• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

The Flu or still feeling withdrawal? How do you know?


Aug 10, 2022
How do you know the difference?
I'm not quite in recovery but I am trying..after a binge on oxy and then back to subs about 2 or 4mg max a day, I am still in complete hell, thought about taking one methadone that I acquired but was advised against it's use with subs being nearby(thank you guys!)
Just really not sure if I might be actually sick?? Took at home covid test came back negative I have been back onto my subs and sicker than hell since last Friday night.. so hard
Another question..with subs in my system is it ok to use a small amount of imodium or will that mess things up with the subs?
Thank you all in advance and please move if I have posted in the wrong forum.
What kind of symptoms are you having? Personally I can usually tell the difference between withdrawal and the flu. Withdrawal sickness lacks this certain taste. Mucous tastes worse when you're actually ill, and will be a different color.

TDS -> H&R
Mostly fever, chills, diarrhea(bad), insomnia but no real physical agony like RLS or back pain. I'm guessing the subs are doing most of the job but just hoping chills, stool, clammy skin disappears soon.