The Heroin/coke Myth in E is alive and well in Miami


Dec 31, 1999
Well folks, the myth that E is cut with Heroin and Coke is alive and well here in lovely south florida. I have heard several times in the past few days that the E comes in two forms, "pure Ecstasy" and "rolls" which are the ones cut with heroin and coke. Of course the people who spouted this information have never done E before, but it is so interesting how little people truly know about it.
Just thought Id share...

alright well this isn't too embarrassing or anything.. but.. I, alas, was one of the naive.
I, too, thought that there were traces of heroine and coke in e. (thanks to Acid Burn, I was reeducated)
It's not my fault though. Seriously, e has gotten a really bad rep. You should only believe some of the things I was taught about e.
Basically, it kills you. You can go clinically depressed and rendered legally insane. There's coke, crack, heroine, and all that shit in there. You seizure. The e absorbs all of the water in your body and you die.
Yup. It's all out there. And gullible little me believed it all :):pout:
Who knows better? E should be educated! The myths suck. So I guess it's up to all those who know (of which group I am obviously not a part of) to do the teaching, right?
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
What gets me everytime is people posting what their pill know, it had mescaline, k, heroin, coke, speed, acid etc etc in it. I fail to see how these obviously advantaged people are able to literally digest and digress on the ingredients in their disco biscuits. Oh yeah, mine was DEFINITELY 85% mdma, 10% acid, and 5% pure bollocks. Puhleeease!
"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
Around here "roll" is simply a slang term for any ecstasy pill... nothing to do with heroin or cocaine.
[This message has been edited by Tora (edited 16 January 2000).]
and to think the worst part is there are kids running around comparing what their E was cut with...."Dude, mine had to have had coke in it man...I was feeling nice"
"no bro, thats the heroin they put in it..."
Dare I say that E is the most misunderstood drug in the pantheon....and the most fun!@

speaking of which, my damn hookup needs to come through for me soon, Im tired of having dreams about rolling instead of the real thing...

Oh my god Soulwatcher...I feel for ya..been there mant a!
i had a white buddah and it had brown specs the dealer i hooked from (know infinate info about drugs) said its the herion. anyone think its true
unless he charged you 50$ for the pill I highly doubt it. Heroin costs more to produce then E, why would they then put it in the E, and still charge the same price...Hell you could cut the E with lactose, or cinnamon, or anything that is cheaper then Heroin, and the brown specks could result from a lot of different fillers. Im of the opinion that dealers tell people that to make the pill seem better(placebo effect?) and to make people want to buy it more...
oh, yeah, Im really going to get sold on heroin filled E, what a GREAT mix... Why the fuck would you want to do heroin and e at the same time? Anyone whos done both those drugs can tell you it wouldnt be a pleasant mix
physically, as well as the fact as they do completely different things to your state of mind...Ive seen lots of dancing fools in clubs on smack, not.
It drives me crazy, Im sorry, but heroin is the ONE drug that can take you fastest exactly where you do not want to be, believe me, and the tragedy is that most often by the time you are in your pit of misery its impossible to ever get back to where you were b4. I'm very passionate about it, Ive seen people get very hurt because of it...shit, all you have to do is look at the total shambles musicians and actors who have gotten into it have made of their lives. Check out a picture of Dave Gahan in the mid-nineties sometime, really listen to some Depeche Mode and NIN, ponder the fact that Scott Weiland tends to get three blocks from jail b4 hes picked up with few grams again, for all his fame and fortune, think about Kurt Cobain shoving that shotgun into his mouth, see how happy you can be on heroin for yourselves.
Okay, I'll stop preaching now, sorry for ranting, but just do me a favor, if you are thinking abut it, think twice.
"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
It's alive and well here in Ohio too. All the partykids without computers or a will to educatate themselves, they all believe that most E has heroin in it (Tho I've not heard anyone say a pill was cut with coke).
I try to educate them, and I just get rolled eyes or odd looks. Whatever.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
I, too, was told that the brown specs in e were heroin, and that the more brown specs a pill had, the more heroin was in that particular pill.
So I went out to educate myself. Many lovely Bluelighters informed me that the brown specs in the bean were most likely inconsistency of traces left of MDMA or whatever variation of it -- any thoughts?
the brown specks are the result of an incomplete synthesis of mdma.
ps. i'm waiting for acidburn to arrive and correct me on some small detail or incorrect use of terminology
don't worry, i still love you