Recruiting The Impact of Psychedelics on Chess Performance & The Role of Chess in Enhancing Cognitive Abilities and Emotional Regulation

Cabbanis Lifestyle

Jan 1, 2021

Examining the Intersection of Psychedelics and Chess Performance for Cognitive Enhancement and Personal Growth​


Hello people!

I am recruiting volunteers for the first stage of this research. In this phase, we are going to test the questionnaire and design a scale that is relevant for both psychedelic experience and chess performance. In order to do this, the volunteer consumes a psychedelic substance and plays a chess tournament for a minimum of one hour, or they can play a minimum of 10 games during the duration of the substance's effect. The time stamps are relevant, of course.

Before I continue explaining the scales, and methods we are going to explore in this study, I'd like to give an overview of the study from scratch. If you are interested in participating, please leave a comment or reach out to me.


Studies have already verified the efficacy of some substances as a cognitive enhancers for games such as chess. And chess has shown promise as a cognitive performance enhancer in itself. Now with the renewed energy that the relevant research groups around the world have been looking at psychedelics as a relatively safe and effective method of dealing with psychological problems that traditional methods have failed to address, there is an urgent need of coming up with reliable methods of helping people who are inexperienced with psychedelics to get a grip on the mystical experience as swiftly as possible.

At the same time, translating the emotions, insights, ephiphanies, and lessons of the psychedelic journey into normal everyday life is key to maximizing the benefits of a meaningful psychedelic experience in a long-lasting way. By observing how the psychedelic experience hinders or boosts chess performance we can have valuable insight into how we can apply the psychedelic experience in real life and transform it into tangible results while minimizing the potential adverse effects.

The idea scenario - In a perfect world, I imagine the study design like this:​

A two-part study (a) and (b):

a) Randomly assign participants to two groups: one group receiving a psychedelic substance and the other receiving a placebo or no substance. Then, evaluate chess performance measures, such as rating changes, move quality, and decision-making accuracy, before and after the psychedelic experience.
Control for variables: Consider factors like the participants; baseline chess skills, experience with psychedelics, dosage, and set and setting of the psychedelic experience.
    • Experimental vs. Control: Randomly assign participants to two groups: one group receiving a psychedelic substance and the other receiving a placebo or no substance.
    • Pre- and Post-Assessments: Evaluate chess performance measures, such as rating changes, move quality, and decision-making accuracy, before and after the psychedelic experience.
    • Control for Variables: Consider factors like participants' baseline chess skills, experience with psychedelics, dosage, and set and setting of the psychedelic experience.
  1. Objective Chess Performance Metrics:
    • Tournament Performance: Measure participants' performance in official chess tournaments pre- and post-psychedelic experience to assess changes in skill level.
    • Chess Rating Changes: Analyze any significant differences in participants' chess rating before and after the psychedelic experience, indicating improvements or declines in performance.
    • Move Quality Analysis: Use computer analysis or expert evaluation to assess the quality of participants' moves during the psychedelic experience compared to their baseline performance.
  2. Subjective Experience Reports:
    • Self-Assessment: Have participants rate their perceived improvements or changes in chess performance during and after the psychedelic experience, using a Likert scale or open-ended questions.
    • Qualitative Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews to capture participants' subjective experiences, insights, and any perceived impact on chess play, strategy, creativity, or problem-solving abilities.

b) Randomly assign participants to two groups, one group playing chess during the psychedelic experience and the other group not playing chess. Ideally double-blind.

  1. Study Procedure:
    • Pre-Session Assessments: Administer baseline questionnaires to measure participants' chess skills, cognitive abilities, emotional state, and familiarity with psychedelics.
    • Psychedelic Session: Participants consume the psychedelic substance in a controlled and safe environment.
    • Experimental Group: Participants play chess during the psychedelic experience.
    • Control Group: Participants engage in a neutral activity or receive a placebo.
    • Post-Session Assessments: Administer questionnaires to measure the impact of chess on navigating the psychedelic experience.

The study's findings can contribute to a better understanding of the synergistic effects of combining cognitive activities and altered states of consciousness, potentially opening avenues for further research and innovative interventions in various fields beyond chess and psychedelics

  • Potential Utility:
    • Therapeutic Applications: Understand how chess, as an engaging and cognitive activity, can be utilized as an adjunctive tool in psychedelic-assisted therapy for conditions such as depression, anxiety, or addiction.
    • Psychedelic Experience Optimization: Identify strategies to enhance and guide psychedelic experiences, using chess as a means of promoting positive and meaningful journeys.
    • Cognitive Enhancement: Explore the potential of combining chess and psychedelics to enhance cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and creativity in various domains.

    • Recreational and Personal Development: Offer insights for individuals interested in exploring the combination of psychedelics and chess as a recreational or personal growth practice.
  • Ideas and Relevant Conclusions:
    • Impact on Cognitive Processes: Investigate whether playing chess during a psychedelic experience enhances cognitive flexibility, problem-solving abilities, and creative thinking.
    • Emotional Regulation: Examine whether chess helps in regulating emotions, reducing anxiety or fear, and promoting a sense of calmness during the psychedelic journey.
    • Sense of Control and Grounding: Explore whether chess provides a sense of structure, control, and grounding, helping individuals navigate the potentially disorienting aspects of the psychedelic experience.
    • Connection to the Present Moment: Assess whether chess aids in maintaining presence and connectedness to the immediate experience, promoting a mindful state during the psychedelic journey.
    • Personal Growth and Integration: Investigate whether engaging in chess during a psychedelic experience contributes to personal growth, self-reflection, and the integration of insights gained during the journey.

