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The DEA Struck A Deal With Mexico's Most Notorious Drug Cartel


Nov 28, 2012
An investigation by El Universal has found that between the years 2000 and 2012, the U.S. government had an arrangement with Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed the organization to smuggle billions of dollars of drugs in exchange for information on rival cartels.
Sinaloa, led by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, supplies 80% of the drugs entering the Chicago area and has a presence in cities across the U.S.

There have long been allegations that Guzman, considered to be "the world’s most powerful drug trafficker," coordinates with American authorities.

But the El Universal investigation is the first to publish court documents that include corroborating testimony from a DEA agent and a Justice Department official.


Court Documents: http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/graficos/pdf14/guerra_secreta.pdf
This war on drugs is like something straight out of a fiction novel, only more unimaginable.
They know they cant stop it.. but in order to keep getting the funding to line their pockets they need to look like they are trying and making progress.. now they are in bed with the cartells.. legalize it and get rid of all the thugs, badge wearing and non badge wearing. How long are people going to fall for this charade? Trillion dollars, millions of lives ruined, whole countries destroyed, many tens of thousands of people dead. NO POSITIVE THINGS ACCOMPLISHED.. WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS.8(
Whoever first caught on to the idea that they could potentially demonize an entire class of valued commodities not only to subjugate and persecute various minorities and simultaneously create an industry based around prohibited goods sold on black markets largely under the control of the very same finks who claim to oppose them, was one smart mother fucker.

now they are in bed with the cartells

How can you tell the difference between the two cartels?

I bet this story won't get ANY traction in the MSM news cycle - it will just conveniently drift down the memory-hole and will only ever be mentioned by "conspiracy theorists" in the future
Working side by side with cartels. Thats a new low even for the scum bag dea. Think we all knew this was going but wow.

Legalize so this outrageous bull shit drug war can end.
They know they cant stop it.. but in order to keep getting the funding to line their pockets they need to look like they are trying and making progress.. now they are in bed with the cartells.. legalize it and get rid of all the thugs, badge wearing and non badge wearing. How long are people going to fall for this charade? Trillion dollars, millions of lives ruined, whole countries destroyed, many tens of thousands of people dead. NO POSITIVE THINGS ACCOMPLISHED.. WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS.8(

Good post as usual couldn't agree more never sick.
Que El Chapo ?

Nice Article Well found . Bloody sickening , My Ma is in Mexico atm.
planes registered to the cia flying tons of coke, enemy of my enemy is my friend....in order to keep this fantastically efficient and just plain awesome war on drugs going, the gov needsthe cartel. Really any bad guy would do, it just so happen loera guzman is a billionaire and has such a vast empire that the us gov can "fight" him for decades. So horrible what the gov does to its own people. The top policy makers who make the slithery deal must not realize that the ppl who still do the whole "d.a.r.e" thing are teaching kids how drugs are bad and our prison system is getting jammed with nonviolent drug offenders are just spitting out copious amount of bullshit. I mean they have to know by now the war on drugs is just a giant money pit that keeps the drugs crossing the borders and the dea strike teams outfitted with ammo.
So you can't sell drugs... unless they are being produced by the Guzman enterprise, then it's all fair game. Ok. This doesn't really surprise me too much to be honest, unfortunately.
The drug war reminds me of the "wars" in 1984. It's more of a concept designed to make people comfortable with oppression than an actual war.
They know they cant stop it.. but in order to keep getting the funding to line their pockets they need to look like they are trying and making progress.. now they are in bed with the cartells.. legalize it and get rid of all the thugs, badge wearing and non badge wearing. How long are people going to fall for this charade? Trillion dollars, millions of lives ruined, whole countries destroyed, many tens of thousands of people dead. NO POSITIVE THINGS ACCOMPLISHED.. WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS.8(

Money. All that funding for the war on drugs lines the pockets of many players. The war on drug itself is essential for the the prison industrial complex to make it's money. The drugs themselves fund a lot of government operations.

It's all about money and power and it's sickening.
Is this, like, a Western version of RT?

They write some interesting stuff, but I wanna know how trustworthy they are. All the articles I've seen from them have a conspiratorial slant (not to say they're untrue).

Here's the original article from El Universal:


I've long thought this to be the case. They can find Bin Laden who could have been anywhere in the entire world, yet they can't find El Chapo who they "believe to be in the Sineloa valley", something far wrong there. I was absolutely convinced after I read this article on the subject; http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/October-2013/Sinaloa-Cartel/ , pretty much covers the entire story.

It's absolutely ridiculous tbh. Busting one person for a few kg of coke giving them 10+ years while you allow another to import tonnes of coke/meth/heroin/weed into the US. It's not just about information at all, it's about money.