Support The General Catch-All Side Effect Thread v. Psych Meds (NSFW)

Why is everyone so fixated on not fapping? I don't get it i finally knew i was recovered when i could actually fap
I fap from time to time tho, I do semen retention because I'm in love with the benefits, I actually feel like a man and my charisma is insane on long streaks. Girls checking me out and shit, at least they did before the shots.
Well here I am, not a particularly active thread nowadays but I've been wanting to talk about this specific subject in detail so here I go. It's quite sad to see that some of Merek's posts are here, and that he's the reason for why this thread exists in the first place. Never figured out what happened to UnluckyXeplion either... 🤷‍♂️


Alright let me start by saying that before Invega, some time after undergoing puberty like most people, aside from physical changes like having a deeper voice and body hair growth, including pubic hair, I also developed the strong urge to have sex. Of course being quite young and single (which I still currently am for now, although I was in a relationship in high school), I had to release that sexual tension somehow, so of course I began to masturbate frequently. It's funny because I still remember the day I was horny as fuck and realized the overwhelming amount of pleasure I'd get from stroking my dick, and was even legit scared when I ejaculated for the first time in my life.

Long story short I continued doing it often for many years to come, (no pun intended), until the unfortunate day where I was injected with Invega arrived. Aside from the absolutely awful side effects like akathisia, anhedonhia, and severe insomnia to the point that it lasted for over 3 months, resulting in a stroke, there was one other particular set of side effects I had developed too. So like a week or so after getting injected with Invega, I decided to jack off one night before going to sleep, only to make the realization that regardless of how much I beat my dick or what I did or watched I could barely get an erection, let alone maintain it for more than a few seconds.

After furiously beating my dick for at least 5 minutes, probably closer to 10, I was finally able to maintain an erection and feel aroused long enough to have an orgasm. But I was immediately very concerned to realize I could no longer produce thick, white semen like I always could before. Instead all that came out were a few drops of clear, watery fluid. In a state of panic I decided to research if Invega could be what had caused this, and sure enough it was. By then I had felt very suicidal, hopeless, and depressed. At this point I stopped attempting to masturbate for a few weeks straight since aside from the inability to jizz I got little to no satisfaction anyways, definitely the longest I've gone without jacking off since I underwent puberty.

Eventually there were occasions where I'd attempt to masturbate again to see if I get erections more easily, and produce healthy looking semen once again. Over time I began noticing that it was becoming easier to feel aroused, and my semen was finally not only increasing in volume, but also coming out whiter and less runny each time. By this point I was finally starting to feel relieved and content that I was recovering sexually for once, since I had lost hope about ever recivering since I read about guys still suffering from antipsychotic-induced erectile dysfunction even several years after.

Fast forward to a week ago, my libido suddenly came rushing back A LOT, I once again feel a lot of pleasure from masturbating, can get random erections again pretty often, almost too often, and can maintain one for much longer as well. Not to mention my semen volume is basically back to normal and the color and consistency of it looks basically the same as it did before. The main issue I have now is that my penis shrunk by at least a solid inch, if not an inch and a half, even when fully erect, so I'm really hoping it eventually returns to it's original size some time sooner or later. Wasn't planning on being so descriptive or detailed about my situation with Invega but I eventually said fuck it, might as well as leave my experience here for other guys to read and hopefully feel more relieved that they'll most likely recover too.
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NSFW big time, so beware.

A weird side effect that I got from Xeplion is with my digestion, more specifically, waste elimination.
Before the shots, my poop used to get out in big chunks, and I actually felt release of waste from my digestive tract, which also felt good.
Now, after the shots, my poop is coming out in small chunks infrequently, and I go to toilet once in 2 - 3 days, and it doesn't feel like I'm releasing everything like before.

Did this happen to you too?
Do you guys know why this is?
Sorry for being graphic, but this shit (no pun intended) as to be addressed.
This exact thing happened to me and I thought I was tripping. I was very constipatrd for days.
I’m on a 33 day nofap streak and I’m feeling the benefits for sure but not as good as pre invega and the full benefits don’t usually set in for me until day 50 I’ve been have PMO cravings like crazy lately I heard this is when your brain is making the most changes I haven’t given in i’m staying strong I can get rock hard erections again, since I’m on nofap I can’t tell how my semen volume is but at month 4.5 it was thick white semen and looking pretty healthy I’m sure it’s even better by now the penis shrinkage has gone away 100% and my penis is the size it was pre invega.
Fuck dude I really hope your okay I relate to every fucking thing you say and your not here to talk to me.

Just relapsed today after only 2 days of retention, and lemme tell you, the semen was thick. Was looking pretty promising for the amount of days I went without PMO.
The orgasm and the sensations I got only from looking at porn without touching were pretty intense. These sensations of looking at a naked girl after 5 days were insane, it was pleasurable without even jerking off, so I definitely feel the lust.
Boners aren't strong like they were before yet, but I actually believe in sexual recovery. Not sure about the rest tho, like anhedonia, it will probably be the last thing to improve.
I'm quite surprised to be 85% recovered sexually at month 7. It was pretty much shitty most of the months off, only recently I gained significant improvements.

