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⫸STICKY⫷ The Delphic Oracle- Know Thyself: P&S Social Ampitheatre of Doom

ah. solubility is what you were concerned with. you know im not too bright. lol

oral is a lost cause. you have to do the liposmal and thats not worth 60 bucks for a few weeks. ive been making my own suppositories using cocoa butter. smooth as silk.

i missed you bro. <3
Nah, I actually have no idea how soluble glutathione is, but I imagine it being a tripeptide, it may be not as soluble as typical simple organic salt-type drugs like heroin, cocaine etc. I think plugging NAC might be a better choice - NAC should be more available, and less risks (while still good BA!) associated with rectal. That is if you do that. I've never done either myself, and I don't know which one I would choose. Since the limiting factor is actually cysteine, in maintaining reasonable glutathione levels that is, then I think NAC is an overall better solution, since it doesn't matter much if you ingest the peptide itself or your body makes it from the amino acids. I wouldn't know where to get glutathione itself reliably, and I think NAC is just easier to use overall. Good luck btw. I bought some NAC yesterday just out of curiosity.
Eh, it was suggested by the social mods. We were going to close it due to feeling like it had degenerated greatly and wasn't providing anything interesting anymore, but someone in social wanted it instead of closing it. I definitely wouldn't say it's a new thing, more of a strange anomaly. For the record, I found the thread inflammatory from the start, and I don't really see how it falls into philosophy or spirituality. More bigotry...

In more positive news, gonna meet vortech today, he's staying at my house a couple of nights as he passes through my town. Always cool to meet BLers. :) Has been every time so far.
I guess the idea behind it is trollish threads get sent to social for further troll-work. I'm not convinced its the best move but the thread is bonkers. There is nothing holier than the Female Human.
Alright, thanks for addressing it. If people want to expose their bigotry I don't get particularly worked up about it tbh. There's an honesty to it I can appreciate.
That thread didn't belong in P&S - maybe it could have been an appropriate topic to discuss, but the way the thread went from the start was inappropriate for P&S. I wanted to close it, but other mods thought it would be more fun to subject it to Social's dissection. I think they were right!

PS @ levels: this might be a weird question and I feel awkward asking it, but what gender do you happen to be?
Your nips transcend gender though Xorkoth. I'd be lucky to find a woman with nips like yours.
I'm male too. I think most people assume I'm female from the name (perhaps).

Has swilow been passing around my noodz?

Hahaha :D

Of course I have.
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Some have assumed that I've seen. I think when it was willow11 it seemed more feminine, swilow, to me, doesn't convey gender either way. Then again I have known you're a man for a long time now so I have confirmation bias.
My first ever PM from zophen/B9 was mega flirty. Then I clued him up :D
I'm terrible at chess. Last time I played it was probably over 10 years ago. Not that I don't like it, I'm just very bad at it! Why do you ask?

It just felt like the right question to ask back based on your gender inquiry. It'd take a long time to explain. That's about my level of chess experience. Hope you're well man, marriage and a baby. You never update us. We're curious people here.
Strange that "willow" would evoke femininity, since it's a tree. Maybe since it's a graceful tree? Or maybe because there have been TV shows where female characters are named willow?
When a Willow tree is sprouting leaves in spring the furry Catkins are called Pussy Willows. Is that a stretch?
It just felt like the right question to ask back based on your gender inquiry. It'd take a long time to explain. That's about my level of chess experience. Hope you're well man, marriage and a baby. You never update us. We're curious people here.

All is well. The little one is growing very fast! At last, the non-stop crying has stopped, and now he tries to communicate with us all the time instead. It's quite amusing to be honest. He tries so hard to say something that he often farts and starts hiccuping as a result. I was fairly uneducated in the baby business before having my own, so the learning experience has been very rewarding. It has definitely expanded my knowledge in the field of biology and evolution!

Guess it's both a good and a bad thing when your parents are scientifically-minded, haha.