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Film The Expendables

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Apr 17, 2007
Anyone else just a bit excited about this film? I can't wait to see THE EXPENDABLES featuring Sly Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Steve Austin, Randy Couture and more! In one film. Crazy. I can almost smell the testosterone!!! Roll on 2010 and... BRING ON THE EXPLOSIONS!!!

Some Expendables wallpapers & pictures samples:





Expendables Youtube videos:
( Making Of )
( Expendables filming TV news )
( Stallone Working out )

I collected all Expendables medias ( Pics & Vids ) i can found in this site :
Ya know, it's so crazy that it just may work.

It's probably a good career move for all involved. The younger guys get the prestige of working with 20+ year vets like Stallone, Rourke, and Lundgren and the older guys get introduced to the younger audiences that Statham, Li, and Austin will bring.

Now I'm not a huge action movie fan. If it were just one or two of these guys, I prolly wouldn't give a fuck. But all those dudes brought together and now I'm kinda curious.

Yeah, I'll prolly go see it.
I would leave my husband and children for jason statham (and the hubby would smile and be like, yeah, awesome choice, as it is his big man crush) so anything with him is big smiles. but along with li and the other cheesy hi action heroes? this sounds like big fun.
stallone needs to lay off the hgh
hes starting to look like a goddamn sasquatch
^ lulz

I came into this thread thinking it was about expendable actors! :D
and put down the Just For Men, a man your age sly shouldnt have jet (li) black hair. ;) you see what i did there? lol

but anyway saw it this weekend and i had a blast. almost two straight hours of machoism. the old guys were great, the young guys were great too. and the violence was fantastic (in true sly stallone director style).

3 thumbs up. :)
I'm curious, os there really even a plot to the movie? Or is it just a couple hours of testosterone driven action?
"The film is about a group of elite mercenaries is tasked with a mission to overthrow a South American dictator. When their informant is arrested in the process due to the team leader's initial denial, the team eventually decides to gain redemption by completing the mission"
there is a slight plot. but its really better if you just watch expecting gratuitous violence and mayhem.

i <3 jason statham
I was entertained for the whole film. There is a plot, but yeah it's mostly action, guns, blood, your usual 80's action film type.

If you don't enjoy films like Rambo, you will not like it. I happen to love Rambo, and this film was pretty much what I expected. And as I'm sure the general bluelight crowd will shit on this movie, because it's not some artsy drug addicted plot (see R.F.A.D), I say this film is a nice change from th same old same old we've been getting for years. I can't remember the last true bad ass action film that was actually good to come out to the big screen.

3 stars out of 5
I was entertained for the whole film. There is a plot, but yeah it's mostly action, guns, blood, your usual 80's action film type.

If you don't enjoy films like Rambo, you will not like it. I happen to love Rambo, and this film was pretty much what I expected. And as I'm sure the general bluelight crowd will shit on this movie, because it's not some artsy drug addicted plot (see R.F.A.D), I say this film is a nice change from th same old same old we've been getting for years. I can't remember the last true bad ass action film that was actually good to come out to the big screen.

3 stars out of 5

Pretty accurate review. just finished watching it. i enjoyed it.
Just saw this a couple of nights ago.

My opinion is that its quality is solely determined by how you want to approach it. If you want to see it as a straight-up, serious action movie, then it's unbelievably awful. If, however, you want to see it as a tongue-in-cheek send-up of action movies--a movie about movies--then it really is enjoyable, though it falls just short of good in my book.
This movie was extremely funny. I don't know how else to interpret it but as a comedy given the roles of the cast and how they're played. It felt a little bit like I was watching one full length live-action version of The Simpsons' "McBain" 80s action movie parodies. It's best watched cavalierly.
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