The Dextromethorphan "Bad Trip" - 3,270mg DXM + 750mg DMH 72 hours in hell


Nov 1, 2011
It all started with a text message.

I recently moved out to Indiana, staying with a friend of mine. It's a long story, but to sum it up, I attempted suicide. I've posted on here before about my concerns about that, and I know several of you have responded; but in the end I lost hope. But I got lucky, and I'm still here.
I lost contact with a very close friend shortly before I moved out here, about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from her, and I was getting scared; terrified really, that something bad had happened. The little bug in the back of mind kept gnawing. On and off since I moved out here, I have been texting her, calling, more and more frequently, growing more and more worried. Sunday, I got news from her brother that she had committed suicide. I had never hurt so badly in my life. It felt like all the noise in the world, everything everywhere, stopped. Silence. One of the best friends, i've ever had, gone.

I lost my mind. I have never before in my life been speechless, but no words came. Nothing.


I did what I do best. I drowned the pain. Time collapsed, and here I am at the store. Stole three bottles of Robo (354mg) and made my way back to the house.

8:00pm I downed one before I got out of the store, one before I got back to the main road.
The walk home was a blur. I got home, and I called a close friend of mine, of Hanna's, We'll call him Wobbles. He reacted, much the same, he couldn't stay on the phone. He had to go. He cried, I did too. I wandered around the house, everything was bullshit. I hated, everything. I thought about it, I really did. It hurt to know my friend was dead, but it hurt so much more to imagine how bad, how horrible it must feel to want to die, and succeed.
My friend whom I am living with returns home.

9:30pm The first wave of DXM hit, and my thoughts were flying, racing, hurting. I downed another

10:30pm I asked my friend, we'll call him M, to take me to the store. He asked why, and I said please. Please. I gave him my wallet and everything in it, I said please. We went to the store.

I stole two bottles (354mg each) and seven boxes of CCC's (480mg) as well as a hundred count bottle of generic Dimenhydrinate tablets.

11pm: We went home. I downed another bottle, and walked in circle around the house. My insides were shreds, my mind was in pieces. Everything, hurt. I called my aunt, my mom, anyone.


I couldn't imagine five minutes from now, a second from now, because the world was broken. I drank the last bottle.


I sat at the kitchen table and tore open all the boxes of pills. I punched them through the foil, I took them. Silly fucks. Repulsive red coating. Assholes selling drugs to kids. Fuck it all. I want none of it. I took them. forty, fifty, maybe. I drank the water.

It wasn't fast enough, I needed to no be, to forget, to ease this ache. Now. Immediately. Right now. I counted out the Dramamine, I took fifteen. Maybe more. Maybe alot more. But I stopped counting at fifteen. Maybe that's all I took, maybe I didn't care anymore.

I watched Hanna's favorite movie.

Oddly enough, mine too.

Donnie Darko. I blacked out halfway through. My body knew what was going to happen, and it knew I didn't care that it was happening. My body dug it's claws in, and held on. It fought.

My temperature skyrocketed, and plummeted. My heart tried to explode, it tried to stop. I couldn't stop moving, I convulsed, I shook, I chewed up my mouth, I cried, I tried to speak, and couldn't. My whole being was in agony. And through it all, the nightmares. The hallucinations, all over the walls. In my head, in my eyes, all over my skin, in my ears, nose mouth, in my life. Everywhere, was her face. Dead. I wanted to die. I begged the drugs, try harder.

My bones, my muscles, grated, stretched, tore, inside my head I screamed, I just wanted anything to stop, all of it. I closed my eyes, to hide, but the hallucinations grew worse, more vivid, torturous, people getting shot, tortured, stabbed, mutilated, howls of agony, I just wanted to be dead.

M told me I had a seizure. I can believe it. monday morning I woke, easily soaring clean over third plateau. I had no motor skills, I had no coordination, I remembered sunday, and back into hell I went. I have never been so tortured.

My boyfriend came home early from fall break, to be with me. I blacked out for most of the day, but I came to in his dorm, I cried, almost all night.
I awoke tuesday and my muscles were on fire. My bones felt like needles, and my heart felt like lead.

I called Hanna's best friend, R, and I started crying almost immediately when she answered.

I told her the news, and she broke down, screamed at me, called me a liar. She hung up.

I stopped caring about my life.


R texted me, and was furious she told me she had just called Hanna, a few seconds ago, this time, I was furious.

I demanded she give me the number. I sent that text I don't know how many times, probably until I got the reply.

I called Hanna, I heard her voice, I handed my boyfriend the phone, and fell on the floor.

Her brother played a sick joke on me, and a whole contact list full of people. A full grown man, with nothing better to do than to torture.
The sickest part is he knows her so so well, all the details he told me, they fit. Perfectly.

I wanted to throw up, I wanted to cry, but mostly, I just felt happy. Pure, clean, such a good feeling. One I have never felt so strongly in my life.


