the list. Clonidine has been especially helpful to me in the past.

Yeah, I understand the taper feels fast. I don't even know what my starting dose is yet. My friend paid me some dope she owed me last night and because It was a different batch from what I have I decided to try "a little night cap." Which brought me back to the original amount of my original day one taper. I've been thinking all morning "what am I going to do if I am presented with a situation like that again?" One answer I had for myself was to cook it up and throw it my emergency bottle, which is a bottle of stuff I don't touch unless I'm in a bind. Anyways, I won't be presented with that particular situation again---but I will be presented with the possibility to go off my taper schedule. So, ways to just say no? (you'd think I would have this after five years in sobriety!)

Today is day two and I'm still figuring out my starting dose.

I'm definitely gonna try to keep in positive thoughts! I've got a lot of really great things to live for!!!
I need help on a taper question, I have been on 10/325 percocet , 4-6 times a day for a month now, I was on Tylox 30/325 4x a day for a month before that. I have a taper plan but got cocky and when I was suppose to drop from 30 mg a day (10 mg 3 x a day) to 15 mg a day (5mg 3 x a day) I went cold turkey for 24 hrs and it got very uncomfortable. I went back this morning to the plan and began taking 5mg at a time 8hrs apart. I felt horrible until about 1 hr before the second dose of the day. I have taken the second dose and feel ok. My plan is to take the 5 mg 3x a day again Tommorow, then go to 5mg twice a day for 4 days then 1 mg once a day for 4 days then stop. Is it worth going that far or am I going to have sucky withdrawals anyway and I am just prolonging the pain?
Hey there,

I wish I could answer your questions with confidence! Also, I wish I was coming off what you're coming off of--you're a lot closer to the finish line dude so I say go for it!!!

According to the advice I've read, have you thought of coming down slower than that? Like stretching it out longer--meaning you'd stay on the 5mg 3x a day for like three days before going down to 5mg 2x a day--and then you'd do that for like 3 or four days. I've seen people wean down slowly and be successful while avoiding WD symptoms. So I know it can be done.

As far as me: I'm about to take my first dose of Day 2 which is .15 gram of H. Maybe I won't even need my lunch time dose :)

Also, I need help figuring out what to do with my nights--cuz that's when I want to use the most!
So I just did today (day two's) breakfast dose. It was supposed to be .15 but mine weighed out to .14. I felt it for sure and I think it'll last me a while. I did find myself wanting to take more right away, but I'm going to ignore that since it's just a craving and doesn't make sense. I sure do wish more people would join this thread for discussion and support! Is there someway to get this thread bumped?
Craving is a huge foundation in addiction.. have you looked into ways people deal with cravings? When we come up with a plan to successfully overcome addiction it includes a strong support network. Most successful people have a multi faceted approach starting with a few webs and increasing to more through the first year and then possibly falling back if their situation permits.

Your doing great=D What else can you add to your support group besides BL to make even better and stronger.