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The entheogenic effects of kava

burn out

Nov 11, 2006
A lot of people think kava is just a sedative herb and if you are not a very spiritual person, that might be all it is to you. But that's not all it is to the pacific islanders who claim that they use it to communicate with the spirits of their ancestors and for meditation and religious purposes.

I was inspired to write this post because I would like to bring more awareness to this amazing plant, into the modern psychedelic culture which in my opinion is currently overly occupied with substances like LSD, mushrooms, RCs, etc. Not that there is anything wrong with those, mushrooms to me are the most divine substance on earth. But I just want to point out that there are other things out there, over things which can be very powerful also. Kava is one such thing.

The kava is very different from your typical acid/mushroom trip. It is extremely gentle, the most gentle of all teacher plants. It doesn't break open the walls in your mind or slay your ego the way mushrooms can. It mainly relaxes you, but while leaving your mind very clear. Because of this, people who are not spiritual already, probably won't find kava particularly spiritual. The same mental blocks they have in place while sober, will remain in place on kava and kava is not forceful enough to break through them, at least not with a lot of co-operation on your part.

But for people who have already broken down those walls, perhaps through other psychedelics, are and a result are willing to listen to lessons a plant wants to teach them, even if it means going through some discomfort, then kava has the potential be so much more.

What it does:

Kava is quite aptly known as the plant of peace. It relaxes the body and mind similarly to alcohol but unlike alcohol or opium, clarity of mind is not lost. This actually leaves you in a very introspective state. Kava points the way toward mental and emotional peace, while allowing you to look at all the aspects of your psychology that block you from feeling peaceful normally. In addition, it greatly numbs emotional and physical pain while providing a feeling of positive energy/mood lift. This creates a feeling of safety or security (it's the liquid courage effect observed with alcohol basically) which gives you the incentive to actually look at the parts of yourself that you are normally afraid to look at. If you are willing to pay attention, this plant actually teaches your body and mind how to relax and attain peace.

Why is this so valuable? Because it points the way to the goal. THe attainment of peace is the goal of spiritual practice. While mushrooms and LSD are far superior when it comes to breaking down blocks and revealing vast amounts of information about how life works, they don't necessarily point the way to the goal. They are more like amusement park rides that show you endless possibilities, but you must choose which possibilities to pursue. Kava on the other hand says, why worry about all those possibilities that do not lead to peace of mind? What if instead, you just focus in on what it means to be peaceful and let everything else take care of itself?

For me kava has been an invaluable addition to my entheogenic arsenal, because it works as a sort of rudder pointing me towards land while I swim through the sees of my psychedelic revelations.

It is a wonderful and far healthier replacement for alcohol ( I rarely ever desire alcohol anymore because I prefer kava) and a good all around recreational and pain killing substance also. You can take it after work simply to relieve sore muscles. It doesn't have to be a big religious experience. But it can be. and that makes it versatile in a way that mushrooms and LSD are not. Whenever I take a strong dose of mushrooms, I have to be prepared for the fact that I might meet God. I might not, but I wouldn't just casually munch on mushrooms to relieve sore muscles, that's for sure.

Kava is also a great social drink, because it relaxes you and lowers inhibitions like alcohol but it doesn't make you say or do stupid things you might regret the following day. Great for recovering alcoholics.

Anyway, like most herbs kava can take some time and effort to get to know. I am not saying if you get some kava and drink it you will instantly start communicating with Archangels. But the pacific islanders say that kava connects them to the realm of the gods and if you are willing to put in the time and effort to get to know the spirit of this plant, I can affirm that this is true. Smoking cannabis on kava can also greatly enhance the spiritual effects.

So there is my advertisement for kava, the forgotten entheogen.
Nice appraisal. I've only gotten interesting effects from kava on only 2 occaisions out of perhaps 15. I only got effects each time by consuming really large amounts; I ended up vomiting which has deterred me from doing it again- in truth, I completely forgot that it existed. That taste!! :| :!

But, the effects on those 2 occaisions were really nice. Very relaxed ala GHB but with a motivated push. I felt extremely horny, found myself fantasising about all sorts of wild and unusual things. Couldn't really perform very well but didn't especially want to; the mindshow was satisfying enough.

I might have to try some again though, of course, it is basically illegal in Australia. :\
I agree with burn out: Kava is a wonderful plant.

Apart from all that he has already written, I want to highlight how good kava is to improve you methoxetamine trips. Kava can increase the euphoria, the clarity and the mystic of those trips. Anyone who likes methoxetamine ought to give a try to drink a pint of freshly prepared kava one hour before consuming the mxe.
The best moments of my life happened after such combination
After reading y'all's comments I will definitely be trying it. What's the best way of doing so? Going to a kava bar or ordering myself online?
I've heard the paste is the way to go but don't have much experience with it. i think there are forums around specifically for kava if your interested. i would imagine ordering your own is the way to go.

went to a kava bar in my town and they sold me like a 9 dollar brew. tasted absolutely disgusting and i can usually handle bad tasting intoxicants. kinda made me feel sick and wasn't all that great for me. also could add kratom to it (17 bucks!) . enojyed kava a few times when I was younger but not super impressed overall.
I've heard that kava bars are ridiculously expensive. A shame, because I think a kava bar is exactly the type of place I would like to go hang out and probably meet like minded people (not a big fan of alcohol bars). I actually thought about trying to open a kava bar myself at one point, but I just don't like the business model of charging that much for it I consider kava to be overly expensive as it is, and I can't imagine paying more for it than I do now, let alone 4-5 times that much.

