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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Y.O.L.O. - "You Only Love Octagons" Come back Sam!

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Ketamine is great fun.. but it reminds me a LOT of cocaine. It really is psychedelic coke, the high it gives it AMAZING, yet short lived and just has you wanting another fat K hole. I'd be careful with it haha, I know I am. I try and only use it to comedown from MDMA

See, I don't find it to addictive but I can see how easy it is to become habitual.

(Hmmm, habitual using would be addiction though.)
Ketamine is wayyyyy more dangerous and unhealthy than mdma.
^ I don't really think you could argue that.. MDMA causes complete axon degregation. Ketamine has it's own set of problems though. it's just too easy to relax and melt away with a line lol
I can say with 100% certainty that a 200mg line of ketamine puts me in a far better `mind-state` for the following week or so than a single dose of MDMA. If you totally disregard the effects whilst on the drug and just take into account the following week.
I have only done K twice. both times I was impressed with how generally fucked i was but at the same time I couldn't really understand what all the hype was about. its not particularly fun just laying in a heap with your eyes crossing every wich way.

I tore the towel rack off the wall trying to take a piss :(
It's sounds like a truly smart mans drug similar to alcohol
I tore the towel rack off the wall trying to take a piss :(

LOL sounds like classic ket-induced hijinks..

ketamine by itself isn't even that fun though to be honest. You really NEED other drugs to really get the high going.. which is why I only use it for comedowns. Just completely relaxes you after a day of rolling, perfect way to comedown. There's nothing better than being disconnected from your body after a 5 hour rager lol
that was my thoughts too. I could see it being good with the euphoria of MDMA or the visuals of LSD but by itself...meh.

I take every drug by itself first before mixing and K just didn't come around enough for further exploration. I am not a drug explorer or collctor. I find one I like and stick with it.
K for some reason always spooked me a bit too much to even consider trying.. Like its one step too far.. That's just me.. there are a lot of Substance to me that are on the other side of that one step..

What I have seen a lot of post about (on other sites for the most part) is MDMA with a small amount of GHB.. It sounds a bit intriguing .. Maybe I am nutz.. lol
^ Or both =D

2C-B + MDA and ket was AMAZING. The best roll I've ever had. Although the ketamine REALLY fucks you up lol, it's still fucking amazing as you're floored the fuck our, melting away like a slice of butter on a pile of flap jacks and surrounded by neon visuals. Amazing is the only word for it...

LSD + MDMA + K is the plan next time... damn it I know it just seems like I'm dick sizing but I love drug combos and no one uses my subthreads :p
Picked up some pink bowling balls, come next week I hope I'll be rolling balls :D

ain't they pretty?
Back in the day...if you came at me with a pill that looked like that I would throw you out of my house like a frisbee. I know they are about the best thing going in the midwest right now but blah...:p
The fact they are so ugly is what makes them so good lmao, that's like a 150-200mg pill with 100mg of MDMA in it.. with that little filler, no wonder it's so ugly!

It sucks I'm so far away from that little press, I hear they are GREAT. I got a White Bolt (MDA) that I plan to mix with them if I ever do get my hands on one. The best of America from both sides of the country! :')
The fact they are so ugly is what makes them so good lmao, that's like a 150-200mg pill with 100mg of MDMA in it.. with that little filler, no wonder it's so ugly!

It sucks I'm so far away from that little press, I hear they are GREAT. I got a White Bolt (MDA) that I plan to mix with them if I ever do get my hands on one. The best of America from both sides of the country! :')

These are very deceiving little fuckers. Its not a fancy design or giant pill, it is what it needs to be. I had a mixed reaction to the ones I had on NYE, I had to make more than I wanted to. The pills I took later on were a different press and a lot better roll than the one I had initially. If these don't do it for me its me not the press, because these have been off the charts. My friends were saying these are killer. Pill reports says the same.

Ketamine is wayyyyy more dangerous and unhealthy than mdma.

I don't know if your statement is factual or not. It does seem to feel that way for me tho'.

I have never enjoyed ketamine. Yet I've used it a handful of times. Actually, I've never had racemic ketamine, just the (S) isomer. I just never find any euphoria or fun in the extreme dissociation ketamine provides.

MDMA on the other hand. %)

etched headplate.
I just never find any euphoria or fun in the extreme dissociation ketamine provides.

Low dose is a different animal. Any maybe don't approach it with the "I'm seeking euphoria" attitude. You may get more out of it that way by letting it do its thing :)

Don't get me wrong, I have had some crazy times on ketamine (some good/some bad). It just isn't my thing. I think it could be better enjoyed maybe whilst smoking marijuana, or possibly mid-roll.

I have also stupidly IV'd Ketamine. :/


Edit: When I look at pictures of mints, I literally drool. It happens. Saliva comes out of my mouth. Literally, the pink BB/ blue BB... you can see the MDMA glisten. So pretty. Lush.
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