I called Hanna again, and when she answered, I couldn't talk, I started crying, and she asked me what's wrong, and I replied, "I'm just checking....I love you. Don't you ever, think of trying something like that, you know?" She laughed, and said "Love you too. I'll talk to you later"

I can't really remember the rest of the day. But, I think I can understand why it's important for me to live. Why I have to hang in there, even on the bad days, the rough ones. Because I matter. If I felt that way about one person, I can't imagine how all the people in my life would feel, should I be gone.
I'm not mad at Jordan, I think this is a lesson, I needed. And I will take it for that, a lesson.


And maybe, just maybe, it's something more.

Thanks for reading.

I'm glad that you made it through OK and that your friend is still alive. Please seek professional help for your emotional issues.
That's an incredibly high dose of both DXM and glad you made it through that experience alive!
I'm really glad you learned what you learned OP. Life is a beautiful thing :)
The triple CCCs will set your body on fire for sure! The DXM will paralyze it for sure!

Sometimes, when I was really down, I would take DXM just because I knew it would send me to hell. Your mood and desires really effect things.

DXM has often made me stop caring about MY life... but instead i start caring about ALL life, if that makes sense. So I beniefited at the end of it.

Good luck with your future. If you stop the DXM, expect hardcore depression for a week or two. But it might be worth it.
That is an incredibly fucked up joke to play on anyone. And her brother almost had YOUR suicide on his conscience... he should feel like a piece of shit. That's just my opinion.

Anyway. DXM when you're depressed is always a bad idea. For me, anyway, I've found that it increases my capacity for empathy exponentially. I basically love everyone and all my friends and boundaries go out the window and I just want everyone to be together and happy, forever... like a damn hippie or something. Ironically, this sense of empathy and closeness to others is somehow a bad mix when you have shit going down in your life, because the DXM trip makes you start thinking every horrible thought imaginable, and you have all this empathy and love for everyone, but it feels like it doesn't matter... if that makes sense... and it's agonizing. I tried drowning my emotions in DXM once too. Never again. I find opiates are a better drug for that purpose lol.

Anyways, OP, I am incredibly glad you lived through this experience and that you learned something from it! When I read the part about your friend being alive after all I was super happy for you. But at the same time it made me sick, just because after reading about what you went through because you thought she was dead... just ugh. That's awful. I can't get over how screwed up that is. The important thing though is that all is well now and everyone is okay though :) <3
Total cost:

Dislocated shoulder
Limbic Seizure
Emotional distress to no end
Short term memory is destroyed
Dyslexia (I hope, I hope, I hope it's temporary.) I can barely read, or write. I mess up everything.

It took me six hours to unlock my computer monday morning. Six hours.

Body temperature is skyrocketing, and plummeting, I am shivering, then sweating
Nightmares worse than I've ever had in my life
I can barely move, I just sleep and sleep and sleep.

I had a seizure at the peak of the trip, and basically shredded myself in panic, from all the hallucinations, and the OD.

It's hard to talk about really, so anything you want to know, ask, or, I think i'll just go back to sleep for now.

Fuck dex.
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Bad trip would what I'd hope for dosing like that.

That's serious hypertensive crisis territory, regardless of tolerance.

Count your blessings.

Fuck dex.

Dextromethorphan doesn't kill people. People kill people.

Be a little more sensible next time.

How old are you by chance?
I'm eighteen years old.

I turn nineteen in November, the twenty fourth.

I am not blaming the drug, I'm saying that as in, I don't think I can ever enjoy it in the same way as before, if at all.
You said fuck dex.

That's what that was in response too.

I'm sorry I didn't realize this was a suicide attempt I'm sorry that you had to go through what you did. I can certainly relate.

And no most likely you'll never enjoy dxm again, but there are plenty of dissociatives in the sea.
This wasn't a suicide attempt, I just panicked.

Re-reading it, I think I wasn't particularly clear; I moved out to Indiana because I was not allowed to come home, following my attempt, in August.
I was homeless, and had nowhere to go, so I moved in with my friend, out here.
I am sending this over to TDS. They will be able to help you with the darker side of this experiment.
What the ffffff. The person who "pranked" you is twisted and clearly has a messed up sense of humour.
I'm completely lost for words...
So glad your body fought on. <3 You are so lucky.
That asshole who sent you to hell and back will get his taste of Karma.
The triple Cs is probably what caused the most damage (they contain a strong dilerient dont they?) as ive only heard bad reports of triple Cs. Im happy youre alright. Most dissociative side effects are temporary (though sometimes long) and for the next week or so you might be "off". Best wishes and a speedy recovery. At least you got something positive out of the experience.
I played a similar "prank" on my now ex fiance a couple years ago when her and i went through a rough patch. Needless to say it was a dick move on my part (somehow she could always bring out the most intense hatred and rage in me).
Coricidin contains clorphiniramine maleate. Nasty, toxic crap that makes you bleed from your asshole in overdoses. Be warned.
You're an amazing write/story teller! I'm so sorry that that happened and I'm glad you can see it for the blessing in disguise that it was. Now, I think you need to write a book!!! I'd definitely read it =)
You're an amazing write/story teller! I'm so sorry that that happened and I'm glad you can see it for the blessing in disguise that it was. Now, I think you need to write a book!!! I'd definitely read it =)

Thanks; I've wanted to for a while but I feel like I haven't been around long enough to make a good work.
I really do want to though, I do.