• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The death of "speed stick Fresh" - Your favorite discontinued products

England. I haven't seen it in years. It got such a bad media image they had to stop it. Shame...it was like Monster for kids

Yeah, I'm definitely going to go pick some up sometime soon. Good luck finding it across the pond mate. :)
two items from my childhood that i miss;

nestle polly waffle



hazelnut roll ice cream



ohhh wow, those PB crisp things WERE good. i had totally forgot about them. I dont think i ever thought of them once in my life since the last time i had them as a lil kid until I saw it in this thread and i was just like damn, i remember those, and they were fuckin BANGIN!

Shits gettin me all nostalgia style for all the good stuff back in th day.

I hate when they put out limited edition food products and then you love them and can never get em again.
Anyone remember Nestles Butterfinger Milk?

That was my shit. I only got it in Brooklyn, and there are no pictures online. Found a couple of websites about it though, and it was definitely discontinued in the 90s.

Here is a link to prove its existence.
Hefty Serve'n Store plates. Those things were great if you didn't like to wash dishes.
This might be dumb to bring up kid shit but I know they don't make these anymore (or at least they're not the same at all):


Magic Nursery Baby

Mystery Space Ship - This thing was badass!! It was basically a gyroscope that you'd crank and it'd go all crazy on you moving all over the place. It was my dad's first.

Maybe I should make a separate thread of the toys we had as kids...
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pretty sure you can still buy that, but its so old and desiccated that when you unwrap a stick, it blows away as dust in your hand.
i remember my sister making bracelets out of fruit stripe gum wrappers on road trips.

speaking of old candy stores, i love these ufo wafers.