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The eleventh commandment!!!!!

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Apr 9, 2011
Thou shalt observe thine posted speed limit around blakmike's house!

That is alll.......
Thou shalt observe thine posted speed limit around blakmike's house!

That is alll.......

OIC. You're one of those people t that yell "slow down!". Sorry bro I'm only speeding cause I'm late for work our I got drugs to get.
OIC. You're one of those people t that yell "slow down!". Sorry bro I'm only speeding cause I'm late for work our I got drugs to get.

Haha yeah if I'm going fast it's for a reason, not because I just felt like it. I've got places to be, yelling at me accomplishes nothing. In a perfect world we could all putt around aimlessly but that jut isn't productive. My first reaction when people yell slow down or give me a dirty look and motion with their hands for me to slow down is to firmly plant my right foot to the floor for 2-3 seconds just to make my statement and twist their panties even further up in a bunch when they hear my lovely flowmaster ;)

With that said there are places you don't fly through like school zones (during school hours) or anywhere else that common sense says it's unreasonable to go fast. Other than that, I will drive how I will...
if i knew where the OP lived, i would go out of my to speed and lay down rubber and blast my music just to piss him off..what the fuck is he gona do about it anyway? not a damn thing
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Know a guy that made our nieghbors mad all time loud music and peeling out all that sort all the time. After like a year of yellin one of the houses right next door to this d bag came up for sale one of the older folks in the nieghbor hood bought the house said he tried to buy it before and now he had a good reason. He just chuckled and smiled like week later the old guy put up like ten security lights on the side towards the d bags house and pointed them all in the windows of d bags house. Oh dang old people are smart and will eventually get even. The d bag goes and bust out some of the bulbs that shine on his bedroom but the next day the old guy will be down there replacing them just to make sure and keep on giving him hell. So funny
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