To get kava, I recommend visiting the kava forum (google it) and looking at vendor reviews.
^How do you prep it? I used various methods, from the tea-bag/stocking to essentially consuming a thick blended soup of kava. The soup worked well in effects, made me puke because I was basically drinking the plant itself. Any other method was shite and ineffective.
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I had powdered root bark. I put coconut milk, homogenized milk olive oil, and lots of kava powder.

It was extremely gritty, tasted like spicy dirty, and made my mouth extremely numb. Extremely relaxing and enjoyable experience.
to me, its effects are very similar to alcohol, but without the negatives:
it relax you, uplifts you and makes you friendly in a very similar way alcohol does. but without hangover and alcohol health related problems -it's amazing if you like getting drunk

except for the flavour, of course -i'm sure that's the only reason why people prefer alcohol; kava taste horrid. is a truly disgusting flavour. What i do is to gulp down about a pint of kava and immediately have fruit juice as a chaser, and some pickles or pieces of fruit or candy, anything that you like and have strong flavour. in this way i do not really taste it.

When working as a night concierge i used kava twice every 6 days to sleep during the day and it was effective.

i tried different kava pills, pastes and extracts but, to me, the best (or rather, the *only* one that it is effective) is the *pure and unprocessed* dry root powder.
i blend it with water and olive oil for a few minutes and strain it with a cloth (you can buy different cheese-cloths on the internet). After trying different methods I think this is good enough.
I've never managed to get much from kava. The most I got was when I visited the local kava bar (I love where I live :)) which prepares fresh kava in the traditional way, and I had 3 little cups over the course of an hour. The effects almost every time I've done it have been so faint I was unable to definitively discern them from placebo. The time I got definitely effects, they were quite mild, but enjoyable. Granted, I was in a social setting with a bunch of people I didn't know, sitting on a bar stool, so it wasn't exactly conducive of an entheogenic experience, and I wasn't expecting one either so no effort was made on my part.

A word of warning though, kava can be quite bad for your liver if you use it too often. During a prolonged period of opiate withdrawal several years ago, I took kava around twice a day for 2 weeks straight, because it helped a tiny bit or at least gave me a little thing to occupy my mind. I suddenly, very rapidly from nothing to severe, felt extremely ill, with severe abdominal pain (it was really bad) and a paleness/yellowness of the skin (jaundice). I felt very sick. Fortunately I realized it was probably the kava and stopped, and within a day I felt better. It was pretty startling and alarming how quickly this developed, I felt quite deathly ill.

I don't mind the taste personally, it's not good per se, but it's not bad. It's spicy and very earthy, and it numbs the mouth. At the kava bar I mentioned they serve it pretty strong and concentrated, with a pineapple wedge. I really enjoy the taste when I drink it and then bite the pineapple, the sweetness offsets any bitterness.
Kava is not bad for you liver. The pacific islanders have been drinking it for thousands of years and never had a case of liver problem and some of them drink it all day every day like alcoholics. What type of kava were you using? The liver damage scare came about when people were using extracts made from parts of the plant other than the root. These parts of the plant can cause liver issues and are never used by the pacific islanders. So just make sure you only use the root and your liver should be fine. Ive never had any liver issues and Ive drunk kava daily for many months.

^How do you prep it? I used various methods, from the tea-bag/stocking to essentially consuming a thick blended soup of kava. The soup worked well in effects, made me puke because I was basically drinking the plant itself. Any other method was shite and ineffective.

I just use the strainer method. Fill a stocking with kava and kneed in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Then I do a second rinse before throwing the grounds away, so I get 2 cups from each stocking full the first one being stronger obviously.

And the taste is bad. I think the taste is one reason preventing it from catching on more in the USA. Most people are going to prefer the taste of a good beer (heck, even cheap beer) or wine over kava. Different kinds taste different and some are less peppery. Some I can drink no problem, others I have to choke down.
^See i got nothing from the tea bag method. Only good effects came from basically consuming heaps of plant matter. Which made me terribly ill.. But very high too :)
I'm going to try some micronized.....no need to do the whole put through a strainer BS.....just like toss and wash kratom

Did a lot of research over on the forum.....there are 2 types of kava, noble and two day (tudei)

The 2 day is the one that is harmful (possibly to your liver) , but there are people over there in the forum who have been daily users of the noble kava for over a decade with no I'll effects.....actuLly I've been reading a lot of stories about people who have been able to get off benzos and booze with the help of kava....so if your in that camp maybe the price isn't so bad?!?