However... This is not a perfect world.​

Since I have no degree, no funding no nothing, I am conducting this study independently. Right now I am developing a scale that is both relevant and short and simple enough that the volunteer can easily fill out the questionnaire during the psychedelic experience and even between chess games. I have analyzed the most popular scales and questionnaires for measuring chess performance, psychedelic effects and mystical experiences, etc... Most likely I need to work more on a questionnaire that works, but for now, I have this:

Here's a sample 10-item questionnaire to measure the impact of chess on helping participants navigate the psychedelic landscape:

  1. How effective was playing chess in helping you maintain a sense of grounding and stability during the psychedelic experience?
    • Not effective at all
    • ...
  2. Did playing chess help you maintain a clear and organized thought process during the psychedelic experience?
    • Not at all
    • ....
    • Very much
  3. To what extent did playing chess provide you with a sense of focus and concentration during the psychedelic experience?
    • Not at all
    • ...
    • Very much
  4. How helpful was chess in redirecting any anxious or overwhelming thoughts or feelings during the psychedelic experience?
    • Not helpful at all
    • ...
    • Extremely helpful
  5. Did playing chess assist you in staying present and connected to the immediate experience during the psychedelic journey?
    • Not at all
    • ...
    • Very much
  6. How beneficial was chess in providing a sense of structure and order amidst the psychedelic experience?
    • Not beneficial at all
    • ...
    • Extremely beneficial
  7. Did playing chess help you engage in a productive and stimulating activity during the psychedelic journey?
    • Not at all
    • ...
    • Very much
  8. To what extent did playing chess enhance your ability to navigate challenging or confusing aspects of the psychedelic experience?
    • Not at all
    • ...
    • Very much
  9. How valuable was chess in providing a sense of control and agency during the psychedelic journey?
    • Not valuable at all
    • ...
    • Extremely valuable
  10. Did playing chess contribute to a more positive and enriching overall psychedelic experience?
    • Not at all
    • ...
    • Very much

Sample of 25 Questions about Chess and Psychedelics:

  1. Perceptual Changes: a. During the chess tournament, did you experience any changes in your visual perception?
  2. Cognitive Flexibility: a. Did you find it easier to think of creative or unconventional chess moves during the tournament?
  3. Time Perception: a. How accurately were you able to estimate the passage of time during the chess tournament?
  4. Emotional State: a. How would you describe your overall emotional state during the chess tournament?
  5. Chess Strategy: a. Did you notice any changes in your ability to formulate and execute chess strategies during the tournament?
  6. Perceptual Changes: a. Did you experience any changes in your auditory perception during the chess tournament?
  7. Cognitive Flexibility: a. Were you able to see new possibilities or approaches in your chess game that you hadn't considered before?
  8. Time Perception: a. Did time seem to pass faster or slower than usual during the chess tournament?
  9. Emotional State: a. How would you describe your level of anxiety or stress during the chess tournament?
  10. Chess Strategy: a. Were you able to make more complex or sophisticated chess moves during the tournament?
  11. Perceptual Changes: a. Did you notice any changes in your tactile or bodily sensations during the chess tournament?
  12. Cognitive Flexibility: a. Were you able to think in new and unconventional ways during the chess tournament?
  13. Time Perception: a. How accurately were you able to estimate the remaining time on the chess clock during the tournament?
  14. Emotional State: a. How would you describe your overall mood during the chess tournament?
  15. Chess Strategy: a. Were you able to adapt your chess strategy based on the changing circumstances during the tournament?
  16. Perceptual Changes: a. Did you experience any changes in your sense of taste or flavor perception during the chess tournament?
  17. Cognitive Flexibility: a. Were you able to generate multiple solutions to chess problems during the tournament?
  18. Time Perception: a. Did you feel like time was moving in a non-linear or distorted manner during the chess tournament?
  19. Emotional State: a. How would you rate your level of joy or happiness during the chess tournament?
  20. Chess Strategy: a. Were you able to think several moves ahead and plan your chess moves effectively during the tournament?
  21. Perceptual Changes: a. Did you experience any changes in your sense of smell during the chess tournament?
  22. Cognitive Flexibility: a. Were you able to quickly adapt your thinking and change your approach during the chess tournament?
  23. Time Perception: a. Did time seem to stretch or compress during the chess tournament?
    • Much more compressed than usual
    • Much more stretched than usual
  24. Emotional State: a. How would you describe your level of calmness or tranquility during the chess tournament?
    • Very low
    • Very high
  25. Chess Strategy: a. Did you find it easier to come up with innovative or unconventional chess moves during the tournament?
    • Not at all
    • Very much

Now that I have these two questionnaires I am in the stage of going over them with volunteers and calibrating them for the objectives of the study. I am doing all of this alone, so if anyone is interested in helping out, I would appreciate it a lot!

Thanks for reading this far, and have a great day! If you wish to contact me readily, please join my Discord channel: or via Telegram:


Methylphenidate, modafinil, and caffeine for cognitive enhancement in chess: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial -

On the effect of chess training on scholastic achievement -
Guys, I have just made a form that can be filled out after playing at least one game after consuming the psychedelic experience. If anyone could contribute with data, it would be extremely helpful. If you fell like speaking about the experience playing high, then please post your trip report here and we can discuss it together!

Please fill out this form as soon as you finished playing your games or as soon as the trip is over. Thank you!