I hope to be 100% recovered sexually by the time the summer comes in.
Hi man I’d like your opinion on how long you feel I will have to wait. First 1.5 months I couldn’t get hard but still fapped twice. Ya with a soft ducking dick man. What was concerning is the first time it was literally yellow cum. Couple weeks later it was clear and not very much at all. At 2 months I was able to get erect in 5-10 minutes and my cum is white again with more but definitely not what it was preinvega. I’m still at 5-10 minutes to get an erection. When will I be able to get a natural erection again? My penis size also feels like it shrank but I could be wrong.
Check my signature for invega details. Upon the last injection I felt pain in my clitoris and vagina and it really worries me. I'm afraid the loss of sensation will be permanent. Did anyone else have genital pain and recover sensitivity in their junk? I used to be very sensitive and very orgasmic. I have recovered at least some sexual function.
I got PSSD one and a half months ago from taking 10mg of Prozac and smoking a small amount of weed every day while I was on it. Eventually I got psychosis and had to quit cold turkey. This is one of the worst decisions I ever made. I was under the false impression it was safe to smoke on Prozac because other people had no problems with it. Thing is, I have NAFLD and I probably wasn't processing Prozac the best way in the first place and THC and CBD just slowed it down. I have a chronic autoimmune disease and it was the only pain relief I had. But like... I wasn't even flaring up that much when I was on Prozac, I was smoking it because I developed a true addiction to it after I was injected with invega. I'm going to smoke one more time because I'm going to go on vyvanse soon, hoping that corrects the dopamine signaling because I heard of stimulants kicking dopamine receptors back into place.

It started with complete genital anesthesia, shrunken clitoris, no lubrication, no arousal at all. Around two weeks later, I was able to masturbate again, but it wasn't satisfying AT ALL. I had very weak orgasms. My pelvic floor was completely slack. I wasn't able to have any sexual thoughts or imagined sensations with them.

I used to be perfectly sexually healthy. There's memes about nonbinary people having excellent pussy I was the kind of person those memes are about! That used to give me a lot of confidence. It's not fucking fair that Iost it, I only got to have sex once and it didn't even go the way I wanted it to. I was super sensitive and I had a high libido from being so sensitive. Like, being near a loud bass speaker made me horny. I used to orgasm really hard, I could squirt and pop toys out of my vagina. I never had problems reaching orgasm and I felt bad for the women and other AFAB people who had difficulty. Now, I need a vibrator and usually 10-15 minutes for a muted orgasm. It's slowly getting more pleasurable, but it's nothing like before. I relate to the men who lost their big dicks to this, I had the AFAB equivalent.

My clit is mostly normal now, but the head is smaller than it used to be and it doesn't get hard that often, even with a vibrator. I have more lubrication now, just enough to not need lube. I felt fully aroused only once since this started, after I smoked weed and had coffee but it only worked that way once. Now coffee just gives me a minor boost and I can have a slightly better orgasm with it. My vagina is back to its normal tightness, but it's a little less firm. I heard that it's a good sign when your genitals start looking normal again. I get brief flashes of sexual pleasure at times, and very very very weak persistent pleasure when I manage to get my clit hard. From what I've been reading, I'm making more progress than most people do in the first few months and I think that means I'm on a good trajectory. But I also heard of people stagnating after the first few months as well and that scares me.

I'm able to have sexual thoughts about my friend with benefits, and I react to porn again, just not that strongly.

Weirdly, I can still orgasm more than once a day. I do it because I have OCD and I constantly feel the need to check on my symptoms to make sure I didn't crash from something I ate. I already crashed pretty badly from taking too much vitamin D on accident and I am mostly recovered from that now.

What made this unlivable to me was losing what was left of my personality after the invega injections to Prozac. I felt nothing for weeks, nothing but anxiety and pain and regret. But yesterday, it's like a switch flipped and I could find beauty in the outdoors and I could laugh and cry when I wanted. I feel like I have no automatic emotional responses yet, I feel like I'm reacting to thing the way that I do because it's how I would have without the medications I was on. Except anger and irritation. I don't feel fear at all. I don't care about what is going on in the world when that used to consume me. I was a deeply passionate, creative, and compassionate person. Now I just feel empty most days. I have a hard time feeling connected to the people I love. At least I can feel love for them again, but it feels shallow. My ability to visualize has also been damaged. Before all this shit happened to me, I was trying really hard to actually get a job as an illustrator, something I languished in doing because I have debilitating ADHD executive dysfunction, and I couldn't make myself do anything when I wanted to.

I also suffered from extreme depersonalization/derealization and total body numbness for a week, and that has all slowly leveled off. Some of my toes went numb and two of them are completely normal now, and I have a big toe that already had some nerve damage and the numbness comes and goes on it, but mostly "goes" now. I couldn't feel my clothes, I couldn't get itchy.

I already made great strides with PSSD. I hope I'm on a good trajectory and I won't stagnate for years. I went from severe PSSD to moderate PSSD in a month and a half.

It also brought out a suppressed religious side in me and because I don't know what else to do, I started praying. Perhaps God exists and He is helping me. I made a promise that if I was cured of PSSD in under a year I would be baptized and I'm going to keep that promise. I asked God to reveal Himself to me in healing. I don't care if anyone thinks that's weird. I'm still gonna be a weird heretic who thinks the Bible is a work of man and the Christian God is only one expression of the divine. I'm not going to try to control what anyone else believes, I'm going to sit in my own corner, but I will tell people what God did for me. I'm going to be baptized in an LGBT-affirming Methodist church and attend a Unitarian Universalist church.
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I'm too early in my recovery, so I don't expect healing just yet.
It says that Clopixol depot injections last several weeks in the body, that's why they administer it every 2 - 4 weeks.
I'm only 29 days since last injection, so I have more time before I see improvements.
I'll keep this forum updated just like in my previous recovery.